(2016) Science and education, 5, 261-266. Odessa.
Oksana Shmygliuk,
assistant of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
It is a fact that over a long period of time Ukraine has been in a state of constant tension, frustration and uncertainty. This situation leads to significant transformations that, in particular, convinces citizens to rethink their life values and roles in the social processes occurring in the country. ATO members are directly involved in the process of changes and transformations that are taking place in Ukraine. Therefore, the scientific interest is the problem of consciousn notions about the Ukrainians and their functioning as motivational factors in the military service. The article is aimed at investigating ethnic consciousness of ATO members. In terms of this, the method of directed association experiment (AE) was used. The participants of the experiment were asked to name 10 associations to the word-stimulus “Ukrainian”. The survey was conducted anonymously, the participants indicated only their age and nationality. The procedure of processing the results of the research involved the following stages:1) the investigation of associations identified by respondents; 2) quantitative analysis of the associations; 3) content analysis of the associations on the basis of which the 10 categories were singled out; 4) quantitative analysis of the indicated categories of associations; 5) qualitative analysis of the obtained data. As a result of the research, the prevailing substantive content of the ATO members about the notion of “Ukrainian” was found. 12 most frequently used words-associations have been singled out: family, patriot, Ukraine, honest, hardworking, good, flag, anthem, home, mother, a person who loves his motherland, family man. These results may indicate that in the consciousness of servicemen, a Ukrainian is a patriot, who is characterized by such personal qualities as honesty and friendliness. The greatest value of a Ukrainian, in ATO members’ opinion, is family, mother, home, and motherland.
consciousness, self-consciousness, ethnic consciousness, individual level of ethnic consciousness, group level of ethnic consciousness, ATO member, association experiment.
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