Козий Т. П., Доляновская Н. П. Influence of Multidirectional Physical Activity on Middle-Aged Women’s Body Shape

(2015) Science and education, 4, 80-86. Odessa.


Tetiana Koziy,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Associate Professor of the Department of Human Health,
Kherson State University,
Natalia Dolianovska,
Fitness instructor, Fitness-club “Zateryannyy Mir”,
27, 40 Rokiv Zhovtnia, Kherson, Ukraine 



 The article deals with the dynamics of body shape of middle-aged women who do workouts and water fitness. It is shown that under the influence of physical activity training programs of functional training process of women’s body shape correction came to the same mechanism as that of the women who were engaged in aqua aerobics program, namely by burning body fat and building muscles, resulting in the increase of the amount of water in the bodies with more obvious changes of those women who were overweight at the initial stage. The authors have noticed more pronounced and significant changes in body shape of women with initial excessive body weight under the influence of water aerobic and power exercises. This fact gives a reason to state that water fitness programs aimed at correcting women’s body shape are very effective. The authors have revealed the inverse relation between indices of the amount of fat and water in middle-aged women’ bodies. On the other hand, there is a direct relation between the growth of lean body mass and the increase of water amount in a body, as muscles consist of 70-75% of water. All of the surveyed women’s bone mass indices are below the age norm and haven’t changed after the 3 months training. The amount of minerals depended on the fat content in the middle-aged women’s bodies, that is the lowest average bone mass index corresponded to the smallest index of body fat, and vice versa, which is associated with the ability of adipose tissue to produce hormone - estrogen, which regulates the absorption of calcium in the blood, which is the major mineral component of bone tissue. It is concluded that the 3-months water physical activity of aerobic-power orientation of medium intensity has resulted in more significant changes in the body shape of middle-aged women, which is why we can state the more efficiency of water fitness programs for the physiological correction of middle-aged women’s body shape developed and implemented by the authors


 functional training, aqua aerobics, body composition.




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Коломийцева О. Э., Дейнеко А. Х., Миргород Д. А. Callanetics as a Means of Forming Motivation to Physical Education Lessons of Female Students’ of Law Universities

(2015) Science and education, 4, 86-91. Odessa.


Olha Kolomiitseva,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports , Associate Professor of the
Department of Physical Education,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77, Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Alfiia Deineko,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Gymnastics,
Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
99, Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Diana Myrhorod,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports (Candidate of Sciences),
Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77, Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine 



 Modern technologies of teaching the discipline "Physical education" at universities have to be reorganized in accordance with the law on education and the integration of universities into the European educational space. However, future professionals do not always remember that the professional status of a lawyer requires a high level of physical fitness, physical and mental health. The purpose of the study is to develop and justify a pilot program for the formation


 Callanetics, students, motivation, program and methodical complex.




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2. Gerasimenko, S. Obgruntuvannia metodyky vykorystannia kalanetyky u fizychnomu vykhovanni studentiv VNZ [Justification of the callanetics method in physical education of university students training]. Nova pedagogіchna dumka – New pedagogical ideas, 1, 105-107. Retrieved from: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j–pdf/Nnd_2014_1_33.pdf [in Ukrainian].
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Колядюк С. І. Correction of Physical Development and Activity of Children with Hearing Disorders by Means of Physical Education

(2015) Science and education, 4, 91-95. Odessa.


Svitlana Koliadiuk,
Post-graduate Student of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport Disciplines,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 Physical rehabilitation of children with hearing disorders is one of the most important directions of special establishments’ activity. Special training of children with hearing disorders is impossible without the implementation of special pedagogical approaches. Correction of disorders should be carried out taking into account all features of a disorder, psychophysical possibilities and needs of a child. Active lifestyle, and especially engaging into physical training and sports, creates positive mental conditions for person’s development, especially for children with some physical disturbances. The pleasure which a child gets doing physical exercises, overcoming objective obstacles, helps to overcome self-doubt, to form such positive character traits, as diligence and personal leadership. The analysis of scientific and methodical literature helps to reveal some features of physical development of deaf and acoustically challenged children, activity of their cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The author has marked that physical activity of deaf children depends on hearing loss, insufficient speech activity, reduction of volume of the obtained information because of hearing disorders, on the degree of functional activity of the vestibular analyzer. At the same time all researchers notice that there is a possibility by means of the saved analyzers to regulate and carry out difficult kinds of movements in a complex or partially to influence some certain functions. Scientists state that properly-organized physical activity of deaf children can not only liquidate some development disorders of physical sphere, but also to raise the level of their physical development and to improve a functional condition of the basic life-support systems which will promote social integration and vocational training of such children. Skilful use of physical exercises in the course of correctional work allows to warn physical disorders, to normalize physical development of deaf children and overcome secondary disturbances. Besides, physical training is powerful means of preparing children with hearing disorders for socially active work and life in a society.


 motive sphere, violation of ear, correction




 1. Baikina, N.G. (1992). Korrektsionnye osnovy fizicheskogo vospitaniya glukhikh shkolnikov [Correctional foundations of physical training of deaf schoolchilcren]. Extended abstract of doctor’s thesis. Мoscow [in Russian].
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Кольцова О. С. Healthy Lifestyle and Sports Promotion by Means of Olympic Education

(2015) Science and education, 4, 96-99. Odessa.


Olha Koltsova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Theory
and Methods of Physical Education, Kherson State University,
27, 40 rokiv Zhovtnia, Kherson, Ukraine 



 One of the most efficient approaches to the education of younger generation is Olympic ideology implementation in the educational process by means of the Olympic education integration. The article is dedicated to solving an urgent scientific problem of Olympic education integration into the system of entertaining events aimed at forming a manysided personality. The main tasks of educational activities within the Olympic education are determined. Basing on the definition of the essence and tasks of the Olympic education the author proved its effectiveness by identifying the following criteria: intellectual, behavioral, emotional and volitional and practical. The level of the development of the problem of Olympic education integration has been analyzed with the help of scientific literature. The essence, the content, and the peculiarities of the Olympic education integration have been revealed. The pedagogical conditions of Olympic education integration into the system city entertainment events have been theoretically substantiated, particularly, preparing teachers for the Olympic education integration; developing the initial collective; and creating educational environment in terms of city entertainment. The author has carried out a questionnaire survey in order to analyze public awareness on issues of Olympic education and problems of modern sports. This survey was designed to determine the structure of sports motivation; study the respondents who want to obtain information about the Olympic movement, the Olympic Games and the achievements of Ukrainian sportsmen; attitude towards the use of components of Olympic education in the city entertainment events. The survey results show that the use of components of Olympic education in the city entertainment events raise people’s attitude towards sports and healthy lifestyle to a brand-new level.


 Olympic education, the educational process, city entertainment events, sport, youth, teacher, conditions, criteria.




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4. Sukhomlynska, O. V. (1995). Teoretychni problemy vykhovannia i diialnist pozashkilnykh zakladiv [Theoretical problems of education and extracurricular institutions’ activities]. Pochatkova shkola – Primary school. 1, 28-30 [in Ukrainian].

Латіна Г. О. Evaluation of Schoolchildren’s Health Improvement System in Terms of Educational and Health Preservation Technology Implementation

(2015) Science and education, 4, 100-103. Odessa.


Hanna Latina,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Bases of Physical Culture,
Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



 The tendency of children’s and adolescents’ health deterioration in is proved by a number of researches. In recent years a quantitative growth of functional disorders, acute and chronic somatic diseases, morphological and functional abnormalities on the back of reduced group of healthy children has been established. The author has carried out the research, which included 563 survey-students aged from 6 to 17 years in 2011-2014. As a result of the implementation of educational and health saving technology at general education institutions the efficiency in prevention of posture disturbances is established. This is confirmed by a decrease of disturbances of musculoskeletal system and spine functional parameters. The research results have shown the decrease in cases of respiratory system disorders (73,17%), urinary system disorders (60%), metabolism disturbances (56%), nervous system disorders (20%). The implementation of health saving technology has helped to decrease the disturbances of musculoskeletal system by 13,21%, scoliosis posture by 16,6%, scoliosis of the 1st -2 nd level by 0,3%, flat feet by 6%. Health improvement system requires further improvement for increasing motor activity in the system of physical education due to lower adaptive capacities of children. The prospective of further researches in this sphere involve accomplishing educational and health saving technology for the correct posture controlling when writing and working at the computer, physical education system for physical activity expansion, and educational work, especially nutrition education.


 recovery, technologies by health, school children.




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