Viktoriia Bilodid. Practical Recommendations on the Formation of Life Prospect of Students Through the Organization of Educational Environment

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 74-83. Odessa.

Viktoriia Bilodid,
post-graduate student, Department of Developmental Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2a, Hlushkov Avenue, Kyiv-03680, Ukraine 



 Based on the author’s conceptual model and empirical research results, the range of problems of the formation of life prospects during professional training is substantiated; practical recommendations on the ways to optimize life projecting by means of the educational environment organization are suggested. Basing on the author’s conceptual model and the results of the empirical research, the article is aimed at substantiating the range of problems of the formation of life perspective during professional training; as well as suggesting practical recommendations on the ways to optimize life projecting by organizing educational environment of a higher educational institution. Life prospect is defined as a dynamic image of the desired or conscious future that plays activating, directing and prognostic role in human activity regulation. It is shown that in the process of educational socialization approaching, extension and specification of life prospect takes place by fixing life plans in new spheres of life. The stages of life perspective in the course of study at a higher educational institution are described. An important socialization factor is subjective position of a student, which conditions the choice of socialization resources required for the effective adaptation and self-development. The following components of the educational socialization are singled out: educational, environmental, interactive, and professionalizing. These components are passively perceived by a student, mediated through his/her skills, abilities, personality traits, motivation and scope of structuring time, forming features of life prospect. One can effectively influence the formation of the coordinated life prospect by social and psychological training. However, the implementation of such a training has limitations because its members are immersed in the microlevel of functioning of socializing influences. Professional, interactive, environmental and educational direction of impact of educational socialization function mainly at the mesolevel - the level of cultural, social, informational, regulatory and supervisory, organizational and material environment of a particular higher educational institution. Therefore, there is a need for the purposeful organization and transformation of the educational environment in order to promote life prospects of students. The relevant recommendations for the administration and heads of departments describe a generalized portrait of a graduate - ideal reference image, personality formation project that embodies values, traditions and opportunities of a specific educational institution (specific areas to create such an image based on the competency model are suggested). It is emphasized that focus of higher education on the development of the professional competencies of students enables forming professionals ready to determine themselves, adequately assess and adjust their own lives. Practical ways to enhance the subject activity of students have been outlined. The recommendations for lecturers of subject disciplines direct didactic planning to be focused on the development of key competencies of students. The recommendations for specialists in educational work describe monitoring of the psychological condition of students in the context of solving specific personal crises that arise during each course of professional training.


  life prospect, life plan, educational socialization, competence.




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