(2016) Science and education, 10, 87-92. Odessa.
Oleksandr Svatenkov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Nizhyn Gogol State University,
2, Hrafska Str., Nizhyn, Ukraine
According to the Law of Ukraine “On recreation and rest of children”, children’s recreational institution is permanently or temporarily operating facility, specially arranged or adapted, designed for rehabilitation, recreation, child development, that has defined the location, physical infrastructure, human resource software and technology for the provision of rehabilitation and recreation for children up to social service standards of health and recreation. All children’s institutions are divided into two groups: healthcare institutions and recreational establishments for children. The effective way to solve teaching and educational problems at recreational institutions is creative team work. One of the important terms ensuring the successful solution of them is the proper organisation of the daily regime, which provides a rational division of activities during a day for children. The structure of the day includes three parts: morning, after noon and evening activities. According to these blocks, main activities are grouped as follows: educational activities are carried out in the morning; sports – in the afternoon; and the evening block involves entertainment: creative activities and communication with peers and mentors. The main criterion for planning the camp session is the variability and changes of recreation activities forms for children. This approach will create a situation of success for each child, according to his/her abilities and talents. The criteria of choice of the forms of work with children at recreational institutions can be divided into objective and subjective ones. The objective ones involve weather and climate conditions, camp territory, number of children. The subjective ones are maintenance supplies (equipment, office materials, sports facilities) and pedagogical staff.
children’s recreational institution, organisational form, day regime, leisure time.
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