Inna Bohdanova . Essence of Preparing Future Social Workers for Work at Recreation Institutions

(2016) Science and education, 10, 58-63. Odessa.

Inna Bohdanova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy,
Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The research relevance is explained by the requirements to future experts in the social sphere, who work at the recreation institutions. The understanding of the essence of modern training is provided by a set of methods aimed at restoration, replenishment and improvement of personal and social capabilities of future workers. The substantial com￾ponent of training is implemented by means of updating the academic disciplines with materials, in which a person is considered as a biopsychophysiological system capable of self-regulation and self-renewal. The ways of the optimisa￾tion of the adaptive capacities of pupils, students and teachers, taking into account their psychophysiological condition on the basis of the studies, conducted by the domestic scientist O. Kokun, have been discussed in the paper. The proce￾dural component of training is achieved by means of updating the content of socio-pedagogical practice with the aim of engaging students into the development and implementation of individual educational research tasks in recreational areas. The personal component of training is performed through the development and formation of such qualities as pedagogical intuition, readiness and energetic efficiency. Besides the academic achievements of students over the last three academic years have been reviewed with the aim of engaging them into recreational activities for self￾improvement. The following three levels of professional and mobilisation readiness have been considered: passive, normal and optimal. The results of the analysis have shown that most of students have totally passive and normal levels. The further studies involve searching for ways of improving future specialists training considering the development of their special knowledge, skills and personal qualities in terms of recreation. 


components of training: substantive, procedural, personal; recreational activities.




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