Озарук В. В., Презлята Г. В., Курилюк С. І. Considering Schoolchildren’s Psycho-Physiological Characteristics when Forming Need for Increasing Physical Activity
(2015) Science and education, 4, 135-140. Odessa.
Vasyl Ozaruk,
Post-graduate Student of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports,
Anna Prezliata,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports,
Serhii Kuryliuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
The authors have identified the low level of physical activity of schoolchildren, which negatively affects their health condition (autonomic dysfunction, fatigue, sleep disturbance, appearance anxiety). Such negative phenomena are caused by the low level of physical activity. The program of Physical Education in 1-4 th grades is aimed at the development of key competences, paying attention to motivational factors, the development of interest in Physical Culture, beliefs and needs of the implementation of the physical culture in everyday life. The authors have justified the relevance of searching for tools and techniques to increase the level of primary schoolchildren’s physical activity. After entering school physical activity of primary schoolchildren reduces by half, which causes health deterioration, fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance. It is established that the energy importance of Physical Education lessons for schoolchildren doesn’t compensate the lack of physical activity even if the curriculum provides three lessons a week. Primary school age is an important period of ontogenesis for the formation of children’s health, abilities and practical skills, for their saving, with emphasis on the physical culture. At that, psychological characteristics of schoolchildren should be taken into account. When doing exercises at Physical Education lessons it is necessary to avoid heavy loads on the spine, prolonged muscle stress; one should alternate short-term load with sufficient brief rests; when doing physical exercises one should use a holistic method; among other means one should do simulation exercises, folk action games, dance moves, etc. It is also established that in the process of forming the need to increase physical activity of schoolchildren, it is necessary to expand a number of means and methods of physical education, appropriate to the age peculiarities of pupils.
health formation, physical activity, curriculum.
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