(2015) Science and education, 4, 118-124. Odessa.
Vasyl Mazin,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor,
Doctoral Student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Luhansk ,
1, Ploscha Hoholia, Sratobilsk, Ukraine
The article characterizes the key functions of child and youth sports. As a result of heuristic analysis of more than 100 scientific sources concerning the issues of education of children and adolescents, the author has justified the position that the key social function of child and youth sports can be divided into three groups. In particular, the basis for the allocation of the key functions of child and youth sport can be either their correlation with a personality (as a person is considered in terms of his/her social relations) or society (as people live in a certain area and have a common culture), or with a state (both organizational and government institutions designed to ensure the preservation and development of the society). The first group includes the following: motor-compensatory function, actually existential function, mediated existential function. The second group consists of the following functions: the Olympic function, professionally applied function, health saving function and educational function. The third group includes the function to maintain hegemony. The author notes that child and youth sports indirectly perform sovereign and consolidating functions. A brief description of these functions is presented basing on the analysis of the modern publications. In the system of social functions of child and youth sports special attention is paid to the educational function, which means the formation youth’s ideas, appropriate regulatory programs, ideal behavior, as well as the traditions of social action and interaction developed in the course of civilization. The analysis of the educational function of child and youth sports in the context of educational policy is considered as a promising direction for the further research.
functions, child and youth sports, personality, society, state.
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