(2017) Science and education, 2, 5-9. Odessa.
Nataliia Leshchii,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation,
Ushynsky University,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine
The paper deals with the analysis of the legislative framework of the system of special education in Ukraine. There is a need for the optimisation of the system of special educational institutions, which is carried out by means of implementing inclusive education, reducing the number of boarding schools and creating a new type of special institutions (training and rehabilitation centres) for children with special needs. The thing is that according to the regulations on the training and rehabilitation centre, it should be attended by children with complex psychophysiological disorders, but now there are many students studying at such centres who do not fall into this category (for example, children with cerebral palsy who have speech disorders as a secondary defect). At the same time, it will be too difficult for such children to attend inclusive classes. Moreover, the issue about the proper effect of this rehabilitation aid is disputed. Thus, there is a need for specifying a term "children with complex psychophysiological developmental disorder" (i.e. subsuming the children who have the man disorder and coexistent psychophysicological disorders into this category). Another way of solving this problem is the increase of the number of students of training and rehabilitation centres, which will make it possible to engage students attending inclusive classes, who will be able to go to rehabilitation centres and obtain efficient medical and rehabilitation service after classes.
special education, problems, challenges, prospects, improvement, Ukrainian education.
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