(2016) Science and education, 8, 112-116. Odessa.
Valentyna Nesterenko,
assistant lecturer, Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4, Svobody Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The paper presents the results of the research on physical activity influence on mental capacity of schoolchildren of Year 5. With this aim, the children from three different classes of the fifth year were under observation: 5Е1 и 5Е2 classes were taught according to meritocratic system and 5P class was taught according to the traditional system. The analysis of schoolchildren’s mental capacity has made it possible to indentify some differences in its qualitative component. Best results were demonstrated by the boys from 5Е2 class with meritocratic system of teaching. As for the qualitative component of mental capacity, better results were shown by the boys taught according to the traditional teaching system and the girls obtaining meritocratic education. Evaluation of the research results has made it possible to determine that the pupils of 5Е2 class master the curriculum better than the others: they do the tasks more efficiently compared to the pupils from 5Е1 and 5P classes. At the same time, there was almost no difference between these two classes in terms of tasks performance. In this case, the pupils of 5Е2 class seem to demonstrate successful adaptation to the middle school. The analysis of schoolchildren’s physical activity has shown that the pupils from 5P and 5Е2 classes demonstrate the high level of physical activity during the week. At the same time, 5Е1 pupils have sufficient and low level of physical activity, which results in feeling ill at the end of school- and weekend days. Thus, it can be concluded that physical activity and educational process organization have significant influence on mental capacity of middle school pupils.
learning activities, physical activity, middle school, adaptation, health, mental capacity.
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