(2016) Science and education, 11, 24-30. Odessa.
Oksana Davydova,
research assistant,
University of Educational Management, NAES of Ukraine,
high level certificate practical psychologist,
Kremenchug Lyceum of Information Technologies No.30 named after N. Shevchenko,
3, O. Koshevoho Lane, Kremenchuk, Ukraine
The article presents the results of the empirical research of the stereotypes in teachers’ pedagogical activities. The study was carried out during 2014-2016 and involved 205 surveyed. In terms of the multi-factor model, the differences in the parameters of teachers’ professional competence with different tendencies to stereotypisation depending on different pedagogical techniques, oriented at efficient support of the didactic communication in the situations of educational interaction, have been analysed. The following 12 groups of teachers have been distinguished: controlling (with extremely high level of stereotypisation) – 14 respondents, differential (the one with extremely high level of stereotypisation) – 40 respondents, facilitative (with extremely high level of stereotypisation) – 21 respondents; controlling (with high level of stereotypisation) – 8, differential (with high level of stereotypisation) – 30, facilitative (with high level of stereotypisation) – 7; controlling (with normal level of stereotypisation) – 8, differential (with normal level of stereotypisation) – 27, facilitative (with normal level of stereotypisation) – 6; controlling (with low level of stereotypisation) – 7, differential (with low level of stereotypisation) – 27, and facilitative (with low level of stereotypisation) – 10 respondents. The obtained results make it possible to conclude that the pedagogues with very high stereotype tendencies have difficulties associated with the violations of emotional stability, motivational complex and self-image. Under the conditions of crisis states, the group of teachers with the facilitative type is considered to be optimal according to psychological characteristics. The group of the controlling type is characterised by emotional ill-being, insufficient satisfaction with work, etc. With the decrease of the corresponding stereotype tendencies the processes of self-organisation, identification and stereotypisation become interconnected.
pedagogical activities, educational process, pedagogical stereotypes, transformation, development.
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