Iryna Martynenko. Reflection in Communication Activity of Preschoolers With System Speech Disorders

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 63-69. Odessa.

Iryna Martynenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Doctoral candidate,
Department of Speech Disorders,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Pyrohova Str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine 



 The article deals with reflexive difficulties in communication activity of senior preschoolers with system speech disorders. The author reviews theoretical background for reflection studies in psychology: from the standpoint of mental processes, intrapersonal formation, multiple processes phenomenon. According to the study reflection is interpreted by the author as a precondition for effective communication, while its deficit is considered to be the cause of various communication difficulties, operational ones, in particular. It has been discovered that reflection development process continues during the preschool age and senior preschoolers show certain prerequisites of reflexivity, which can be observed in different areas of their activity. Communication activity is one of the most meaningful and productive in this regard. In childhood reflection, as personality formation, depends on the extent of ability for self-analysis, self-expression and forecasting. Experimental data analysis on the communication activity of senior preschool age children with system speech disorders of primary genesis revealed difficulties in reflection of various activities: speaking, drawing and playing. The research on reflection of senior preschool age children with system speech disorders has been carried out by the means of observation and experimental study. The conducted experiments allowed to discover the following communication reflection difficulties faced by the children: difficulties of selfanalysis and self-observation, self-expression and self-improvement, and evaluating mutual activity results on their basis. Such difficulties in communication activity cause communication barriers for interactions with adults and peers, affect the interaction results. The described research has shown that difficulties of reflection impede communication interactions, indicate insufficient development of interactive communication skills. In this regard the further development of communication activity of senior preschoolers with system speech disorders should be carried out considering peculiarities not only in their communication skills development, but also specifics of reflection as intrapersonal formation, closely related to individual identity and self-consciousness.


 reflection, communication reflection, communication activity, senior preschool age children, system speech disorders.




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