(2016) Science and education, 8, 47-51. Odessa.
Larisa Yevtukhova,
PhD (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Zoology, Physiology and Genetics, F. Skorina Gomel State University,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus,
Anatoliy Bosenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), private professor,
Head of the Department of Biology and Health Сare,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine
In the paper, the method of electrete and thermal analysis (ETA) is described and the potential for its use by students majoring in biomedicine is substantiated. Research and methodical literature review demonstrates that the motivating factor facilitating activation of students’ individual research work is its usefulness and effectiveness. For example, examination of fellow-students’ vitally important body systems is helpful for their mastering the examination procedure as well as for appropriate analysis and interpretation of the results obtained. In this case, methods of screening diagnostics of blood, synovial fluid, urine and other bioobjects can be of interest at biomedical practical and laboratory classes. It has been proven that ETA method is informative for a number of biological objects. It provides the data on electrophysical properties of the objects under examination in the form of thermally stimulated current spectrum. Studying the fundamentals and practical application of the ETA method contributes to the improvement of students’ professional competence in biomedicine. They also have an opportunity to adopt best experience in research, which increases the effectiveness of their studies. Thus, in order to provide effective educational process when studying the subjects “Human Physiology”, “Immunology”, “Cellular and Tissue Engineering”, “Biophysics”, “Methods of Bioobjects Analysis”, “Sports Physiology”, “Biological Research Methods in Physical Culture and Sports”, it is recommended to add the ETA method to the list of traditional methods studied at biomedical subjects as long as it will improve the effectiveness of students’ practical individual work.
method of electrete and thermal analysis, educational process, students’ research work, current spectral analysis, thermally stimulated current.
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