
Dear authors!

Current journal policy focuses on the need to advance academic status by applying updated requirements for manuscripts which meet high international standards. At the same time, the relevant policy aims to simplify the preparation of manuscripts and peer review.

The journal specializes in publishing original (not published before) completed research in psychology, pedagogy, and medicine: theoretical and methodological issues of psychology, psychophysiology, neuropsychology, social psychology, differential psychology, cognitive psychology, pedagogical psychology, developmental psychology, medical psychology, political psychology, legal psychology, engineering psychology, personality psychology, psychology of understanding and persuasion, emotional psychology, history psychology, psychological counseling, comparative psychology; age pedagogy (preschool, school pedagogy, higher school pedagogy), correctional pedagogy (deaf education, typhlopedagogy, speech therapy, oligophrenopedagogy), history of pedagogy and teaching methods; studies of ENT-organs, ophthalmology, internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry and narcology, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, social medicine and public health.

The editors approve for publishing exclusively original, previously unpublished and plagiarism-free materials (As of September 2017, the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” prohibits using the data which were presented in copyrighted dissertation research). The article is not re-reviewed if any plagiarism/self-plagiarism.

Online translation (using Google Translate, Yandex translation, prompt, etc.) is not allowed.

Article volume: from 10 to 30 pages.

In-text references are given in round brackets with the following indication: author’s last name – comma – publication year of the source (Chebykin, 2010). A reference to several sources is given simultaneously separated by a semicolon (Chebykin, 2010; Petrenko, 2007; Ivanenko, 2015).


Structure of the article on psychology, pedagogy and medicine

(the structure for articles on methods of teaching is below)

  1. UDC

2. information about the author: name and surname, academic degree and rank, position and affiliation, address (in italics)3. article title (UPPERCASE). Nota bene! Article title should contain no more than 10 words, elucidate the essence of the problem and be relevant to the general public of scientists. Abbreviations should be avoided.4. Abstracts and keywords (in italics) in the article’s language with the following obligatory elements: topicality, purpose, research methods and results (from 200 to 300 words and 5-10 keywords).5 Article text with essential elements:

Introduction and the current state of the research problem (15% of the article) 

  • problem statement and its relevance to theory and practice


It is important to formulate the conceptual framework in the introductory part in order to avoid ambiguous interpretations. The introduction also describes the particularities of the current state of problem study.

In addition, the editors encourage articles analyzing and referring to the research findings of the scientific schools of Ushynsky University.

Aim and tasks

The purpose of the article specify the research subject and be well-defined (there should be only one purpose; then – the task, at least 2-3).

 Research methods (30% of the article

(can be stated in research results)


  • Research methods involve the description of their main content, characteristics and indicators, which they note, and units of measurement. Attention! This part also contains information about the research organization and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sample. If you deal, for example, with the maturity of a particular phenomenon, it is necessary to characterize it. here. This paragraph should contain EXHAUSTIVE information about the procedure for organizing and conducting original research.

Research results (40% of the article)

(both theoretical and empirical parts are allowed)


  • Statement of the basic research material following the tasks with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. The description of the empirical results should contain specific data confirming the statistical reliability of the obtained results. The latter can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, charts (black & white, “hatching”, and its patterns” are accepted) with further interpretation. The article should convey a quantitative and qualitative analysis of relevant literary sources.

Discussion (10% of the article)

  • The discussion section is obligatory; in addition to the detailed interpretation and reasoning of data obtained, the author should provide a comparative analysis of related scientific findings of domestic and foreign scientists (with references), and justify scientific value and areas for the practical use of results obtained. This paragraph shall substantiate the scientific value of the results obtained.

Conclusion (5% of the article)

·        Conclusions should briefly highlight the essence of the results obtained following the tasks set in the paper. Nota bene! Conclusions should not contain data that are not available in the article!6. A list of references is designed pursuant to the requirements of “DSTU 8302:2015 “Bibliographic reference. General provisions and compilation rules” (see appendix 3).7. A list of references in the Roman alphabet (APA style) (Appendix 1). Nota bene! “Appendix 1”, presents examples of reference lists in the form of a table only for comparing the original bibliography with the international standard. Reference lists ARE NOT be tabulated.

It is recommended the reference list comprise a maximum of 50% of domestic sources, others – foreign Web of Science or Scopus ones. When summarizing literary data, it is advisable to refer to contributions published over the last 10 years. Before drafting the article text, the author analyzes quantitatively and qualitatively the relevant WoS/Scopus works available at the time of writing the article, including information on the number of sources for each of its types (monographs, articles, theses, etc.). Subsequently, a qualitative analysis of the sources is made by relying on which the author highlights in the article the main trends or directions in the knowledge of the phenomenon under study. Reference to specific authors in the literature analysis is allowed only if their data contradicts the opinion of the author of the article or is fundamental to this study, in the text – under citation.

  1. Information in Ukrainian or English (or different from the article’s language):

- The author’s full name (academic degree and rank, affiliation, and organization address).

  1. Article title
  2. Abstract (relevance, purpose, methods, research results and conclusions) – about 300 words and keywords.
  • names and surnames are transliterated, and titles of articles and other information are translated. Please adhere to the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin” No. 55 dated January 27, 2010 (see Appendix 2) when transliterating. For transliteration from Ukrainian you can use

The structure of an article on methods of teaching

  1. UDC

2. the author’s full name, academic degree and rank, affiliation, and organization address (in italics)3. article title (UPPERCASE). Nota bene! Article title should contain maximum of 10 words, elucidate the essence of the problem and be relevant to the general public of scientists. Abbreviations should be avoided.4. Abstracts and keywords (in italics) in the article’s language with the following obligatory elements: topicality, purpose, research methods and results (from 200 to 300 words and 5-10 keywords).5 Article text with essential elements:

Introduction and the current state of the research problem

  • problem statement, its current state and relevance to theory and practice

Aim and tasks

  • based on unresolved or challenging aspects of the topic under consideration
  • theoretical justification for solving each of the tasks.

Statement of proposed methodology with examples and novelty justification

Experimental verification of methodological effectiveness

  • including the description of experiment conditions, specifying criteria, indicators, measurement units with statistical data.


·        Conclusions should briefly highlight the essence of the results obtained following the tasks set in the paper. Nota bene! Conclusions should not contain data that are not available in the article!6. A list of references is designed pursuant to the requirements of “DSTU 8302:2015 “Bibliographic reference. General provisions and compilation rules” (see appendix 3).7. A list of references in the Roman alphabet (APA style) (Appendix 1). Nota bene! “Appendix 1”, presents examples of reference lists in the form of a table only for comparing the original bibliography with the international standard. Reference lists ARE NOT be tabulated.

  1. Information in Ukrainian or English (or different from the article’s language):

- The author’s full name (academic degree and rank, affiliation, and organization address).

  1. Article title
  2. Abstract (relevance, purpose, methods, research results and conclusions) – about 300 words and keywords.


Technical requirements for article design:


Format - A 4.

Margins - 2 cm (bottom) x 2 cm (top), 3 cm (left) x 1.5 cm (right).

Paragraph indention - 1.25 cm.

Line spacing – 1.5 cm.

Font – Times New Roman.

Size – 14.

The following symbols should be used in the text: quotes “...”, hyphen (-), dash (– ), apostrophe (’)


The editorial board of the journal “Science and Education” is not responsible for the content of the articles and may not share the opinion of the author.





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