(2016) Science and education, 8, 30-37. Odessa.
Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Care,
Natalia Pavlova,
post-graduate student, Department of Biology and Health Care,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The implementation of interdisciplinary and neuropsychological approaches with account of individual peculiarities of encephalic asymmetry (EA) makes it possible to determine a valid logopedic diagnosis and to develop pathogenetically targeted measures for psycho-pedagogical correction aimed at speech activity initiation in children with severe speech disorders (SSD). The concept of “neurological speech therapy” is defined by us as neurophysiological developmental mechanisms in case of SSD in terms of neuro-ontogeny pathology and speech development disorder aimed at identifying pathogenetically targeted direction of logopedic correctional intervention. Determining a valid logopedic diagnosis in case of SSD is impossible without implementing modern examination techniques into speech therapy. For this reason, specialists who conduct correctional work with children having organic lesion of the central nervous system and verbal functions disorders should consider the data concerning the peculiarities of the individual profile of EA and can be qualified as neuro-speech therapists. Neurologopedic approach to severe speech disorders diagnostics in young children provides an opportunity to abstract from negative trends of classical speech therapy, such as shift in priorities of special education teachers towards coping with phonetic and phonemic as well as lexical and grammatical disorders, which limits the range of techniques of diagnostic and therapeutic processes in speech therapy with speech impaired children of preschool age. The developed method of comprehensive neurologopedic diagnostics of severe speech disorders in preschool children includes assessment of children’s verbal status and at the same time instrumental neurophysiological examination aimed at objective evaluation of disorders of perception of acoustic signal’s sensor component. According to the proposed new method of neurologopedic diagnostics of SSD, velocity of conducting auditory information in the structures of the central nervous system in children is estimated, and in case there are three or more abnormal changes in the structure of the sensor component of speech perception and the latent time of the 4th peak of brainstem auditory evoked potential is 0.18 ms longer, severe speech disorders are diagnosed.
neuropsychology, severe speech disorders, preliminary diagnostics.
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