Journal №2 2015


Буднік А. О.

Exercises and Tasks for Development of Genre and Text Components of Discursive Abilities as Exemplified in Nationally Precedent Texts

Буздуган О. А.

Use of Multimedia Training Tools in Context of Foreign Language Teaching Modernization

Демір У. Б.

Pedagogical Conditions of Increasing Musical and Theoretical Education Efficiency in Future Music Arts Teachers Training

Джуринський П. Б.

Interactive Methods of Teaching Students Majoring in“Physical Education” at Active and Reproductive Stage

Діденко Г. О.

Methods of Individualization and Personification of Subject-Oriented Training in M. Huzyk’s Combined System

Долженков О. О.

Future Education Managers’ Legal Competence Formation

Ерсьозоглу І.

Preparing Future Education Managers for Informational and Analytical Activity

Зайцева Ю. В.

Components of Future Physical Education Teachers’ Preparedness for Physical and Sport Activities Organization

Карасу Л.

Some Aspects of Tolerant Communication of Foreign Citizens at Higher Educational Institutions

Ковтун О. В.

Formation of Future Translators’ Sociocultural Competence in Professional Training

Копусь О. А.

Role of Literary Text Conceptual Analysis when Forming Future Ukrainian Language and Literature Teachers’ Text Competence

Кулакова Т. Б., Никифорова Н. Г.

Revisiting Development of Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Educational Programmes Continuity According to Vocational Education Levels

Мартынова Р. Ю.

Synergetic Conditioning of Pedagogical Integration

Наджафова С.

Integration Processes in Education

Осадча Т. В., Бацанюк Н. В.

Artistry as Music Teacher’s Professional Quality

Печерська Е. П., Шепельська М. О.

Formation of Pupils’ Artistic and Image Thinking in Process of Vocal and Choral Work

Пономарюк Л. П.

Teaching Staff Activity in Professional Responsibility Development under Conditions of Medical College

Постоян Т. Г.

Management Moderation in University Lecturer’s Work

Реброва О. Є.

Interdisciplinary and Synthesizing Methods of Stimulating Future Music and Choreography Teachers’ Artistic and Mental Experience

Степанова Л. В.

Pedagogical Speech as Element of Future Art Disciplines Teachers’ Speech Competence

Холодов С. А.

Characteristics of Morphological Features, Neurological and Orthopedic Status of Children with Cerebral Palsy with Different Capacity for Locomotion

Чень Чень

Phenomenon of Emotionality in Future Music Teachers’ Music and Performing Process

Черненко Н. М.

Educational Managers’ Professional Training under Modern Conditions




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