Anna Hilman. Empirical Study of Students’ Sanogenic Thinking

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 5-9. Odessa.

Anna Hilman,
lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National University “Ostroh Academy”,
2, Seminarskaia Str., Ostroh, Ukraine 



The article deals with the issue of sanogenic thinking diagnostics in students. Changes in the modern society, intense scientific and technological progress result in the increase of nervous tension which frequently leads to mental and nervous disorders in young people. The style of thinking in the process of perceiving, assessing and experiencing difficult life situations sometimes affects human health, promotes or hinders the success and different kinds of relationships. The peculiarities of students’ sanogenic thinking manifestation have been revealed. The experiment involving 175 students aged from 17 to 24 was conducted during 2014-2016. The experiment has shown that the students’ dominant type of thinking is pathogenic thinking, which speaks for students’ negative emotions (fear, rage, sadness) causing tension, stresses, depressions, etc. Students with the low level of mental tolerance to stresses are prone to nervous breakdowns conditioned by physical and psychic overexertions. Mental tolerance to stresses may be caused by a number of psychological and social factors. As a result of the experiment it has been revealed that the most of the surveyed students have the trigger level of mental tolerance to stresses. Sanogenic thinking is directly dependant from personal needs for achieving success and avoiding failures, the ability to be psychologically stable under unfavorable conditions, from such character traits as respect for social standards, the desire to behave according to these standards. High stress tolerance determines sanogenic thinking. The more expressed insufficient adaptability of thinking towards changing environment is, the less expressed is sanogenic thinking helping to overcome difficult situations. 


sanogenic thinking, pathogenic thinking, reflection, rigidity, stress tolerance, mental tolerance to stresses, level of life satisfaction, psychosomatic complaints, volitional self-regulation, personality type, motivation, type of emotional reaction, anxiety, life-sense orientations, psychological well-being, students.




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