(2016) Science and education, 5, 233-238. Odessa.
Nataliia Portnytska,
PhD (Сandidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Irina Dolinchuk,
student, Department of Social Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Transformation of social norms, values, traditions and views is happening in the modern society. It causes the changes in the system of marriage and family relations. Common-law marriage is getting more popular; it gives more personal freedom and decreases the requirements for taking responsibility for the relationship. On the other hand, conflicts in relationship are conditioned by the inconsistency of partner’s self-conception. Another problem is the lack of ways for constructive interaction. The analysis of young people’s ideas about resolving family conflicts is presented in the article. The study involved young people who had different experience of marital relations: official marriage, common-law marriage, romantic affairs, loneliness. The respondents were asked to list as many reasons for conflics and ways of their resolution as possible. The research results make it possible to describe the most common reasons for conflicts: lonely respondents list age, stress, financial difficulties, etc.; young people having romantic affairs mention dis harmony in sexual relations and gender stereotypes, bad habits, breaking private space, etc.; people having common-law marriage note the influence of secondary factors (such as horoscope, parents); officially married young people perceive the reasons of conflicts through the daily routine problems. They list the greatest number of reasons, which demonstrates their low level of interpersonal interaction culture. Unfortunately, almost nobody of the surveyed is able to resolve the conflicts. In psychological counselling, the 5-step model of N. Pezeshkian for the formation of young people’s efficient conflict resolution with the formation of skills of their resolution in everyday life, is considered to be efficient. It involves the development of skills of supporting a partner, reconsiderations of events and taking responsibility for one’s own deeds.
marital relations, common-law marriage, family conflicts, conflict processing, ways of conflict resolution.
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