(2016) Science and education, 10, 183-188. Odessa.
Nataliia Primina,
English teacher, Department of Maritime Navigation,
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article deals with the issue of developing a linguodidactic model of teaching future navigators how to read authentic sailing directions in English. Due to the fact that today at the labour market there is a great demand of professionals who master a foreign language at a high level, a great attention is paid to the development of new teaching methods in the field of foreign languages. In this article, the key professional skills necessary for all specialities, including marine speciality, have been considered. These are skills in reading professionally oriented documentation, namely authentic sailing directions in English. The author describes the stages and parts of the linguodidactic model (objectives of teaching, elements of the object of study, the components of the teaching content, methods (techniques) of teaching, monitoring of the obtained results after experimental teaching). The presented step-by-step methodical activity aims at training future navigators how to read in English sailing directions on certain topics, for example, signs of sea danger, a mooring place, tides and currents. The first step is aimed at teaching how to read sailing directions about lights on sailing, the second one – about buoys, signs and lights, the third one – about the sea hazards, buoys, signs and lights, the fourth one – about the anchorages, sea hazards, buoys, signs and lights, the fifth one – about the tides and currents, anchorages, sea hazards, buoys, signs and lights, the sixth one – about navigator’s instructions, tides and currents, anchorages, sea hazards, buoys, signs and lights, the seventh one – about the port rules, tides and currents, anchorages, sea hazards, buoys, signs and lights. This sequence of pedagogical actions is worked out due to the need for increasing linguistic and production difficulties progressively and at the same time for minimising the possibilities of forgetting the previous linguistic and professional material. Training during seven steps, which are described in details, is based on the achievement of linguistic, speech and occupational purposes, the additional, eighth, step is based on acquiring the ability of self-interpretation of unfamiliar linguistic phenomena at first in the educational and later authentic sailing directions in which these phenomena are met.
reading, English sailing directions, linguodidactic model, teaching process, future navigators.
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