Ivan Myshchak, Oksana Konarivska, Natalia Seysebaieva. Adjustment of the Inclusive Education Legal Insurance in Ukraine to International Norms and Standards.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 139-146. Odessa.


Ivan Myshchak,
Doctor of History, senior researcher,
Head of the Scientific and Organization Department,
Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivsky Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Oksana Konarivska,
PhD in Economics, associate professor,
Department of Tourism,
National University of Water and Environment Engineering,
229, Soborna Str., Rivne, Ukraine,
Natalia Seysebaieva,
PhD in Economics, associate professor,
Department of Finances, Banking Affairs and Insurance,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
74 Soborny Avenue, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



An analysis of the legal insurance of implementation of the inclusive education system in Ukraine has been performed in the article. Special attention is paid to the world experience, especially to recommendatory norms of the UN concerning the rights of children with special needs for education. It has been emphasized that the Standard rules of equal opportunities assurances for disabled, worked out by the UN are not an imperative norm, but recommendatory. However, most of the democratic legal states and Ukraine in particular, review these Rules as a distinct pointer, which should be followed. The peculiarities of the inclusive education at secondary educational establishments have been substantiated. The creation of the inclusion resource centres has been suggested. It has been proved that the improvement of the national legislation takes place in accordance with international norms and standards of the inclusive education legal assurance.


 inclusive education, international norms, international standards, legal assurance, human rights.




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