Olena Kosianova. Emotional Sphere as a Basis of Polygraph Evidence

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 91-98. Odessa.

Olena Kosianova,
post-graduate student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine  



 The article presents the results of the theoretical research of emotional sphere, which is considered by the author as an integral structure personal formation, including not only dynamic properties, but also qualitative and meaningful characteristics. It has been revealed that stable emotional features in a certain degree can determine person’s fraudulent propensity. The analysis of educational states in situations connected with deceit through the examples of many researches has shown that excitement is considered to be a part of emotion, and its manifestation is a probable result of deception. It has been discovered that the work of a polygraph is based on this aspect. Besides, the following aspects, which are manifested in the polygraph evidence, have been revealed: motivational, moral and assessment, gnostic, physiological, etc. It has been justified that a polygraph is a detector of emotions, which registers and analyzes their changes in vegetative physiological functions. Along with this, the role of influencing stimuli is considered to be extremely important; and the software helps to transform all the examined parameters (breathing, blood pressure, skin and galvanic reaction, etc.) into digital data, which characterize the level of emotions manifestation. Moreover, neutral emotional properties are significant for polygraph testing because they act like indicators compared to other ones, helping to determine a certain basis for the analysis of changes in psycho-physiological indices. Today the issue of the interrelation between fraudulent propensity and stable peculiarities of the emotional sphere (such as emotional lability, emotional stability, level of empathy and personal maturity) still remains understudied and needs further examination, which is considered to be the prospects for further research.


 emotions, emotional sphere, fraudulent propensity, polygraph testing.




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