Tetiana Sinielnikova, Nataliia Vornik. Diagnostics and Correction of Aggressiveness of Primary Schoolchildren by Fairy Tale Therapy

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 10-15. Odessa.

Tetiana Sinelnikova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Nataliia Vornik,
student, Faculty of Psychological Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the problem of aggressive behavior in primary school age and peculiarities of its correction by fairy tale therapy. The authors note that manifestations of aggressive behavior can be caused by many factors, including age, individual characteristics, ambient physical and social conditions. However, the decisive role in the formation of aggressive behavior of a person, according to most researchers, is played by his/her immediate social environment. Often the main cause of the aggressive behavior in children is rooted in reluctance of parents to understand its motives, indifference to emotional world of a child. Also, the article deals with psychological peculiarities of aggressive children. It has been noted that such children are characterized by inadequate self-esteem (it can be overstated or understated). Moreover, aggressive pupils tend to have more significant discord between their self-esteem and expected regard from peers. Also, the authors note that the defining feature of aggressive children is often their negative attitude towards peers. They consider other children as competitors, opponents, obstacles to be removed. The authors also note the effectiveness of the use of fairy tale therapy as a method to correct aggressiveness in primary school age. The research presented in the article involves several stages: the summative and formative assessment. Psycho-diagnostics of the group of primary school children reveal high level of aggression. Correctional work conducted by the authors, that engaged elements of fairy tale therapy substantially reduced the level of aggressiveness in all its parameters. The results of fairy tale therapy utilization in dealing with aggressive pupils attest therapeutic, developing, correctional and educational effect of a fairy tale. The authors also emphasize that the use of fairy tales in the process of education of children of primary school age is necessary because of the sensitivity and effectiveness of this method. Storytelling, creating and drawing own stories develop creative imagination. A variety of forms of work with fairy tales, as well as the diversity of meanings of the same tale creates favourable conditions for the development and implementation of activities in child educational institutions using techniques of fairy tales therapy. The further researches are aimed at the development of effective methods of correction by means of fairy tale therapy for different age categories.


aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, primary school age, psycho-diagnostics, fairy tale therapy.




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