(2017) Science and education, 2, 79-83. Odessa.
Kateryna Nekit,
PhD (law), associate professor,Department of Civil Law,
National University “Odessa Law Academy”,
23, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine
The article deals with the analysis of the current stage of legal education reforming in Ukraine. There is a discrepancy between the tasks of the reforms, set by the Bologna Process, and its objectives. In particular, there is improper understanding of the essence of student-centered concept, which results in its incorrect implementation into the educational process. Studentcentered teaching involves active participation of a student in the educational process, particularly in the process of educational content determination and assessment. Special attention in the paper is paid to the disadvantages of the current system of students’ academic achievements assessment. The project of the Concept of perfection of legal (juridical) education for specialized training of lawyers according to the European standards of higher education and the legal profession has been analyzed in the study. Some recommendations about the improvement of the reforms in the field of legal education have been suggested. In particular, there is the need for increasing students’ personal responsibility, proper planning of students’ independent work, development of adequate methods of students’ knowledge assessment, increasing the role of written essays for the formation of professional competencies of students majoring in Law.
legal education, reforming, concept of improvement of legal education, student-centered teaching, assessment.
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