Svitlana Bodnar.  The educational paradigm shift for student-centred learning in the process of globalisation.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 102-108. Odessa.

Svitlana Bodnar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department,
Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
6, 25th Chapaiev Division Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the problem of the educational paradigm shift from the teacher-centred conception to the studentcentred learning conception. The notion of “student-centred learning” has been under study. The student-centred learning conception has been analyzed. Strategies of self-directed study of a foreign language have been investigated; the autonomy levels have been specified; the most effective methods and techniques which are used in the student-centred learning have been singled out. The project work as one of the student-centred learning technique has been accentuated on.


student-centred learning, non-linguistic students, foreign languages, strategies of self-directed study, project work.




1. Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995). From teaching to learning – A new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change. (pp. 13-25) [in English].
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Lavrenova M. V., Lalak N. V., Fenchak L. M. Preparing Future Teachers for Creating Health Preservation Environment at Primary Schools in Terms of Inclusive Education.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 109-114. Odessa.

Maria Lavrenova,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Nataliya Lalak,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Lyubov Fenchak,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Street, Mukachevo, Ukraine



The paper covers the aspects of preparing future primary school teachers for creating health preservation environment in inclusive education. It has been found that the students specialised in primary education lack skills of communicating with children with different nosologies and practical skills required for implementing health preservation technologies into the educational process of primary schools. However, the survey demonstrated that the students are ready to work with children with special educational needs. The means facilitating the optimisation of students’ preparation for work with children under conditions of inclusive education have been described.


inclusion, health preservation environment, future specialists, communication skills, health preservation technology




1. Berezhna, T. I. (2016). Modeliuvannia zdoroviazberezhuvalnoho seredovyshcha zahalnoosvitnoho navchalnoho zakladu: obgruntuvannia struktury i kryteriiv [Forming health preservation environment in an educational institution: substantiation of the structure and criteria]. Ridna shkola – Native school, 1, 37-41 [in Ukrainian].
2. Bobrytska, V. I. (2006). Formuvannia zdorovoho sposobu zhyttia u maybutnoho vchytelia [Formation of healthy lifestyle of future teachers]. Poltava: Skaytek [in Ukrainian].
3. Bondar, V. I. (2010). Inkliuzyvne navchannia ta pidhotovka pedahohichnykh kadriv dlia yoho realizatsii [Inclusive education and preparing teachers for its implementation]. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova – Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov Univeristy, 15, 39-42. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
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8. Fenchak, L. M. (2016). Teoretykometodolohichnyi pidkhid do formuvannia zdoroviazberihaiuchoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh pedahohiv [Theoretical and methodological approach to the formation of healthy preservation competence of future teachers]. Shchomisiachnyi naukovo-pedahohichnyi zhurnal Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. I. Franka «Molod i rynok» – Scientific and educational journal of Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University «The Youth and the Market», 1(132), 92-97 [in Ukrainian].


(2016) Science and education, 10, 115-119. Odessa.

Ihor Cherkun,
senior lecturer,
Department of Military Training,
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Military-specific training of future reserve officers-psychologists, constant updating of their knowledge and skills are regarded as an important prerequisite for effective solution of educational problems in practice. Analysis of the list of duties of future reserve officers-psychologists in accordance with the military regulations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has determined that 90% of their statutory responsibilities are associated with managing subordinates, that is, performing their duties in the system “man-to-man”. Military psychologists act as the direct organisers of social and psychological work; they are responsible for planning, methodological support, quality and efficiency of its implementation, and the efficiency of measures taken. Based on the understanding of the organisation of educational, social and psychological work, the criteria of militaryspecific preparedness of future reserve officers-psychologists have been identified. The structure of the military-specific training of future reserve officers-psychologists, according to the official duties, is aimed at implementing the goals of their professional activity – organising educational and social-psychological work in the military institution; it is a unity of three criteria: motivational and target-oriented, cognitive, performance and activity. Thus, the ability to conduct educational and socialpsychological work with future military reserve officers-psychologists is predetermined by abilities to hold educational events, study personnel and determine their moral and psychological state based on effective interaction, due to understanding the emotional and social importance of personal ways of solving professional problems.


student, future reserve officers-psychologists, military-specific training, criterion, indicator, the level of formation, military-specific competence.




1. Kurliand, Z. N. (1995). Profesiina ustalenist vchytelia – osnova yoho pedahohichnoi maisternosti [Professional sustainability of a teacher as a basis for his/her pedagogical exellence]. Odesa: PDPU imeni K. D. Ushynskoho [in Ukrainian].
2. Neshchadym, I. M. (2003). Viiskova osvita Ukrainy: istoriia, teoriia, metodolohiia, praktyka [Military education in Ukraine: history, theory, methodology, practice]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
3. Roilian, V. O. (2004). Formuvannia profesiinykh Педагогіка – Педагогика – Pedagogy "Наука і освіта", №10, 2016 119 yakostei maibutnikh fakhivtsiv Sukhoputnykh viisk v umovakh reformuvannia VVO [The formation of professional qualities in future specialists of ground forces in the contxt of reforming higher military education]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
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(2016) Science and education, 10, 120-124. Odessa.

Svitlana Voronova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
acting associate professor,
Department of Management and Education Development,
Odessa Regional Advanced Training Institute for Teachers,
17, Mykhailivska Sq., Odesa, Ukraine



In terms of the renewal of general secondary education system it is necessary to change the vector of school graduates’ training. After graduating from school, a school leaver should be competitive: have critical thinking, be ready for changes, study throughout life, be a patriot, have a pro-active attitude, and be an innovator. In this context an introduction of multidisciplinary teaching model at senior high school is important nowadays, because only it can ensure the full implementation of personality-centered teaching principle and the formation of key competencies, significantly increasing opportunities of a school student for choosing his/her own educational path. The article is aimed at presenting the results of the implementation of the multidisciplinary teaching model at senior high school. The developed technique is aimed at creating favourable conditions for revealing and taking into account individual peculiarities, interests and educational needs of school students; as well as minimisation of graduates’ mistakes of professional determination. The experiment involved 42 senior school students. It consists of 2 stages. At the first one, it has been revealed that the developed technique helped to decrease the respondents’ psychological tension due to the conscious choice of depth of consideration of the subjects. They have got an opportunity to master educational competences on the basis of the students’ understanding of their capabilities and skills, interests and the educational motivation. Besides, the technique makes it possible to combine the major subjects in an untraditional way, for example, Biology and Mathematics, History and English, etc. The second stage of the experiment began in January, 2016 and will be held till August, 2017. It involves questioning of students with the aim to define the major subjects; examining the possibilities and personal characteristics of pedagogues and students in order to choose the profilisation of the groups. 


 individual curriculum, dynamic groups, multi-profile education, training profile.




1. Vasilevskaya, I. Z. (2004). Psikhologicheskie aspekty organizatsii raboty po modeli multiprofilnoy shkoly [Psychological aspects of work organization according to multidisciplinary school model]. Kіravanne ў adukatsyі – Management and education, 4, 48-50 [in Russian].
2. Zaprudskiy, N. I. (2006). O dvukh strategiyakh obucheniya v multiprofilnoy shkole [About two learning strategies in multidisciplinary school]. Kіravanne ў adukatsyі – Management and education, 2, 38-43 [in Russian].
3. Ivanov, A. V.,  Stefanova, E. B.,  Zubareva, E. Yu. (1999). Multiprofilnost v starshey shkole i ee realizatsiya [Multi-subject program in high school and its implementation]. Zavuch – Director of studies, 1, 45-60 [in Ukrainian].
4. Matveeva, L. V. (2004). Kak my otsenivaem rezultativnost obucheniya uchashchikhsya multiprofilnoy shkoly [How do we evaluate pupils’ learning effectiveness at multidisciplinary school]. Kіravanne ў adukatsyі – Management and education, 4, 46-47 [in Russian].
5. Orlova, L. V. (2002). Psikhologicheskoe soprovozhdenie eksperimenta po multiprofilnomu obucheniyu [Psychological follow-up of multidisciplinary learning experiment]. Kіravanne ў adukatsyі – Management and education, 4, 56-67 [in Russian].
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Olha Hulai. Professional Training in Terms of Continuous Education: Methodological Approaches.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 125-130. Odessa.

Olha Hulai,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Designs of Plastic Forming,
Lutsk National Technical University,
75, Lvivska Str., Lutsk, Ukraine



Basic methodological approaches to professional training of future engineers (majoring in building) at technical universities have been described in the article. The outlined issue concerns not only pedagogical, but also technical universities, where traditionally more attention is paid to scientific and technical maintenance of disciplines, but not methodology or teaching techniques. Modern higher educational institutions face a task to teach a student to master knowledge and skills, absorb information independently, to teach him/her to study throughout life. Under the conditions of continuous education, the philosophical methodology should be used as a general strategy of examining features of professional education of future engineers-builders. The system approach can be applied with the aim to review the professional training of future builders in the context of intercommunication of all its elements. The activity approach involves complex use of innovative teaching technologies, with the transfer to intensive, interactive teaching forms and methods. From the positions of acmeology, the future specialists majoring in building are considered as subjects, capable of self-development, creative thinking, and self-organisation. Synergetics determines the idea of openness, nonlinearity of the pedagogical systems, their self-development and self-realisation. Introduction of synergetic principles in the educational process contributes to the formation of the nonlinear, system-creative thinking, exposure of the hidden potential and perspective tendencies of the development. The person-centered approach is used for the organisation of the educational process focused on the formation of a future specialist’s personality, his/her creative capabilities, general and professional culture; considering them as a condition of the high-quality education and successful professional activity of future builders. The outlined methodological approaches will contribute to the achievement of the main task of higher education – forming graduates’ professional competences. Implementation of these approaches can increase the efficiency of continuous education.


continuous education, professional competence of a builder, system, action, self-oriented, acmeological, synergetic approaches.




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