Li Siyung. State of Self-Organization Maturity of 5-7th Graders in Piano Teaching Process.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 59-64. Odessa.


Li Siyung,
postgraduate student,
Department of Piano Playing and Artistic Culture,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pirohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



 The experiment involved 132 5-7 th graders. Two main approaches (pedagogical and psychological) were used for the correction of their self-organization. The psychological approach was based on the perception, cognition and understanding of music information and its generalizing according to pupils’ life experience and creative thinking. The pedagogical one was oriented at the development of pupils’ self-organization with the help of pedagogical techniques and at motivation to successful development, obtaining high level of piano mastery, etc. The experiment was carried out using special texts of N. Miloradova and O. Ishkova called “Diagnostics of self-organization peculiarities”, which helped to analyze the results of the questionnaire. It has been revealed that inclination to organizing one’s own activity is peculiar for 8,9% of pupils in the control group and 7,7% in the experimental one. According to the questionnaire results, these children know what they want, they have certain goals, they always plan their activities, they are able to control their own feelings and psychological state, etc. The survey has also revealed that 23,9% (CG) and 29,2% (EG) of pupils have insufficient level of self-organization maturity. These children cannot determine and set their life goals, they cannot plan their activities and do not control their psychological state all the time; they are not active. Other 67,2% (CG) and 63,1% (EG) of children are not able to organize their own activity. Such pupils do not know what they want, they have no goals at all, they are not able to determine important events and circumstances for goals achieving, etc. The experiment has shown that children’s musical and activity priorities, their interest in becoming independent and capable for self-organization depend on parents, teachers and their peers.


 self-organization, structure of self-organization, teaching how to play piano, 5-7 th graders, results of the experiment.




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