Mariia Chepil. Child as the Subject of Education in Sofia Rusova’s Pedagogical Legacy.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 20-24. Odessa.

Mariia Chepil,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of General Education and Early Childhood Education,
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
24, Ivan Franko Str. Drohobych, Ukraine



Emergence and subsequent transformation of pedagogical paradigms in the course of historical and pedagogical process inevitably lead to the development of new concepts of education, new models of preschools and schools. Today Sofia Rusova’s creative output is actively being implemented into the theory and practice of Ukrainian national education system. The issue of childhood is multifaceted and requires detailed studying. The paper aims to reveal S. Rusova’s pedagogical views of the child as the subject of education. The child with his/her innate inclinations, abilities and capabilities is the core of S. Rusova’s educational concepts. Every child is a product of biological and anthropological processes. Thus, the article highlights biological characteristics of childhood as well as educational tools and methods that contribute to the most efficient development of natural instincts and abilities. Personality arises through activity and develops in the society. Development and formation of an individual is a long and complex dialectical process of socialization in which he/she acquires moral and psychological qualities, learns rules and standards of conduct and public consciousness. And it is the teacher who must take responsibility, make the child loyal and search for ways of better guiding the child. The main factors in the formation and development of children are education, background, and environment. The activities of educational institutions should primarily focus on the development of personal skills and talents. Preschools and schools should become keepers of national treasures and centuries-old traditions. Teaching local culture and history brings schools closer to real-life circumstances. S. Rusova’s pedagogical ideas can become a ground for establishing innovative pedagogical theories and practice in Ukraine.


child, education, teacher, preschool, school, Sofia Rusova.




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