Svitlana Hvozdii. Correspondence to Modern Challenges as Principle of Syllabus Selection in Forming Students’ Safety Culture

(2015) Science and education, 9, 34-40. Odessa.


Svitlana Hvozdii,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Medical Knowledge and Life Safety,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine  



The current stage of formation of the Ukrainian state is closely connected with the violation of the world’s laws, global safety, as well as the safety of a state and every individual. The undeclared war, dangers of everyday life, acts of terrorism require updating the syllabus aimed at the formation of the safety culture in students. Systemic and regular activities aimed at promoting safety culture are possible due to the educational process at higher educational institutions. Teachers of Ukrainian and foreign universities did not pay enough attention to the problem of structuring the selection of the contents of subjects of life safety in the process of safety culture formation. The most important social function of education is forming such a personality, who would satisfy all social requirements. The syllabus is understood as a part of previous generations’ experience, which should be transmitted to students for achieving the teaching objectives with the help of selected ways of implementing these goals. It is emphasized that the syllabus is not constant, it varies and depends on the level of development of science, socio-economic and cultural state of the society, etc. The author reviews the concept of “syllabus in the formation of safety culture”; it is considered as a combination of knowledge and ways of life, which ensure safety of human life in different fields of existence. It is proposed to use correspondence of syllabus to challenges of modernity as a principle of selection of its content. The content of subjects “Safety of life and activity” and “Civil Protection” is chosen considering existing dangers in Ukraine. Students’ attention should be drawn to hazards in emergency situations of war. The behavioural sequence of people in case of armed conflicts is suggested (alert options, the rules of evacuation, protection during bombardments, air raids, the behavior at the checkpoints, essential civilian supplies, etc.). Drills of providing first aid (in case of bleeding, fractures, burns, respiratory and cardiac activity failures, etc.) are one of the basic components of students’ safety culture.

modern challenges, safety culture, armed conflict, syllabus, the principle of syllabus selection. 




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