(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 156-164. Odessa.
Volodymyr Morhun,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), professor,
Department of Psychology,
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine
The article deals with the description of the developments based on the author’s multidimensional theory of personality and the examples of application of two professionally orientated methodologies (Longitudinal variant of methodology of multidimensional analysis of achievements of a participant for students by I. Volkov, modified by V. Morgun and Cross-sectional variant of the abovementioned methodology for adult participants by V. Morgun). Every person has his/her personal bests, but if they do not achieve records of a group, school, company, state or world, they are unfortunately disregarded. Such personal bests in various types of activities are very important for a person. He/she dedicates his/her free time to such personal records, students tell each other about them as well when they are talking at school during the lessons or during the school breaks. So as a rule they are considered as extra troubles, a form of misconduct, etc, but I. Volkov has decided to coordinate this kind of children’s activity in a pedagogical way. Instead of punishing children for discussing their achievements during lessons he has created the methodology of non-test professional orientation of schoolchildren where he has suggested devoting one educational hour a month inviting all the students and parents to take part. Such an easy event has great humanitarian effect: refocusing from «gifted children» (which divides students into elite and «non-gifted») to «the talents of ordinary children» (that increases self-respect of every student). At the Department of Psychology of Poltava V. G. Korolenko Pedagogical University the author has performed the modification of this methodology: firstly, he has increased and systematized the layout of the analysis of achievements according to the multidimensional theory of personality; secondly, he has substituted the huge notebook of achievements of students with their delayed analysis by the brief form of achievements with operational analysis. The author has also suggested operational cross-sectional option of participants’ survey, that can be performed by school psychologists, specialists of professional orientation, application committees, and even by a person him/herself. The adjustment of diagnostic tools of applied psychologists with the abovementioned methodologies can increase the quality of psychological support of professional self-determination of a personality during the life and as a result the quality of choice of professional education and job satisfaction.
multidimensional theory of personality, professional orientation, occupational choice, personality of a participant, methodologies of multidimensional analysis of accomplishments of a participant: longitudinal and crosssectional variants.
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