(2022) Science and education, 3, 14-18. Odessa.

Olena Kostenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
Alchevskyh st., 29, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0354-8875




In the modern context, inter- and trans-disciplinary studies are deservedly gaining more and more popularity. In the educological context, combinations with related disciplines, such as sociology, can be fruitful. Despite some difference in the subjects of research, relevant borrowings have great generative potential. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, on the concrete example of the social theory of Norbert Elias, that the theoreticalmethodological interaction of sociology and educology is productive and important for finding new research questions and, accordingly, for a deeper understanding of the research subject. With the help of qualitative content analysis and general scientific methods of theoretical research, the author analyzes the social theory of Norbert Elias and reveals its content. The analysis took place in three stages: summarizing, explicating and structuring. At the first stage, the corpus of Elias’ texts were studied in detail in order to create a single text that includes all the elements of the theory. At the second stage, expert comments were added to unclear passages of the text, explaining some ambiguous points. At the third stage, the text was subjected to interpretation-coding, which enabled a deeper understanding of what was written. As a result, it was established that the theoretical-conceptual apparatus based on the concepts of figuration, power relations and individual and social habitus, developed by Norbert Elias for studying and understanding the surrounding reality, has the potential to be applied in educological research. The advantages in this case include the possibility of simultaneous micro-, meso- and macro-analysis, an additional point of view and an expansion of the arsenal of research questions in educology. Dangers include thoughtless eclecticism and inadequate attention to the peculiarities of the subject of research in each of the disciplines. The article may be of interest to anyone who is interested in issues of interdisciplinarity in educology.


interdisciplinarity, theoretical and methodological base of research, educology, Norbert Elias, qualitative
content analysis.




1. Biggs, J.B. (1976). Educology: The theory of educational practice. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 1(3), 274-284.
2. Elias, N. & Scotson, J.L. (1990). Etablierte und Außenseiter, translated by M. Schröter. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
3. Elias, N. (1977). Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation. Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen. Zweiter Band. Wandlungen der Gesellschaft. Entwurf zu einer Theorie der Zivilisation. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
4. Elias, N. (1978). Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation. Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen. Erster Band. Wandlungen des Verhaltens in den weltlichen Oberschichten des Abendlandes. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
5. Elias, N. (1987). Die Gesellschaft der Individuen, edited by M. Schröter. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
6. Elias, N. (2005). Studien über die Deutschen: Machtkämpfe und Habitusentwicklung im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert, edited by M. Schröter and N. Wilterdink. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
7. Elias, N. (2014). Was ist Soziologie? Weinheim and Basel: Belz Verlag.
8. Fisher, J.E. (2003). A general sketch of a semiotically understood and oriented organic experiental philosophy of educology for developing democracies in the world. International Journal of Educology, 17.
9. Hitzler, R. (2008). Grenzen der disziplinären „Ökumene“. Zur fundamentalen Differenz von Jugendsoziologie und Pädagogik. Soziologie, 37, 145-154.
10. Mayring, P. (2021). Qualitative content analysis: a step-by-step guide. London: Sage.
11. Ognevyuk, V., Sysoyeva, S. (2012). Osvitologia – naukovui napryam integrovanogo doslidzhennya sfery osvity [Osvitologia – the scientific approach to the integrated study of the sphare of education]. Ridna shkola, 4–5, 44-51 [in Ukrainian].
12. Wilson, T. (2017). Normative and interpretive paragigms in sociology. Everyday Life, 57–79.


// Наука і освіта.  2022.  №3. – 14-18.

Olena Kostenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
Alchevskyh st., 29, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0354-8875





In the modern context, inter- and trans-disciplinary studies are deservedly gaining more and more popularity. In the educological context, combinations with related disciplines, such as sociology, can be fruitful. Despite some difference in the subjects of research, relevant borrowings have great generative potential. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, on the concrete example of the social theory of Norbert Elias, that the theoreticalmethodological interaction of sociology and educology is productive and important for finding new research questions and, accordingly, for a deeper understanding of the research subject. With the help of qualitative content analysis and general scientific methods of theoretical research, the author analyzes the social theory of Norbert Elias and reveals its content. The analysis took place in three stages: summarizing, explicating and structuring. At the first stage, the corpus of Elias’ texts were studied in detail in order to create a single text that includes all the elements of the theory. At the second stage, expert comments were added to unclear passages of the text, explaining some ambiguous points. At the third stage, the text was subjected to interpretation-coding, which enabled a deeper understanding of what was written. As a result, it was established that the theoretical-conceptual apparatus based on the concepts of figuration, power relations and individual and social habitus, developed by Norbert Elias for studying and understanding the surrounding reality, has the potential to be applied in educological research. The advantages in this case include the possibility of simultaneous micro-, meso- and macro-analysis, an additional point of view and an expansion of the arsenal of research questions in educology. Dangers include thoughtless eclecticism and inadequate attention to the peculiarities of the subject of research in each of the disciplines. The article may be of interest to anyone who is interested in issues of interdisciplinarity in educology.


interdisciplinarity, theoretical and methodological base of research, educology, Norbert Elias, qualitative content analysis.




1. Biggs, J.B. (1976). Educology: The theory of educational practice. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 1(3), 274-284.
2. Elias, N. & Scotson, J.L. (1990). Etablierte und Außenseiter, translated by M. Schröter. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
3. Elias, N. (1977). Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation. Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen. Zweiter Band. Wandlungen der Gesellschaft. Entwurf zu einer Theorie der Zivilisation. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
4. Elias, N. (1978). Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation. Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen. Erster Band. Wandlungen des Verhaltens in den weltlichen Oberschichten des Abendlandes. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
5. Elias, N. (1987). Die Gesellschaft der Individuen, edited by M. Schröter. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
6. Elias, N. (2005). Studien über die Deutschen: Machtkämpfe und Habitusentwicklung im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert, edited by M. Schröter and N. Wilterdink. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
7. Elias, N. (2014). Was ist Soziologie? Weinheim and Basel: Belz Verlag.
8. Fisher, J.E. (2003). A general sketch of a semiotically understood and oriented organic experiental philosophy of educology for developing democracies in the world. International Journal of Educology, 17.
9. Hitzler, R. (2008). Grenzen der disziplinären „Ökumene“. Zur fundamentalen Differenz von Jugendsoziologie und Pädagogik. Soziologie, 37, 145-154.
10. Mayring, P. (2021). Qualitative content analysis: a step-by-step guide. London: Sage.
11. Ognevyuk, V., Sysoyeva, S. (2012). Osvitologia – naukovui napryam integrovanogo doslidzhennya sfery osvity [Osvitologia – the scientific approach to the integrated study of the sphare of education]. Ridna shkola, 4–5, 44-51 [in Ukrainian].
12. Wilson, T. (2017). Normative and interpretive paragigms in sociology. Everyday Life, 57–79.


(2022) Science and education, 3, 9-13. Odessa.

Iryna Balaniuk,
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology,
Bukovynian State Medical University,
Theater Square Street, 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine




The COVID-19 pandemic has a detrimental effect not only on the physical but also on the mental health of society. The Covid-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to all European countries from the very beginning. In particular, in Ukraine, universities faced the problem of organizing internal administrative processes and distance online learning during quarantine restrictions. Because most students during this time noted a decrease in concentration, attention, motivation, sleep disorders and even depression due to a decrease in the number of social contacts. With the restriction of social life, a new challenge arose, the introduction of digital technologies, which brought with them new problems. Students who were already considered vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic and had learning difficulties found themselves in an even more difficult situation. Above all, governments must ensure that students who are falling behind receive the support they need to achieve their expected learning goals. In the absence of any intervention, the loss of knowledge caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have a long-term negative impact on the future well-being of young people. It is imperative that we not only recover from the pandemic, but also use this experience to better prepare for future crises. Educational institutions should be better prepared to easily transition between face-to-face and distance learning as needed.


COVID-19, education, students, consequences.




1. Cervantes J. The Future of Infectious Diseases Education. Med Sci Educ. 2020 Jul 13;30(4):1783-1785. doi: 10.1007/s40670-020-01023.
2. Marinoni, G., Van’t Land, H., & Jensen, T. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on higher education around the world. IAU global survey report, 23.
3. Guppy, N., Verpoorten, D., Boud, D., Lin, L., Tai, J., & Bartolic, S. (2022). The post-COVID-19 future of digital learning in higher education: Views from educators, students, and other professionals in six countries. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, –16. URL: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13212.
4. Hess K, McAuliffe EL, Gleckman-Krut M, Shapiro S. Learning from 2020: How the Challenges of Remote Teaching Reinforce the Need for Care-Informed Pedagogy. 2022; 50(1):3-16. doi:10.1177/0092055X211060344.
5. Steinberger P, Eshet Y, Grinautsky K. No Anxious Student Is Left Behind: Statistics Anxiety, Personality Traits, and Academic Dishonesty-Lessons from COVID-19. 2021; 13(9):4762. URL: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094762.
6. Karatuna I, Jönsson S and Muhonen T (2022) Job Demands, Resources, and Future Considerations: Academics’ Experiences of Working From Home During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. Front. Psychol. 13:908640. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.908640.
7. Dinu, L. M., Dommett, E. J., Baycova, A., Mehta, K. J., Everett, S., Foster, J. L. H., et al. (2021). A case study investigating mental wellbeing of university academics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educ. Sci. 11, 702. doi: 10.3390/educsci11110702.
8. Hacker, J., vom Brocke, J., Handali, J., Otto, M., and Schneider, J. (2020). Virtually in this together: how webconferencing systems enabled a new virtual togetherness
during the COVID-19 crisis. Eur. J. Inform. Sys. 29, 563–584. doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2020.1814680.
9. Biswakarma, J., Rushworth, D., Srivastava, G., Singh, G., Kang, K., Das, S., et al. (2021). Organizational level responses to the COVID-19 outbreak: challenges, strategies and framework for academic institutions. Front. Commun. 6, 573585. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.573585.
10. Mamnuah M, Wantonoro W. Online Learning Methods during COVID-19 Pandemic: On an Indonesian Nursing Student Experience. Open-Access MacedJMed Sci2022Feb12;10:105111. URL: https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2022.8158.
11. Kohli, H., Wampole, D., & Kohli, A. (2021). Impact of Online Education on Student Learning during the Pandemic. Studies in Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 1–11. URL: https://doi.org/10.46627/silet.v2i2.65.
12. Toquero C.M. Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Philippine Context. PEDAGOGICAL RES. 2020;5(4), em0063. URL: https://doi.org/10.29333/pr/7947.
13. Almossa, S.Y., Alzahrani, S.M. Lessons on maintaining assessment integrity during COVID-19. Int J Educ Integr 18, 19(2022). URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-022-00112-1.
14. Cao JT, Burgess B, Foster JK, Yaoyuneyong G, Wallace LK. Rapid Transitioning to Remote Learning: Shared Responsibility and Coping Strategies. Journal of Marketing Education. 2022;44(2): 235–249. doi:10.1177/02734753211044744
15. Prieto, D., Tricio, J., Cáceres, F., Param, F., Meléndez, C., Vásquez, P., et al. (2021). Academics’ and students’ experiences in a Chilean dental school during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. Eur. J. Dental Education. 25, 689–697. doi: 10.1111/eje.12647.
16. Roy, H. Ray, K. Saha, S. Ghosal, A. K. (2020). Study on Students’ Perceptions for Online Zoom-app based Flipped Class Sessions on Anatomy Organised during the Lockdown Period of COVID-19 Epoch, J Clin of Diagn Res. 14(6), AC01-AC04. URL: https://www.doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2020/44869/13797.
17. Huynh R. The Role of E-Learning in Medical Education. Acad Med. 2017 Apr;92(4):430. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001596.
18. Dyrek N, Wikarek A, Niemiec M, Owczarek AJ, Olszanecka-Glinianowicz M, Kocełak P. The perception of e-learning during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by students of medical universities in Poland – a survey-based study. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Jul 8;22(1):529. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03600-7.
19. Li W, Gillies R, He M, Wu C, Liu S, Gong Z, Sun H. Barriers and facilitators to online medical and nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from international students from low- and middle-income countries and their teaching staff. Hum Resour Health. 2021 May 12;19 (1):64. doi: 10.1186/s12960-021-00609-9. PMID: 33980228; PMCID: PMC8114664.
20. Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., Aremu, A.Y. et al. Effects of COVID-19 in E-learning on higher education institution students: the group comparison between male and female. Qual Quant 55, 805–826 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-020-01028-z


// Наука і освіта.  2022.  №3. – 9-13.

Ірина Баланюк,
кандидат медичних наук, доцентка кафедри інфекційних хвороб та епідеміології
Буковинського державного медичного університету,
вул. Театральна площа, 2, м. Чернівці, Україна





Пандемія COVID-19 має згубний вплив не лише на фізичне, а також і на психічне здоров’я соціуму. Пандемія COVID-19 із самого початку поставила перед усіма європейськими країнами нові виклики. Зокрема, в Україні університети стикнулися з проблемою організації внутрішніх адміністративних процесів і дистанційного онлайн-навчання під час карантинних обмежень. Оскільки більшість студентів за цей час відмітили зниження концентрації, уваги, мотивації, розлади сну та навіть депресію через зниження кількості соціальних контактів. З обмеженням соціального життя постав новий виклик – запровадження цифрових технологій, які принесли з собою і нові проблеми. Студенти, які вже вважалися вразливими до пандемії COVID-19 і мали труднощі з навчанням, опинилися в ще складнішій ситуації. Першочергово уряди повинні забезпечити, щоб студенти, які відстають, отримували підтримку, необхідну їм для досягнення очікуваних цілей навчання. За відсутності будь-якого втручання втрата знань, спричинена пандемією COVID-19, ймовірно, матиме довгостроковий негативний вплив на майбутнє благополуччя молоді. Вкрай важливо, щоб ми не тільки оговталися від пандемії, але й використали цей досвід, щоб краще підготуватися до майбутніх криз. Навчальні заклади мають бути краще підготовлені до легкого переходу між очним і дистанційним навчанням за потреби.


COVID-19, освіта, студенти, наслідки.




1. Cervantes J. The Future of Infectious Diseases Education. Med Sci Educ. 2020 Jul 13;30(4):1783-1785. doi: 10.1007/s40670-020-01023.
2. Marinoni, G., Van’t Land, H., & Jensen, T. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on higher education around the world. IAU global survey report, 23.
3. Guppy, N., Verpoorten, D., Boud, D., Lin, L., Tai, J., & Bartolic, S. (2022). The post-COVID-19 future of digital learning in higher education: Views from educators, students, and other professionals in six countries. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, –16. URL: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13212.
4. Hess K, McAuliffe EL, Gleckman-Krut M, Shapiro S. Learning from 2020: How the Challenges of Remote Teaching Reinforce the Need for Care-Informed Pedagogy. 2022; 50(1):3-16. doi:10.1177/0092055X211060344.
5. Steinberger P, Eshet Y, Grinautsky K. No Anxious Student Is Left Behind: Statistics Anxiety, Personality Traits, and Academic Dishonesty-Lessons from COVID-19. 2021; 13(9):4762. URL: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094762.
6. Karatuna I, Jönsson S and Muhonen T (2022) Job Demands, Resources, and Future Considerations: Academics’ Experiences of Working From Home During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. Front. Psychol. 13:908640. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.908640.
7. Dinu, L. M., Dommett, E. J., Baycova, A., Mehta, K. J., Everett, S., Foster, J. L. H., et al. (2021). A case study investigating mental wellbeing of university academics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educ. Sci. 11, 702. doi: 10.3390/educsci11110702.
8. Hacker, J., vom Brocke, J., Handali, J., Otto, M., and Schneider, J. (2020). Virtually in this together: how webconferencing systems enabled a new virtual togetherness
during the COVID-19 crisis. Eur. J. Inform. Sys. 29, 563–584. doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2020.1814680.
9. Biswakarma, J., Rushworth, D., Srivastava, G., Singh, G., Kang, K., Das, S., et al. (2021). Organizational level responses to the COVID-19 outbreak: challenges, strategies and framework for academic institutions. Front. Commun. 6, 573585. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.573585.
10. Mamnuah M, Wantonoro W. Online Learning Methods during COVID-19 Pandemic: On an Indonesian Nursing Student Experience. Open-Access MacedJMed Sci2022Feb12;10:105111. URL: https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2022.8158.
11. Kohli, H., Wampole, D., & Kohli, A. (2021). Impact of Online Education on Student Learning during the Pandemic. Studies in Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 1–11. URL: https://doi.org/10.46627/silet.v2i2.65.
12. Toquero C.M. Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Philippine Context. PEDAGOGICAL RES. 2020;5(4), em0063. URL: https://doi.org/10.29333/pr/7947.
13. Almossa, S.Y., Alzahrani, S.M. Lessons on maintaining assessment integrity during COVID-19. Int J Educ Integr 18, 19(2022). URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-022-00112-1.
14. Cao JT, Burgess B, Foster JK, Yaoyuneyong G, Wallace LK. Rapid Transitioning to Remote Learning: Shared Responsibility and Coping Strategies. Journal of Marketing Education. 2022;44(2): 235–249. doi:10.1177/02734753211044744
15. Prieto, D., Tricio, J., Cáceres, F., Param, F., Meléndez, C., Vásquez, P., et al. (2021). Academics’ and students’ experiences in a Chilean dental school during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. Eur. J. Dental Education. 25, 689–697. doi: 10.1111/eje.12647.
16. Roy, H. Ray, K. Saha, S. Ghosal, A. K. (2020). Study on Students’ Perceptions for Online Zoom-app based Flipped Class Sessions on Anatomy Organised during the Lockdown Period of COVID-19 Epoch, J Clin of Diagn Res. 14(6), AC01-AC04. URL: https://www.doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2020/44869/13797.
17. Huynh R. The Role of E-Learning in Medical Education. Acad Med. 2017 Apr;92(4):430. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001596.
18. Dyrek N, Wikarek A, Niemiec M, Owczarek AJ, Olszanecka-Glinianowicz M, Kocełak P. The perception of e-learning during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by students of medical universities in Poland – a survey-based study. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Jul 8;22(1):529. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03600-7.
19. Li W, Gillies R, He M, Wu C, Liu S, Gong Z, Sun H. Barriers and facilitators to online medical and nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from international students from low- and middle-income countries and their teaching staff. Hum Resour Health. 2021 May 12;19 (1):64. doi: 10.1186/s12960-021-00609-9. PMID: 33980228; PMCID: PMC8114664.
20. Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., Aremu, A.Y. et al. Effects of COVID-19 in E-learning on higher education institution students: the group comparison between male and female. Qual Quant 55, 805–826 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-020-01028-z


(2022) Science and education, 3, 3-8. Odessa.

Viktoriia Andriichuk,
graduate student of the
Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
St. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2, Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5065-2021




Researching the works of modern domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of diagnosing the levels of readiness of future teachers gives us the opportunity to characterize the level of readiness of the future teacher for the formation of financial literacy of primary school students as a significant factor that will further influence the general financial awareness of their pupils. Issues of financial literacy pass through a meaningful line through all educational programs in educational institutions. Thus, the modern Ukrainian school feels the need to obtain practical knowledge about the finances of Ukrainian society, the development of key financial and entrepreneurial competencies. The article presents the peculiarities of diagnosing the levels of readiness of future primary school teachers for the formation of students' financial literacy. A diagnostic study was conducted aimed at determining individual ways of improving students' knowledge and skills in the context of the financial sphere. Among the questionnaires and methods that allow researching this issue, the work of R. Bond, O. Kutsenko and N. Lozytska, who conducted research on financial literacy, awareness and use of financial services in Ukraine, based on the experience of foreign countries, was taken as a basis. The tested methods made it possible to determine the level of readiness of students for the formation of financial literacy among primary school students, which correspond to the following quantitative indicators: low (reproductive readiness) – 73%, medium (executive-research readiness) – 27% and high level (creative activity). The data indicate the need to implement systematic work on students' mastery of knowledge and skills in financial literacy for their further application in PPE.


diagnosis, readiness levels, finance, financial literacy, financial awareness, financial behavior.




1. Blyskavka O. Finansova hramotnist naselennia ta rozvytok natsionalnoi ekonomiky [Financial literacy of the population and development of the national economy]. URL: http://www. nifi-abik.ru/ nifi/info/pres002.pdf [in Ukrainian].
2. Bond R., O. Kutsenko, N. Lozytska. (2010) Finansova hramotnist ta obiznanist v Ukraini: Fakty ta vysnovky [Financial literacy and awareness in Ukraine: Facts and findings]. K. [in Ukrainian].
3. Zakhyst prav spozhyvachiv finansovykh posluh: poinformovani ta zakhyshcheni spozhyvachi – zaporuka pidvyshchennia doviry do finansovoho sektoru / Proekt USAID «Rozvytok finansovoho sektoru» (FINREP) [Financial Consumer Protection: Informed and Protected Consumers are the Key to Increasing Confidence in the Financial Sector / USAID Financial Sector Development Project (FINREP)]. 2009–2012. URL: http://www.finrep.kiev.ua/download/legal_publication_jan2013_ua.pdf [in Ukrainian].
4. Kizyma T. O. (2012). Finansova hramotnist naselennia: zarubizhnyi dosvid i vitchyzniani realii [Financial literacy of the population: foreign experience and domestic realities]. Visnyk TNEU, № 2. [in Ukrainian].
5. Kryvonos O. Pedahohichna diahnostyka: istorychni vytoky, henezys, suchasni pidkhody v konteksti kontseptsii «Nova ukrainska shkola» [Pedagogical diagnostics: historical origins, genesis, modern approaches in the context of the concept «New Ukrainian School»]. URL: https://pedscience.sspu.edu.ua/wpcontent/uploads/2021/06/%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81.pdf [in Ukrainian].
6. Lomachynska I. A. (2011). Finansova hramotnist yak osnova optymizatsii finansovoi povedinky v umovakh hlobalizatsii [Financial literacy as a basis for optimization of financial behavior in the context of globalization]. Visnyk ONU im. I. I. Mechnikova, T. 16, Vyp. 20. [in Ukrainian].
7. Martynenko S.M. (2008). Diahnostychna diialnist maibutnoho uchytelia pochatkovykh klasiv: teoriia i praktyka: monohrafiia [Diagnostic activity of future primary school teacher: theory and practice: a monograph]. K.: KMPU imeni B.D. Hrinchenka.[ in Ukrainian].
8. Melnyk O. M. (2002). Pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv do diahnostychnoi diialnosti [Preparation of future primary school teachers for diagnostic activities]: dys… kand. ped.nauk: spets. 13.00.04. Zaporizhzhia. [in Ukrainian].
9. Pidlasyi I. P. (1998). Diahnostyka ta ekspertyza pedahohichnykh proektiv [Diagnostics and expertise of pedagogical projects]. K.[in Ukrainian].
10. Fesenko H. A. (2018). Pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv matematyky do pidvyshchennia finansovoi hramotnosti uchniv profilnoi shkoly [Training of future mathematics teachers to improve financial literacy of secondary school students]: avtoref. dys. … kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04. K. [in Ukrainian].




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