Ihor Denysov. Characteristic Features of Adolescents’ Personality as Asocial Behaviour Determinants

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 50-55. Odessa.

Ihor Denysov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology
Melitopol state pedagogical university named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, scientific correspondent, Laboratory of
Psychology of Personality named after P. R. Chamati,
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
20, Lenina Str., Melitopol, Ukraine  



 The article deals with the peculiarities of asocial behaviour as a kind of behaviour which contradicts the norms accepted by a society, is preconditioned by the complex of external and internal prerequisites and factors that determine the psychological characteristics of its formation and manifestation. It has been revealed that external prerequisites can affect a personality at the macro-level (social and economical problems, social values) and micro-level (mistakes of family and school education, values of referent groups). It is important to remember that deviant behaviour is characterized by the departure from the accepted norms, which can be both positive (for example, creative giftedness) and negative. Negative deviant behaviour can be divided into immoral (deeds which contradict moral standards), illegal (deeds contradict the legal rules), and criminal (when deeds contradict the norms of criminal laws). “Teaching” asocial behaviour takes place in the process of interaction with other individuals though the mastering of the techniques of asocial behaviour implementation; specific motivational orientation and justification of this kind of behaviour. The individual psychological prerequisites of asocial behaviour include peculiarities of self-consciousness, character accentuation, level of aggressiveness, features of axiological and meaningful spheres of a personality (the dominant life values). It has been proven that adolescents with asocial behaviour are characterized by a greater degree of manifestation of most character accentuations as distinct from those, whose behaviour meets social standards and who is characterized by just one of the accentuations – hypomania. It allows to state that character accentuations are an important factor of asocial behaviour and in its turn, adolescents’ awareness of their own characteristic features can be considered as a factor of preventative measures of asocial behaviour in adolescence. The further researches involve the development of complex programme of psychodiagnostics, prediction, psychological prophylaxis, as well as psychocorrection of asocial behaviour of adolescents.


 behavior, asocial behavior, asocial behavior determinants, adolescence, adolescent, adolescent’s personality, character, characteristic features of a personality.




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