(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 25-33. Odessa.
Iryna Pyvovarchyk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The paper focuses on the analysis of transformation of the ability to care about other people in training studentspsychologists at the faculty of psychology. The concept of „care‟ as an integral personal attribute of studentspsychologists which reflects their readiness for work and influences its effectiveness has been defined. The psychological content of care about other people has been analyzed. The idea of care peculiarities existing in academic literature has been discovered. The structure of this phenomenon includes the following components: emotional and volitional (person‟s feelings for people he/she cares about, his/her attitude towards the process and result of care and towards him/herself as a subject of care, conation), communicative and behavioural (acts, deeds, verbal and non-verbal behaviour directed at human welfare) and cognitive (awareness of needs, interests, aims, emotions, behaviour, relationships, value orientations of a personality or a person in general, which is manifested in knowledge that is an integral part of convictions). A complex of appropriate methods aimed at studying the above mentioned components of care about other people have been selected and substantiated; it included express-inventory “Index of Tolerance”, Diagnostics of Personal Attitude “Altruism-Egoism” and Methodology for Diagnosing the Level of Empathic Experience. In the course of empirical study with the use of the selected methods it was determined that the integrative type of the investigated components of the ability to care about other people is confirmed in the correlation study at the levels of general indices of altruism, empathy and tolerance as well as at the level of the detailed consideration of correlation relationships between separate scales which form these indices. Among the study participants, regardless of the level of their empathy, altruism and tolerance, there is a tendency for correlation of these qualities and, in our opinion, for their integration into the ability to care about other people. Having studied statistically significant changes in manifestation of the indicators characterizing one‟s ability for care, which took place in students of 1st -3 rd year of study at the faculty of psychology, it was discovered that the students‟ attitude towards other people have become more altruistic, tolerant and empathic. Despite the fact that psychologist‟s personality is the main tool of his/her work and the ability for care is one of integral personal characteristics, one of the major professionally significant qualities of a psychologist, prospects for further research involve studying the mechanisms of forming the ability to care about other people in the course of training and their implementation.
ability, care, empathy, tolerance, altruism, professionally important qualities, training, future psychologist.
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