(2017) Science and education, 2, 121-126. Odessa.
Svitlana Romaniuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education,
Chernivtsi Yurii Fedkovych National University,
2, Kotsiubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
Natalia Bogdanets-Biloskalenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2, Tabloid-Kudryavska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is focused on the issue of using effective forms, methods and means of teaching Ukrainian in the multicultural environment of its speakers. The leading role in this process should be given to active interaction of teachers and students during oral communication based on specific situations through the dialogue, active use of language games, roleplaying, etc. The successful teaching of the mother tongue in the multicultural environment can be provided by the use of such techniques as parallel introduction of the texts of different types, comparison of popular science and artistic description of one and the same subject, description with the use of keywords, etc. Language exercises which are aimed at the development of speaking skills influence the formation of concepts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs. Their goal is to help children to learn the vocabulary of the language and to use it widely for both educational tasks and everyday communication. A teacher should observe the following pedagogical conditions in order to promote study material digestion and its mastering by students: partial assistance at a certain stage of their independent work; demonstration by a teacher of his/her own creative works, discussing them with students; support of creative abilities of children, treating them as full partners; sincerity of behavior: the ability to be gratified by students’ success, to empathize in case of their failures, to control emotions, show emotional responses to students’ creative activities, maintain their interest in the work.
Ukrainian language, English-speaking environment, multicultural society, bilingual public schools, innovative approaches to teaching Ukrainian.
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