(2016) Science and education, 10, 92-98. Odessa.
Leonid Chernovatyi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Theory and Practice of the Translation from the English Language,
Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4, Svobody Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The paper provides a description of an original experimental research which proves the potential possibility of valeological culture development in the process of teaching foreign languages to schoolchildren. In contrast to the traditional models of research predominantly based on the explicit presentation of valeological knowledge and its expected subsequent acquisition, the author suggests an implicitly-oriented approach. To describe the content of the research, the article outlines the general principles of the presented approach based on involuntary memorisation which is opposed to the voluntary one. The author substantiates the choice of proverb-type phraseological units (PTPU) as the material of the study arguing that the said units provide favourable conditions required for the involuntary memorisation efficiency, such as vivid emotional background, students’ active involvement and their interest which may contribute to the successful development and retaining of the corresponding valeological notions and beliefs. The paper contains some examples out of the selected 300 PTPU in eight notional categories (ranging from the ‘healthy way of life’ and ‘money can’t buy you health’ to ‘don’t worry, be happy’) that may play an essential role in the valeological culture development while teaching English to schoolchildren. The author presents his arguments in favour of translation, being a hermeneutic activity, to be used as the main tool to accomplish tasks related to the selected material. The paper provides the results of the original experiment which proved that the tasks offered to the subjects stimulated their creative and mental activities, as well as contributed to the formation of their positive attitude towards the learning process. According to the results obtained through the subjects’ questioning, the average indicator of their positive attitude amounted to 4.5 out of 5,0 maximum possible.
professional training, Oriental studies, Orientalist, bachelor, professional-pedagogical competence.
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