(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 149-155. Odessa.
Nadiia Myshko,
assistant of the Department of Psychology,
Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine
The relevance of this study is determined by the specificity of socio-economic and political changes taking place in Ukraine. In this regard, the profession of psychologist is getting more popular and required. Therefore, the requirements for the professional skills of a psychologist are growing, resulting in the increase of educational establishments training specialists in this field. Apart from the usual full-time and distance learning, nowadays there is a possibility of obtaining a second university degree in Psychology, which differs from usual one by the number of class hours. Psychological education becomes accessible to many people, but in spite of this, there are rather few young professionals, who are trying to find a job in this field. There have been reviewed the essential features of psychological categories of “psychological readiness” and “the psychological readiness for professional activities”. The basic researches, dealing with different aspects and the structural elements of the phenomenon of the psychological readiness for professional activities have been considered. In order to determine the level of future psychologists’ psychological readiness for professional activities there has been carried out the experiment involving 60 respondents, obtaining second university degree in Psychology. The questionnaire by L. Kabardova based on the principle of self-assessment of one’s skills and abilities, as well as one’s real emotional attitude towards the future occupation was used as a methodological tool in the experiment. The results of the study showing the decline of indicators of psychological readiness for professional activities in the sphere of “Man-Man” occupations (such as a profession of psychologist) by the end of the training have been discussed. It has been revealed that in the process of studying the index of the assessment of one’s skills accomplishment is greatly growing, but the emotional attitude towards future work decreases from positive to neutral or even negative. Besides, there is a decline of the assessment of one’s desire to make this job of the top professional priority. This indicates the unformed psychological readiness for professional activities of future psychologists, obtaining the second university degree.
psychological readiness, the structure of professional readiness, future psychologist, a second university degree.
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