Головченко О. І. Psychophysical State of Students-Future Pedagogues at Physical Education Lessons
(2015) Science and education, 4, 56-60. Odessa.
Oleksii Holovchenko,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports (Candidate of Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Human
Health and Physical Rehabilitation, Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine
Since the problem of the working population’s health requires a search for ways to improve physical fitness, the authors has carried out the examination of motivation and autonomy of university students in physical education on the basis of subjective evaluation. 136 first-year students of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko took part in the experiment. The obtained data allowed to divide motor activity of students into five levels - very low, low, medium, high, and very high. Each level complied with certain types of physical activity. The index of functional status was determined by E. Pirogova’s method. A questionnaire of subjective assessment of independence at Physical Educationlessons has been developed in order to estimate the level of students’ independence. It consists of 24 questions with fixed answers. The surveyed students are characterized by an average level of physical fitness (38,3%), indicating a satisfactory state of their physical development and cardiovascular system. Motor activity of students in higher power consumption for the age limit (2620,8 ± 65,6 kcal). It is revealed that there is no dependence of the physical fitness level and the index of physical activity. The research has determined the structure of sport preferences: athletics (32,6 ± 4,8%), sport games, especially football (23,9 ± 4,5%), basketball (17,4 ± 3,9%). It has been also determined that health and physical fitness level of students are of a good level (59,8 ± 5,1%, 54,3 ± 5,2%,). The leading motives to physical training in higher educational institutions are hiking (78,3 ± 4,3%), creating physical training holidays (72,8 ± 4,6%) and teaching morale and self-discipline (50 ± 5,2%). The prospective of further researches in this field the author consider in the development of a program of female studentspedagogues’ psychophysical state improvement and assessment of its efficiency.
physical fitness, physical activity, motivation, students.
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