Special Issue 1

Special Issue 1

Mojtaba Arvin,
Reza Esfidani,
Abolghasi Shakiba

Studying The Relationship Among Communication, Social And Coping Skills With Quality Of Life And Psychological Well-Being In High School Students (Case Study: Garme City)

Sargol Shehri,
Dr. Karim Afsharinia

The Relationship Between Family Communication Patterns With Conjugal Boredom

Javad Jahan,
Alireza Faghihi,
Zabih Pirani

Investigating The Status Of Deliberative Practice Based Curriculum, At The University Of Teacher Education (Farhangian) In Kermanshah

Mona Damankhorshid,
Kambiz Abdi,
Omid Sheikh,
Mohammad Ali Sahebkaran

The Comparison Of Resiliency Status And Coping Styles With Stress In Athletes And Non-Athletes Students

Jamshid Shah Mohammadi,
Roya Sabrawar

Study Of The Effect Of Teaching Self-Regulation Guidelines On Self-Efficiency And Probli-Solving Of Students, Banah City, Iran

Karim Davoudi,
Mona Damankhorshid,
Kambiz Abdi,
Sepideh Ghoreyshi

The Assessment Of Students Sport And Recreation Needs And Comparison With Presented Extracurricular Sports In Tehran Public Universities, Iran

Shiva Khodadadi
Hadis Mohammadrezaei

Mohammad Sadegh
Razmhosseini Mohabdolla
Moatamedy Shalamzari

The Effectiveness Of N-Back Training Task On Aspects Of Integrated Visual Auditory Continuous Performance Test On The Methamphetamine Abusers On The Cure Duration

Ali, Delavar;
Isa, Ebrahimzadeh;
Mohamadreza, Sarmadi;
Marziyeh, Mahmoodi

Assessment Of The Quality Of Virtual Universities And E-Learning

Shirin Fani
Morteza Azizi

The Relationship Between Perfectionism And Cognitive Emotion Regulation And Anxiety Of First Grade Sampad High School Fiale Students Of Tabriz

Mahnaz Ronaghi Notash
Fahimeh Yusef Kalafi

Symbolic Interactionism And Sociology Of iotions, Chef And Hackshield

Ahmad Ebrahimi

Origin And iergence Of Post-Industrial Economy

Zahra Shafeie,
Dr. Khadigeh Arian

Comparison Of Self-Concept, Depression, And Marital Satisfaction In Fertile And Infertile Women

Abolfazl Yazdani,
Nargis Keshtiaray,
Mustafa iadzadeh

Analyzing The Component Of The Consumption Pattern Reform Of Resistive Economy In Order To Provide The Curriculum Model

Parvaneh Doodman
Dr. Mozgan Amirianzadeh

Bahador Changizi

The Relationship Between Meaning In Life And Marital Satisfaction In Couples Of Farashband City

Zahra Rakhshani

Comparative Study Of The Behavior Modification In Lesson Learning (Ebra’at) And Modeling Techniques

Mohsen Mazaherinia

The Analysis Of Concepts And Components Of The Islamic-Lifestyle

Mohammad Reza Qorbani,
Abolfazl Kaziian,
Farzad Mahmoudi,

Mehri Farshad

The Effectiveness Of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program On Mental Health Of Hospital Employees

Masoumeh Hosseini,
Morteza Binesh
Alireza Kheirabadi

The Viewpoint Of The Hygienic Sciences Faculty Students Of Boujnord Medical School About The Relationship Between The Hidden Curriculum And Students’ Scientific Spirit

Elham Ghaderi,
Dr.Hamid Ansari

Meta-Analysis Of Relation Between Culture And Traffic: Cases Of Study Drivers In Tehran

Alireza Farhang Esfahani
Sayyed Hashi Golestani

Sayyed Hossain Vaezi

The Comparative Analogy Between Immanuel Kant's Ideas And Morteza Motahhari On The Liberation And The Underlying Forces Of Liberation



Investigation The Quality Of Motherhood Experience For Women With Regard To Pois Of Current Poetesses: Cross-Cultural Comparison

Reza Kardar Rostami,
Masoumeh Bagherpour

The Relationship Between Islamic Morality Of Job And Happiness And Creativity Of The iployees Working At Tobacco Companies In Mazandaran Province

Gholamhossien Akbari Farkhani,
Hosein Khedmatgozar

Study On The Effectiveness Of Commercial Brain-Training Software On Visual Miory Of Adults

Dehghan, K.,
Shaker, F., & Ghassii, S

The Study Of Relationship Between Assertiveness And Welfare With Educational Self Efficacy Among Dormitory Students Of Mohaghegh Arabili University

Farnaz Farazmand 

The Role Of Collective Unconscious In The Murals Of Altamira Cave In Spain

Fatieh Manouchehri Dezaki

Culture In Higher Education

Roya Honarkhah

Sana Zarei
Mahdi Ghaedi

Measurient The Difference Gender Perspective Of Social Dimension Satisfaction Of Quality Of Urban Life In Central Texture Of Coastal City Of Bandar

Iman Hasoomi,
Abolghasi Isamorad

The Relationship Between Religious Attitudes And Happiness Among Fiale And Male Students Of The Technical College Of Islamic Azad University Of Tehran

Asadollah Mehr Ara
Lida Rajabi Sangtarashani

Assessing The Factors Effecting On The Success Of Implientation Of Knowledge Managient In Municipalities (Case Study: Sari Municipality)

Rogayyeh Poursaberi
Leila Ghasii

Investigating The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And iployee Happiness In Educational Organizations

Nima Sabetfar
Dr. Maryam Esmaili

Dr.Afshin Tayebi

Comparison Of Personality Characteristics And Emotional Maturity In Adolescents Eith High-Risk In Kish Island


Nima Sabetfar
Dr. Maryam Esmaili

Dr.Afshin Tayebi

A Comparative Study Of iotional Schias Among Juvenile Risky Behavior And Without Risky Behaviors In Kish Island

Nima Sabetfar,
Reza Sepahvand

The Effectiveness Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy On Anxiety And Depression Inclusive

Nima Sabetfar
Reza Sepahvand


Comparison Of Personality Traits, Emotional Maturity And iotional Schias Among Men With Extramarital Relations And Men Without Extramarital Relations

Azita Syed Nasiri
Hossein Davoudi

Hassan Heidari

The Effectiveness Of Philosophy Education Programs On Life Skills For Women Participating At The Conference Of Viewing (Didan)


Hossein Rezaei
Mohammad Ghadimi

Hadithe Ramezanifar
Yasmin Farshadfar

Sociological Study On Tourists' Attitude In Relationship Between The Sense Of Security And Development Of Tourism Activities


Maliheh Abiri
Khadijeh Eslami

Examining The Effect Of Ownership Structure And Free Cash Flow On Dividend Policy Of Accepted Firms In Tehran Stock Exchange

Ali Nouri Motlaq


The Strategic Gap In Cultural Organizations (Based On Left-Brain Versus Right-Brain Dominance)

Ahmad Reza Zarrabieh,
Hadi Rahbari,
Azadeh Heidari

Examines The Role Of New Human Resource Challenges In Performance Of Saman Insurance Company

Azita Taghvaei,
Reza Radfar,
Amir Nazii Ashani

Examining The Robustness Of Acadiic Economic Partnership Strategies Using Scenario Planning

Ehsan Fasihi,
Mohammad Reza,

Hosein Vazifehdoost

Investigating The Relationship Between Social Capital And Strategic Knowledge Managient Maturity
(Case Study: National Iranian Drilling Company)


Danyal Houghoghi (Corresponding Author)
Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini Golafshan

The Effect Of Organizational Culture On Organizational Citizenship Behavior; The Case Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran Shipping Lines


Ehsan Zohrehvandi,
Majid Khaleghnia

Windmill – Sustainable Architecture


Omid Ardalan,
Javad Faghihipour

Seyed Mehdi Alvani

Designing A Qualitative Need-Based Model On The Relationship Between iployees And Organization (Case Study: A Military Organization)

Gasim Farajpour
Seyed Morteza Roudbari

Ali Asghar Peiro Asl
Abolfazl Salmanian

Ranking The Factors Affecting Human Resource Productivity With Respect To Multi-Criteria Decision-Making


Hassan Salmabadi
Mohammad Mostafa As’adi

Dr. Reza Salmabadi

A Comparative Study Of Time Managient Pattern In Life Through The Qur'an And Hadiths’ Viewpoint


Sara Parsa
Hayedeh Khamseh

Caulking Tiles Grouting Mortar By Nano-Zycosil

(Case Study: Tiles Grouting Of “Shamsoliareh” Palace)

Sedigheh Sheikh
Hussein Golchini

Devil Determinism Review From The Perspective Of Hallaj And Molana

Zahra Tabatabaian
Shadi Khatami

Death, Like Oblivion In Tahar Ben Jelloun’s "About My Mother"


Firouz Amrai,
Arash Zandi,
Tooran Yarahmadi And Salman

Investigating The Impact Of Knowledge Management On Job Satisfaction Among Personnel Of Doroud Healthcare Network


Zohre Hamzehlou,
Mohammad Yarmohammadiyan,

Narges Keshtiaray,

Conducting The Evaluated Educational Connoisseurship And Criticism Model In Impliented Curriculum Of The Art Subject In Farhangiyan Universities



Mohammad Hossein,
Mohammad Ali,

Designing The Purposes Based On Development Of Futures Studies In The Curriculum Of Higher Education In Iran


Somayeh Soleiman Panahi,
Kamal Afani


Review The Effect Of Strategic Intelligence With Mediator Role Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) In Organizational Excellence Of Secondary Schools In The City Of Mahabad

Mina Salahshour Asbagh,
Abbas Khodayari,
Saeed Sedaghati

The Relationship Between Organizational Silence And Physical Education Teachers’ Creativity In Shahre-Rey’s Schools


Shadi Bahadori,
Hossein Sepasi,
Parivash Nourbakhsh


Relationship Between Personality Traits And Job Engagient With Risk Managient Behaviors


Ahmad Taheri,
Ali Taghipoor Zahir,
Parivash Jafari


Mixed Study: Investigating The Components And Main Evaluation Measures Of School Performance



Ahmadi Kamarposhti, A, Ebrahimi Qavam Abadi,S, Alizadeh, H, Delavar, A, Farrokhi, N. A.


Predicting The Mathiatics Performance Based On

The Executive Functions In Iranian Normal Children


Zeynab Hassanzadeh,
Abbas Khodayari,

Mahvash Noorbakhsh,

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Communication Skills With Sport Character Among Male Elite Athletes

Asghar Fouladi


Effectiveness Of Educating The Group Mindfulness Method On The Living Quality Of Spouses Of People Suffering From Ptsd Caused By War In Eastern Azerbaijan Province

Masoume Salimi Nadi,
Dr. Alireza Varaste

The Relationship Between Self-Control, Aggressive Behavior And Acadiic Achievient Among High School City Astaneh Ashrafieh


Babak Shamshiri,
Bahram Jowkar,
Mohammad Mazidi,
Saeed Rahimian,
Leila Noorafshan

Explaining Philosophical Foundations Of Moral Motivation And Analysis Of Its Goals And Methods In Education Systi


Ahmad Abbasi Anabad,
Aboutaleb Seadatee Shamir

The Effect Of Meta Cognitive Strategies Instruction On Secondary School Male Students Working Miory Capacity And Verbal Short Term Miory

Maryam Naeii,
Shirin Naeii,

A Study Of Coping Skills Rate Of Male And Fiale Students Towards Psychological Stress And Pressure

Afrooz Mousavi
Mohammad Vaez Mousavi

Hamid Yaghubi

Mediating Role Of Defense Styles In Mental Health And Sport Success


Narges Dostkaramooz,
Alireza Kakavand,
Maryam Esmaeili

The Effectiveness Of Stress And Anger Managient Training On The Resilience And Life Quality Of Ms Patients

Azadeh Pooladi


The Relationship Between Parenting Styles And Social Competence Of Parents And Their Children’s Social Acceptance

Afsaneh Golestani

Hakim Omrani

Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of The Exploration Teaching Method In The Development Of Primary School Students’ Philosophical Thinking Skills And Educability

Zohreh Saadatmand Mohammad
Hassan Radmanes
Ali Norou
Masoumeh Moghaddam

Assessing the effectiveness of training programs of acadiic achievient through positive thinking and critical thinking secondary school students in Bushehr city


Mir Zeyn-al-abedin Barkheh
Dr. Mohammed Hossein
Dr. Narges Keshtiaray


Analysis Of Islamic Republic Of Iran's National Curriculum Dissiination From Its Official Planners And Authorities' Standing Point


Mohammad Nobakht,
Zohre Esmaeili,
Hamid Maleki,
Tayebe Safaee

Axiology, Moral Education And Spiritual Education From The Poiunt Of View Of Allamehtabatabaee


Abdolhossien Karampour,
Salar Sali

Assessing The Role of Relationship Marketing Customer in Repeating the Use of Goldiran Company Services by Customers

Dr. Zohreh Esmaeili
Shima Shabani


Evaluation and measurient of Educational Service Quality

(case study: Tehran’s Judicial organization, Deputy of Education and Research)

Ali Moradi

The Role Of Parenting And Identity Style In The Prediction Of Children Self-Efficacy 


Sahar Rahmati,
Shahrbanou Jalayi


Seyed Nemat Khalifeh,
Habib Honari,
Mohammad Hossein Ghorbani

Developing Job Competency Model of National and International Taekwondo Coaches of Islamic Republic of Iran


Mohammad Reza Sarmadi,
Bahman Zandi,
Masoud Gholamali Lavasani,
Ziba Nouri

Knowledge networks and knowledge management in educational organizations


Mahbobe Jafari,
Zohreh Saadatmand 

Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching Thinking and Research course on learning and scholarship spirit of students in the sixth grade of elementary school in District 6 in Isfahan 
       Dr. Abdolreza Mahmoudi The Anthropology of Eckankar and its Critique and Study from the point of view of Islam

Dr. Abdolreza Mahmoudi

The mission of Mahanta and the relationship between the Sugmad and the Mahanta in the School of Eckankar and its critique based on the Islamic teachings

Dr. Abdolreza Mahmoudi


A Guidance In The School Of Eckankar And Its Critique Based On The Islamic Teachings


Somayeh Hamdollahi,
Elham Pourebadi

Examining The Impact Of Relationship Marketing Dimensions On Organizational Performance Nasajtebkeyhan Company

Hassan Salmabadi
Reza Salmabadi

Rouhollah Pourabedin

Investigating The Lifestyle Of Prophet’s Household; Child Rearing Practices


Mehdi Foroozanfar

In-Situ Oil Combustion For Enhanced Oil Recovery

Omid Ardalan,
Javad Faghihipour,
Yousef Rezayi,
Seyed Mahdi Alvani

Examining The Status Of Employer Brand And Attractiveness Of Workplace In Refah Bank

Mohammad Banaian Sefid,


The Conceptual Exploration of Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle at the Suprie Leader Imam Khamenei View and the Implications it Carried on Curriculum (Woman, family, and children and adolescents training)


Nataliia Vasylyshyna. Review of Communicative Learning Approaches to Teaching English for Tourism.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 28-36. Odessa.

Nataliia Vasylyshyna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Educational Scientific Institute of International Relations,
National Aviation University,
4, Vidradnyi Avenue, building 7, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper presents review of the issue of forming foreign language communicative competence in tourism area; particular attention is paid to finding the most effective methods of solving this issue. The use of natural approach, experiential interactive learning along with constructivist blended learning approach to teaching English for tourism has been considered. The results of the study prove that experiential interactive learning and constructivist blended learning approach enhance the effectiveness of forming foreign language communicative competence in tourism area.


foreign language communicative competence, methods, approaches, tourism area, learning skills, experiential interactive learning, constructivist blended learning approach.




1. Kopylova, V. (2003). Metodika proektnoy raboty na urokakh angliyskogo yazyka [Methods of Project Work at English Lessons]. Moscow: Drofa [in Russian].
2. Kryuchkov, G. (2002). Stratehiia navchannia inozemnykh mov v Ukraini [Strategy of teaching foreign languages in Ukraine]. Inozemni movy v navchalnykh zakladakh – Foreign languages at educational institutions, 1-2, 3-6 [in Ukrainian].
3. Safonova, V. (1996). Izuchenie yazykov mezhdunarodnogo obshcheniya v kontekste dialoga kultur i tsivilizatsiy [Studying the languages of international communication in the context of cultures and civilizations‟ dialogue]. Voronezh: Istoki [in Russian].
4. Tukalo, M. (2001). Multymediini systemy navchannia yak novyi metodolohichnyi zasib interaktyvnoho navchannia na urokakh khimii [Multimedia tutorial systems as new methodological means of interactive teaching at the lessons of Chemistry]. Informatsiyni tekhnologii i zasoby navchannya – Information technology and teaching means, 24 (4). Retrieved from: http://journal.iitta.gov.ua/index.php/itlt/issue/view/43 [in Ukrainian].
5. Bolton, G. (1994). Drama – oktatas – neveles. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankonyvkiado [in English].
6. Educational research techniques. (n.d.). Retrieved from: https://educationalresearchtechniques/ [in English].
7. Fried-Booth, D. (2002). Project work. Oxford: Oxford University Press [in English].
8. Krashen, S., Terrell, T. (1983). The natural approach: language acquisition in classroom. New York: Pergamon Press [in English].
9. Kremen, V., & Nikolaienko, S. (2006). Higher Education in Ukraine. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES [in English].
10. Modern trends in education: 50 different approaches to learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from: http://www.teachthought.com/pedagogy/modern-trendseducation-50-different-approaches-learning/ [in English].
11. Tarnopolskyi, O. (2012). Constructivist blended learning approach to teaching English for specific purposes. Great Britain: Versita, Versita Ltd [in English].
12. Teaching methods. (n.d.). Retrieved from: https://teach.com/what/teachers-teach/teaching-methods/ [in English].

Liudmyla Lozynska, Olha Tsikhotska. The Role of Interactive Learning Technologies in the Process of Teaching Foreign Languages at Higher Medical Educational Institutions.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 5-10. Odessa.

Liudmyla Lozynska ,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Olha Tsikhotska ,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Foreign Languages Department, Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,
56, Pyrohova Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The article highlights the role of interactive technologies in educational process of higher educational institutions.Introduction of interactive teaching methods is one of the most important directions of improvement of students‟ training in modern University and is obligatory for the effective implementation of the competence-based approach. Educational process based on the use of interactive methods is organised by means of engaging all the students into the learning process. The roles of the teacher and the student in the process of applying interactive teaching methods are described. The attention is focused on the difficulties of applying interactive learning technologies, which are determined by the lack of technical equipment in educational institutions of Ukraine.


interactive learning technologies, interactive teaching style, interactive teaching methods, learning foreign languages, professional competence, higher medical educational institutions.




1. Maliyeva, Z. K., & Bekoeva, M. I. (2015). Rol sovremennykh interaktivnykh tekhnologiy v processe samovospitaniya studentov [The role of contemporary interactive technology in students‟ self-education]. Retrieved from: http://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/51PVN415.pdf DOI: 10.15862/51PVN415 [in Russian].
2. Maliyeva, Z. K. (2014). Rol sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh tekhnologiy v reshenii problemy moralnogo otchuzhdeniya lichnosti [The role of contemporary educative technology in solving the problem of personality’s moral disengagement]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya – Contemporary issues of science and education, 6 [in Russian].
3. Malyha, O. O. (2010). Pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu za dopomohoiu interaktyvnoho navchannia [Intensification of the educational process be means of interactive teaching]. Pochatkove navchannia ta vykhovannia – Primary teaching and education, 2, 5–6 [in Ukrainian].
4. Reutova, Ye. A. (2012). Primenenie aktivnykh i interaktivnykh metodov obucheniya v obrazovatelnom processe vuza (metodicheskie rekomendatsii dlya prepodavateley Novosibirskogo GAU) [The use of active and interactive teaching methods at university (guidelines for lecturers of Novosibirsk GAU)]. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo NGAU [in Russian].
5. Hrinchenko, T. V. (2010). Aktivnye metody obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku v neyazykovom VUZe [Active methods of foreign language teaching at nonlinguistic unveristy]. Visnyk SevNTU. Vyp. 105: Pedahohika: zb. nauk. pr. – Bulletin of Sevastopol NTU. Issue 105: Pedagogy: Collection of scientific papers. (pp. 46- 51). Sevastopol: Vyd-vo SevNTU [in Russian].
6. Ostapchuk, D., & Myronchuk, N. (2014). Interaktyvni metody navchannia u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Interactive teaching methods at higher educational institutions]. Modernizatsiia vyshchoi osvity v Ukraini ta za kordonom: zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Modernisation of higher education in Ukraine and abroad: Collection of scientific papers. (pp. 140-143). S. S. Vitvytska, N. M. Myronchuk (Eds.). Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [in Ukrainian]. 
7. Koval, T. I., & Kochubei, N. P. (2011). Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia inozemnykh mov [Interactive technology of teaching foreign languages]. Naukovi zapysky NDU im. M. Hoholia. Psykholoho-pedahohichni nauky – Proceedings of Nizhin State University named after M. Hohol, 7, 25-37 [in Ukrainian].
8. Lomanova, U. V., & Lavrenko, V. N. (2007). Interaktivnye metody obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku [Interactive methods of teaching foreign languages]. Prometey – Prometheus, 8 [in Russian].
9. Melodie, Hull. (2004). Changing the paradigm for medical English language. International symposium of English for medical purposes. Xi’an [in English].
10. Philips, B. D. (1994). Role-playing games in the English as a foreign language classroom. Taipei: Crane Publishing Ltd [in English].

Olha Ocheretna. Characteristics of the Level of Acmeological Culture Maturity in Future Telecommunication Specialists in the Course of Training.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 10-15. Odessa.

Olha Ocheretna,
lecturer, Department of Linguistic Training,
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after O. S. Popov,
1, Kovalska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper outlines the relevance of the issue of forming telecommunication specialist’s personality, which should be thoroughly studied and solved. The aim of the paper is to identify the levels of acmeological culture maturity in future telecommunication specialists in the course of training and to describe these levels. Also, the paper presents the description of the structure of acmeological culture formation (components, criteria, indexes) in the process of training future telecommunication specialists as well as diagnostic tools for assessing the levels of acmeological culture maturity. These levels were specified according to the components that comprise the structure of future telecommunication specialists’ acmeological culture: acmeological literacy, acmeological competence, and professional psychological culture, either of which is represented by the system of indexes. Acmeological literacy was evaluated on the basis of motivational and evaluative criterion with the following indexes: the need for achievements, motivation for success and avoiding failure, value orientations, students’ acmeological orientation at "work", "themselves", "relationships"; good command of technical English (test-inventory for assessing the need for achievements by Yu. Orlov, technique for diagnosing personality’s motivation for success and failure avoidance by T. Elers; technical English skills were assessed according to the results of tests and assignments in English for Specific Purposes). Acmeological competence was evaluated on the basis of value-specific and self-realisation criteria according to the following indexes: reasonable selfesteem of personality’s capacity and attempts level, satisfaction with the attained level of life projects realisation, balance of self-realisation and self-development in various spheres of life (test-inventory "Evaluation of the effectiveness of self-development as a factor of achieving "acme"). In order to measure the indexes of profession pedagogical culture on the basis of creative and self-realisation criterion, we used the technique developed by G. Olport "Diagnostics of realisation of need for self-development" as well as "Diagnostics of self-development level" by L. Berezhnov for identifying the ability to unlock and mobilise one’s own efforts under any circumstances, successful work performance with the aim of self-revealisation of hidden capabilities. Thus, according to certain criteria and indexes of students’ acmeological culture maturity, the diagnostic programme of examining future specialists has been developed. The complex of diagnostic measures makes it possible to state the insufficient level of acmeological culture maturity in future telecommunication managers in the course of training. The results obtained demonstrate the necessity for redoubling attention to the formation of their acmeological culture.


acmeological culture, levels of maturity, future telecommunication specialists.




1. Eliseev, O. P. (2003). Praktikum po psikhologii lichnosti [Workshop on personality psychology]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].
2. Korneschuk, V. V. (2010). Matematicheskie metody issledovaniya pedagogicheskikh fenomenov [Mathematical methods of researching pedagogical phenomena]. Odessa: VMV [in Russian].
3. Minko, A. A. (2004). Statisticheskii analiz v MS Excel [The statistical analysis in MS Excel]. Moscow: Izdatelskii dom «Viliams» [in Russian].

Ihor Cherkun. Pedagogical Conditions of Future Reserve Officers-Psychologists’ Special Military Competence Formation During Military Training.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 16-22. Odessa.

Ihor Cherkun,
senior lecturer, Department of Military Training,
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhsona Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The following pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the technique aimed at the formation of special military competence of future reserve officers-psychologists in the process of military training have been distinguished: creating educational environment by organizing subject-subject interaction based on the programme for the development of the skills of social and psychological work (special course ―Military training of future reserve officerspsychologists‖); using active methods of future reserve officers-psychologists’ special military competence formation in the process of military training; forming students’ positive self-concept, approval of subjectivity, the full development of students’  potential in educational and professional activities. The first pedagogical condition involves the person-centered educational process and educational environment planning. The second condition is implemented by means of using active teaching methods in the educational process aiming to ensure close relationship between training theory and practice for future professional activities of military psychologists. The third pedagogical condition of future reserve officers-psychologists’ military competence formation is implemented through the development of students’ self-consciousness, reflection, creative skills, volitional qualities and mechanisms of volitional self-regulation, etc. The above mentioned pedagogical conditions are considered to be the core of the developed technique aimed at the development of future reserve officers-psychologists’ military competence formation, which will be described in the further studies. Besides, the further research involves suggesting recommendations for scientific and pedagogical staff in using this technique.


special military competence, future reserve officers-psychologists, student, pedagogical conditions.




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