Journal №11 2014


Саннікова О. П.

Personal development according to the continual and hierarchical approach

Говорун Т. В. , Коськіна Д. О.

Female psychology: values and limitations of self-reflection in job performance

Дегтяренко Т. В., Лєсньова І. М.

Approaches to the study of ethnic identity of a person

Сергеева А. В.

Psychological analysis of the phenomenon of identity according to the Jungian approach

Арабаджи-Сапункова С. Г.

Psychological features of psychologists with different levels of professional adaptation

Бабчук О. Г.

Specificity of personality factor structure of tolerant and intolerant individuals

Бедан В. Б.

Loneliness in the space of life-purpose orientations

Бринза І. В.

Patterns of the personality, who is psychologically ready for changes

Бугайцова А. С.

The peculiarities of correlations amongst the indicators of self-sufficiency

Булгакова В. О.

Level of development of legal culture and ways of overcoming conflicts by youth

Булгакова О. Ю.

Terminal aspects in the value model of social interaction

Василенко І. А.

Peculiarities of communicative creativity of individuals with different self-confidence levels

Вдовиченко О. В.

The problem of risk: gender aspect

Водолазська О. О.

Self-concept as a factor of professional growth of psychologist

Далакова А. С.

Revealing the burnout syndrome among students of technical professions

Камінська О. В.

Approbation of the psychosocial training aimed at reduction of youth’s internet addiction level

Кононенко О. І.

The phenomenon of physical perfectionism in modern Psychology

Кошлань І. Г.

Future teachers’ communicative skills and styles of parenting

Кузнєцова О. В.

Attitude of adaptive and non-adaptive persons towards their own life

Лісовенко А. Ф

Features of emotional intelligence in persons prone to envy

Малєєва Н. С.

Psychosocial content of communicative practices on the internet

Маматова З. Р.

Psychological aspect of personality formation by means of recreational Physical Training

Меленчук Н. І.

Factor structure of adventurous and non-adventurous personalities

Мельничук М. М.

Empirical study of the interconnection system of students’ tolerance and personal characteristics

Орищенко О. А.

The specificity of personality factor structure of various empathy types representatives

Саннікова А. О.

Self-attitude of persons with different levels of stage barrier

Свертілова Н. В.

Offense experiencing as an adaptive factor

Свистула О. М.

Personal components of choice regulation under conditions of uncertainty

Ситнік С. В.

Characteristics and attributes of interpersonal interaction

Томчук С. М.

Peculiarities of prevention and correction of post-traumatic stress disorders in pupils of secondary schools

Топалова І. П.

Comparison of self-assertion in cynic and non-cynic individuals

Ульянова Т. Ю.

Ratio between proneness to conflict and risk proneness

Фіщіна Г. О.

Psychological insightfulness of individuals with different locus of control

Черножук Ю. Г., Кабацюра Л. М.

Individual psychological characteristics of future tourism managers’ social intelligence

Yakovlieva M. V.

Polycultural world of a personality (psychological aspect)

Санников А. И.

Motivation and motive in decision-making researches

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