(2015) Science and education, 9.- 196-200. Odessa.
Natalia Сhernenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), acting professor,
Department of Management of Educational Institutions and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofranskivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article is focused on the determination of the concept of “risk management” and the substantiation of features of educational institution administration on the basis of risk management in the modern context. Different approaches, rules, principles and functions of risk management are described. It is worth noting that risk management as any other management activity has its logic aspect and specific procedure. Risk management is an integral part of any conscious activity, which consists of such processes as forming the purpose, decision-making, planning, organizing, as well as controlling all kinds of the applied recourses. The carried out content-analysis allows to admit that modern theory and practice of management has the following approaches to management: situational, process and complex (integrated, systemic). It is complex risk management, which helps an educational institution reach the planned strategic goals and assumes the unity of risk management system and general institution management. Nowadays it is impossible to provide the successful educational institution administration without the efficient risk management. The main stages of risk management are the following: setting a goal of risky activity, diagnosing problems, assigning probable risks, analyzing risks, examining methods of influencing risks, choosing optimal method of influence in terms of efficiency assessment, developing management decision, making a decision, direct impact on risk, controlling and correcting management results. The process of risk management is considered as a systemic usage of rules, principles, functions, methods, ways and tools of solving problems , concerning risks: setting context, analysis (revealing and assessment of risk), impact, monitoring and communication.
principles, functions, risk management, educational institution administration, risk.
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