(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 83-90. Odessa.
Аnna Lisovenko,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical research aimed at revealing the level of the manifestation of narcissism in personalities, prone to envy in different degrees. It has been theoretically grounded, that envy is a stable individual property caused by the regular comparing of oneself with others not for one’s own favour, and is manifested in the passionate desire to have what the “object of comparing” has; and is characterized by specific emotions, thoughts and considerations regarding oneself and others, which is also manifested in a specific kind of behaviour. In the given study narcissism is considered as an exaggerated sense of self-worth and an intense concern of selfesteem. The following methods have been used in order to find the ratio of proneness to envy and narcissism: original test-questionnaire «Differential diagnosis of personality tendency to envy» (DIZA), the questionnaire «Social identity guidelines towards envy» by O. Sannikova, A. Lisovenko, «Narcissistic Personality Inventory: Narcissism Test (NI) by F.-W. Deneke, B. Hilgenstock (adaptation by V. Vid, N. Zalutska). The significant correlation relationships have been revealed between the different indicators of envy and narcissism. The profiles of the parameters of narcissism in the groups with the highest and lowest values of the general index of envy are considered. It has been empirically proved that personalities, who are more prone to jealousy, are characterized by painful doubts about the value of themselves and a sense of deep insecurity; the tendency to mobilize impulses of rage and revenge; by self weakness, the desire for praise and acknowledgment; the tendency to self-control loss; as well as by the lowering of the basic potential of hope. Personalities with the less manifested proneness to envy are characterized by the great increase of the general index of narcissism; self-confidence without being dependent on other people’s opinion and evaluations (including negative ones); well-developed capabilities of controlling their emotions, thoughts and behaviour; positive self-attitude; hope for the better; self-responsibility, etc.
envy, proneness to envy, narcissism, the property of the individual personality, personality.
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