Озарук В. В., Презлята Г. В., Курилюк С. І. Considering Schoolchildren’s Psycho-Physiological Characteristics when Forming Need for Increasing Physical Activity

(2015) Science and education, 4, 135-140. Odessa.


Vasyl Ozaruk,
Post-graduate Student of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports,
Anna Prezliata,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports,
Serhii Kuryliuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 



 The authors have identified the low level of physical activity of schoolchildren, which negatively affects their health condition (autonomic dysfunction, fatigue, sleep disturbance, appearance anxiety). Such negative phenomena are caused by the low level of physical activity. The program of Physical Education in 1-4 th grades is aimed at the development of key competences, paying attention to motivational factors, the development of interest in Physical Culture, beliefs and needs of the implementation of the physical culture in everyday life. The authors have justified the relevance of searching for tools and techniques to increase the level of primary schoolchildren’s physical activity. After entering school physical activity of primary schoolchildren reduces by half, which causes health deterioration, fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance. It is established that the energy importance of Physical Education lessons for schoolchildren doesn’t compensate the lack of physical activity even if the curriculum provides three lessons a week. Primary school age is an important period of ontogenesis for the formation of children’s health, abilities and practical skills, for their saving, with emphasis on the physical culture. At that, psychological characteristics of schoolchildren should be taken into account. When doing exercises at Physical Education lessons it is necessary to avoid heavy loads on the spine, prolonged muscle stress; one should alternate short-term load with sufficient brief rests; when doing physical exercises one should use a holistic method; among other means one should do simulation exercises, folk action games, dance moves, etc. It is also established that in the process of forming the need to increase physical activity of schoolchildren, it is necessary to expand a number of means and methods of physical education, appropriate to the age peculiarities of pupils.


 health formation, physical activity, curriculum.




 1. Anikieieva, I. P. (2006). Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostei na urokakh inozemnoi movy [Development of creative abilities at foreign language lessons]. Anhliyska mova i literatura – English language and literature, 19-21, 30-41 [in Ukrainian].
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Осипенко Е. В. Students’ Physical Health Formation at Secondary and Higher-Level Institutions by Means of Computer Technologies

(2015) Science and education, 4, 141-147. Odessa.


Yevgeniy Osipenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Francisk Skaryna Gomel State University
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus 



 The research “Application of the pattern of forming students’ physical health at secondary schools by means of Physical Education” is carried out on the basis of the innovation project of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus. Strengthening, maintaining and preservation of physical health of children and young people is one of the main tasks of the government. Computer technologies application provides a close interconnection of physical education process of young generation and “providers” of health-improvement, education and general fitness activities. The theoretical model of managing schoolchildren’s and students’ physical education has been developed. It is based on using computer programs which contributes increasing its recreational effect, the level of monitoring organization of students’ psychophysical state. The article deals with program material for the diagnostics and estimation of the level of students’ psychophysical state, registered in National Intellectual Property Centre of the Republic of Belarus: “Mental Working Capacity”, “Health correction”, “Monitoring Studio”, “Sportes”, “Tests”. Application of these techniques allows to correct tasks and improve psychophysical state of students by means of physical education. The computer programs are implemented into health-improvement activity of Limited Liability Company “Sport-City” – fitness club “World Class Ufa”, practical activity in Mogilev Regional Sport Center (Republic of Belarus), educational process of Gomel Educational Institution “Gomel Secondary School №7”, Gomel Educational Institution “Gomel Secondary School №28”, Gomel Educational Institution “Gomel Secondary School №43”, Gomel Educational Institution “Gomel Secondary School №31”, Educational Institution “Francisk Skorina Gomel State University”, “Educational Institution “Kozensk Secondary School Mozyr Region” and also fitness health-improvement and general fitness activities in health camps for children “Chenkovskiy bor”, “Uniy chimik”, “M. Kazey health camp for children” Belarusneft of Gomel Region. The methods proposed by the author are the main means of information support of Physical Education at educational institutions and can be suggested to students and teachers for their purposeful usage in the professional activity


 psychophysical state, students, physical fitness, computer program, physical education.




 1. Beis, G., Kuchma, V.R., Suhareva, L.M., Rapoport, I.K., Stepanova, M.I., Hramcov, P.I. et al. (2009). Shkoly zdoroviya v Evrope i Rossii: rukovodstvo dlya meditsinskikh i pedagogicheskikh rabotnikov shkol [Health schools in Europe and Russia: a guide for medical and pedagogical school staff]. Moscow: Nauchnyy centr zdoroviya detey: RAMN [in Russian].
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3. Ivchatova, T.V. (2004). Sovremennye informatsionnye tekhnologii v fizicheskom vospitanii zhenshhin pervogo zrelogo vozrasta [Modern information technologies in physical education of women’s first stage mature age]. Sportivnyy vestnik Pridniproviya – Sport Newsletter of Pridniprovie, 7, 133–135 [in Russian].
4. Izaak, S.I. (2005). Monitoring fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti (teoriya i praktika) [Monitoring of physical development and physical fitness (theory and practice)]. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport [in Russian].
5. Kuchma, V.R., Suhareva, L.M., Rapoport, I.K., Stepanova, M.I., Hramtsov, P.I., Zvezdina, I.V. et al. (2009). Shkoly zdoroviya Rossii (kontseptsiya, planirovanie i razvitie) [Health schools in Russia (concept, planning and development)]. Moscow: Nauchnyy tsentr zdoroviya detey: RAMN [in Russian].
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9. Svidetelstvo o registratsii kompyuternoy programmy «Mental Working Capacity» («MWC») № 357 ot 27.10.2011 (Zayavka № S20110078; avtor i pravoobladatel kompyuternoy programmy – Osipenko E.V.) [The certificate of registration of the computer program «Mental Working Capacity» («MWC») № 357 dated 27.10.2011 (Application № S20110078; the author and copyright owner of a computer program – E.V. Osipenko).] [in Russian].
10. Svidetelstvo o registratsii kompoyuternoy programmy «Health correction» № 413 ot 28.04.2012 (Zayavka № S20120026; avtor i pravoobladatel kompiyuternoy programmy – Osipenko E.V.) [The certificate of registration of the computer program «Health correction» № 413 dated 28.04.2012 (Application № S20120026; the author and copyright owner of a computer program – E.V. Osipenko)] [in Russian].
11. Svidetelstvo o registratsii kompiyuternoy programmy: Avtomatizirovannyy kompleks «Sportes» № 415 ot 04.05.2012 (Zajavka № S20120033; avtor i pravoobladatel kompiyuternoj programmy – Osipenko E.V.) [The certificate of registration of a computer program: Automated complex «Sportes» № 415 dated 04.05.2012 (Application № S20120033; the author and copyright owner of a computer program – E.V. Osipenko)] [in Russian].
12. Svidetelstvo o registratsii kompiyuternoy programmy «MONITORING STUDIO» № 511 ot 24.05.2013 (Zayavka № S20130037; avtor i pravoobladatel kompiyuternoy programmy – Osipenko E.V.) [The certificate of registration of the computer program «Monitoring Studio» № 511 dated 24.05.2013 (Application № S20130037; the author and copyright owner of a computer program – E.V. Osipenko)] [in Russian].
13. Svidetelstvo o registraysii kompiyuternoy programmy «Testy» № 512 ot 24.05.2013 (Zayavka № S20130038; avtor i pravoobladatel kompiyuternoy programmy – Osipenko E.V., Sevdalev S.V.). [The certificate of registration of the computer program «Monitoring Studio» № 511 dated 24.05.2013 (Application № S20130037; the author and copyright owner of a computer program – E.V. Osipenko)] [in Russian].

Осіпцов А. В. Traditional University Students’ Attitude Towards Human Values Phenomenon

(2015) Science and education, 4, 148-153. Odessa.


Andrii Osiptsov,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Head of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Health,
Mariupol State University,
129a, Prospect Budivelnykiv, Mariupol , Ukraine 



 The article is aimed at investigating the attitude of traditional university students towards the phenomenon of human values. To achieve this goal the author has used the following methods: questionnaires, interviews, rankings, observation. Pedagogical experiment has been carried out on the basis of Mariupol State University during 2013-2014 years. The study covered 4060 students of the Philological Department, Foreign Languages Department, Greek Philology Department, Law and Economics Department and Historical Department. Experimental data suggests that the ratio of traditional universities students’ attitude towards universal human values are characterized by a certain variability which is impacted by the following criteria: the time of the study in a higher educational institution, students’ age peculiarities, their value orientations, personal and social needs, family, educational environment, society, various forms of communication, ethical and aesthetic values, etc. The author considers and analyzes the level of students’ human values taking into account the following criteria: behavioral and cognitive, behavioral and axiological, behavioral and praxiological, behavioral and motivation. According to the research results, the surveyed students have medium and low levels of the above mentioned values. The present empirical data allows to state that the attitude of the first and second-year students towards human values is influenced by the vital and learning experience, peculiarities of the age group, lifestyle, social functions that are preformed, and on the basis of which the education is carried on, the transformation, consolidation of qualities, values, needs and the preferences of a personality. The obtained data is considered by the author as an informational basis for the development of the innovative structural pedagogical system aimed at the development of students’ personality and their attitude towards human values.


 students, human values, personality, spirituality, education.




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3. Vasylieva, M. P. (2003). Teoriia pedahohichnoi deontolohii [Theory of teaching ethics]. Kharkiv: Nove slovo [in Ukrainian].
4. Ziaziun, I. A. (2005). Dukhovna elita u suspilstvi: intelihentnist i hromadianskist [Spiritual elite in society: intelligence and citizenship]. Problemy ta perspektyvy formuvannia natsionalnoi humanitarno-tekhnichnoi elity – Problems and prospects of forming national humanitarian and technical elite. Tovazhnianskoho L. L., Romanovskoho O. H. (Eds.). (Vols. 1(5)), (pp. 32-42). Kharkiv: NTU «KhPI» [in Ukrainian].
5. Shevchenko, H. P. (2004). Pedahohika dukhovnosti [Pedagogy spirituality]. Dukhovnist osobystosti: metodolohiia, teoriia i praktyka – Spirituality of personality: Methodology, theory and practice (Vols. 1), (pp. 3-9). Luhansk [in Ukrainian].

Петухова Т. А. Life Safety in Educational Space

(2015) Science and education, 4, 153-158. Odessa.


Tetiana Petukhova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the
Department of Technological and Professional Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named K.D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The scientific and educational direction, which consists of five levels of continuous education in the field of life safety, is especially important among various areas of sciences of human life safety. The first level is the preschool education aimed at educating and forming rules of safe behaviour, understanding elementary (biological) relations in the environment, peculiarities of human interaction with it. The second level is general education (primary, secondary, higher), which is oriented at the formation of the responsible attitude of students to life safety rules, the development of initial practical skills of behaviour in extreme situations. The third level is secondary vocational education, which suggests not only the formation of professionalism but also the integration of common cultural and professional components of the competence of a future employee who understands the need for safety, safe behaviour in society and environmental culture. The fourth level is higher professional education, where students are involved in practical activity, forecasting or modelling results of decision-making. The higher pedagogical education occupies the special place. The main tasks of this level are the following: training teachers of all disciplines on issues of life safety, creating a safe environment of the educational process; training teachers-organizers on issues of life safety for educational institutions; implementation of courses on life safety and environment in the system of training and retraining teachers; continuous improvement of competence of the organization management by subject activity on the basis of research work. The fifth level is the postgraduate professional education, aimed at conducting researches based on a systematic understanding and implementation of rules of interaction "human – environment", education of high moral position and beliefs about the priority of human life and health of an individual as the highest value. Continuous education on life safety includes all ages and is designed to expand the possibilities of people in discovering their individuality, and increase cultural and professional levels, facilitate solving vital problems of society and an individual.


 safety, vital functions, continuous education, educational space, levels of education




 1. Vasilchuk, M. V., Medvid, M. K., Sachkov, L. S. (2000). Zbirnyk normatyvnykh dokumentiv z bezpeky zhyttiediialnosti [Collected normative documents of vital safety]. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].
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Терзі П. П. History of Game-Oriented Sports Development in Ukraine (1920-1930)

(2015) Science and education, 4, 159-162. Odessa.


Pylyp Terzi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sport Games,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 Research of the historical and pedagogic, scientific, methodical literature on the theory and experience of Physical Education allows to specify that sports and sport games (particularly football) in Ukraine has started its developing later, than in countries of Western Europe. During 1920-30х round the term “sports” has been actively discussed by politicians, which has influenced the development of different kinds of sport. In these years Physical Education (and sports as its basic component) was dependant on the political goals and interests of the authority. It is necessary to notice that since November, 1922 in Kharkov the magazine “The Physical Training Bulletin”, devoted to questions of Physical Education and Sports, has gone to press. Since the year 1926, volleyball has become popular in Ukraine which, according to most of press representatives, reminded tennis. In the beginning this kind of sports was developing in Kharkov at physical training courses, where the first team was created. Water polo is considered as a little-known in the Soviet Union, and it was popular and began to develop only in Odesa. Basketball then was considered as a winter kind of sports and it still wasn’t popular in Ukraine, except for Odesa as well. At that time (1920-1930) football was in great request despite the statements of the representatives of the authority of that time. At 2nd Vseukrainsky meeting on Physical Culture which was held in March, 1926, Butsenko calls for struggle against football. Newspapers are filled with articles which tried to show that football is harmful for working and social life. During 1920-1930th years sport life in Ukraine was developing very slowly, because at that time sports and Physical Education were considered as opposite concepts by the authority, they supported the development of the Physical Education, but were against sport gaming and tried to exterminate it.


 sports, physical training, football. 




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