(2016) Science and education, 8, 37-43. Odessa.
Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Сare,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Yana Shevtsova, assistant lecturer,
Department of Correctional Education, Kherson State University,
27, Universytetska Str., Kherson, Ukraine
Implementation of the psycho-physiological paradigm in psycho-pedagogical support for children with impaired intellectual development is the relevant and perspective research area that has practical orientation at creative adaptive methods of corrective and developmental teaching of children with psychosomatic health disorders and psychophysical development deviations. Analysis of the results obtained has shown the validity of differences between the groups of children under test with different level of intellectual development in terms of the indicators of information capacity of visual gnosis. Latent time of all the types of sensorimotor reaction in mentally retarded children is significantly longer compared to healthy children and standard value range, which demonstrates diminished character of their psychomotor qualities. The time required for doing four types of tests by the procedure of sensorimotor excitement and sensorimotor precision by children of the basic group with intellectual disorders was much longer than that of healthy children from the control group. The validity of the difference of objective parameters of encephalic asymmetry index (EAI) in children with or without intelligence deviations has been discovered. This indicator of mental retardation in boys and girls equaled 16.12 ± 3.42 c.u. and 14.14 ± 2.72 c.u. while healthy children demonstrated EAI of 3.03 + 1.12 c.u. and 3.13 ± 1.08 c.u. correspondingly. The results obtained have made it possible to identify the peculiarities of disorders in psychomotor development, perceptive and cognitive qualities in case of mental retardation, which were manifested as follows: reduction of latent time of children’s sensorimotor reactions, increase of the level of sensorimotor excitement, reduction of the level of sensorimotor precision, reduction of the level of information capacity of visual gnosis, disbalance of the nervous processes and rise in encephalic asymmetry index. Implementation of appropriate methodological approaches into defectology in the course of analyzing the results of comprehensive psycho-physiological examination of primary school children with and without intelligence deviations has made it possible to identify the specificity of psychomotor functions deviations in mentally retarded children. The results of comprehensive psycho-physiological examination of primary school children with and without intelligence deviations have made it possible to develop corresponding measures for correcting disorders of psychomotor, perceptive and cognitive development in primary school children with mental retardation with account of their age and gender peculiarities and specific identifying characteristics of their psycho-physiological state and psychomotor system disorders.
psychophysiology, perceptive and cognitive functions, mentally retarded younger schoolchildren, psychomotor system.
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