Natalia Chepeleva, Svitlana Rudnytska. Normative Model of Personality Discourse Self-Designing.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 105-113. Odessa.


Natalia Chepeleva,
The full member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Deputy Director of
Research Work of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
2, Pankivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Svitlana Rudnytska,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
head of Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology
of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
2, Pankivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the issue is determined by social demands for identifying ways of a personality development, aimed at self-improving, self-designing, the person responsible for his/her deeds and the destiny of the whole society, the person able to act successfully under changing conditions of the modern information society. The paper aims to characterize a normative model of discursive self-designing of a personality as an active life-creativity subject. Research methods: modeling as a method of constructing and analyzing the normative model of personality discursive self-designing, systematization, generalization and interpretation in the analysis of the content of the selected selfdesigning process stages. The result of the designed and presented normative model of personality’s discourse selfdesigning is the person’s maturity as the author of his/her own life. The model includes the following components: 1. The formation of protodesign as a state of uncertainty, a premonition of the desired future. 2. Creation of the personality prototext, based on the formation of the idea of the desired way of life. 3. Choosing a desired socio-cultural model. 4. Building a design-guide, which can be formulated in the form of a symbol, slogan, general idea, which reflects future meanings, values, “purpose of life”, strategies and general reflected ways to achieve it. 5. Pre-event designing, in the process of which a revision and overflow of possible life practices take place. 6. Eventful designing, that is, filling the pre-event design with events. 7. Building a life design on the basis of life events predictable by a personality and the generation of the story of the desired life, which contributes to the implementation of the design-guide. 8. Modeling various variants (stories) of the life design and assessment of their viability based on the analysis of one’s own personal resources and socio-cultural conditions. 9. Creating a personality design that can be interpreted as a design of changing personality characteristics based on the “versions of himself/herself” chosen by a person (personality models) necessary for the implementation of the personality design. 10. Realization of personality and life designs. 11. Assessment of the success of personality and life designs realization, which involves transformation of the self-development tasks and the formulation of new ones and, accordingly, elaboration of both life and personality designs, or refusal of further selfdesigning, further personal development.


personality self-designing, personality design, narrative, normative model of self-designing, task on sense, discursive practices, personality maturity.




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