Ivan Lopushynskyi, Olena Kovnir. State Language Policy in Education of Modern Ukraine Under Perspective European Integration.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 76-85. Odessa.


Ivan Lopushynskyi,
Doctor in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Educator of Ukraine,
Head of Public Administration Department,
Olena Kovnir,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages,
Kherson National Technical University,
24, Beryslavske Shose Str., Kherson, Ukraine



The European integration movement of Ukraine means, in particular, the recognition of European standards in the field of linguistic policy, as world experience proves the decisive role of the language and cultural factor in the formation of national communities, and that the spread of a single language is the most effective factor in consolidating the population within a single state. The paper aims to develop and scientifically substantiate a conceptual model of the formation and implementation of the state language policy in the field of education of Ukraine in the conditions of perspective European integration, which is based on the system of scientific approaches, normative legal documents and empirical data on the language situation in the field of education of Ukraine. The article analyses the theoretical principles of the formation and implementation of the state language policy in the field of education of Ukraine, defines the essence and interconnection of the main categories of the theory of language policy, and substantiates the need for the development of modern language policy in the field of education of Ukraine as an integral part of the national statepublic system of this policy. On the basis of the conducted researches the methodology of improvement of mechanisms of its functioning and development is offered. The alternative models of implementing language policy in the field of education of Ukraine are presented. The methodology of the improvement of mechanisms of the state language policy formation and realization in the field of education of Ukraine is suggested based on the conducted researches. The results of the study provide an opportunity to determine the directions of further development and improvement of language policy in the field of education of Ukraine.


Ukrainian state, language policy, branch of education, prospective European integration.




1. Hlavy MZS Bolhariyi, Uhorshchyny, Hretsiyi ta Rumuniyi pidpysaly lyst ukrayins'kym koleham [The heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece and Romania signed a letter to Ukrainian colleagues]. Retrieved from: https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/chetyre-strany-obratilisobse-povodu-ukrainskogo-1505402773.html [in Ukrainian].
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3. Derzhavna natsionalna prohrama «Osvita» («Ukrayina XXI stolittya»): zatverdzhena postanovoyu Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny vid 03 lystopada 1993 roku № 896 [State national program "Education" ("Ukraine XXI century"): approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 03, 1993, No. 896]. Retrieved from: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/ laws / show / 896-93-% D0% BF [in Ukrainian].
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Liliya Morska, Tetiana Horpinich, Tetiana Olendr. Teaching Medical Students’ Professional English Reading on The Basis of Individual Cognitive Learning Styles.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 86-93. Odessa.


Liliya Morska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Foreign Languages for Science Faculties,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
1, Universytetska Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
The University of Bielsko-Biala,
2, Willowa Str., Bielsko-Biala, Poland,
Tetiana Horpinich,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University,
1, Maidan Voli, Ternopil, Ukraine
Tetiana Olendr,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
2, Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of developing future doctors’ reading competency in professional English on the basis of individual cognitive learning styles. The notion “individual cognitive learning style” in the context of medical students’ professional training has been defined; the influence of the given notion on the efficiency of professional communicative competency development has been studied; the advantages of considering right and left hemispheres dominance as individual learning styles in the process of developing medical students’ reading competency in professional English have been grounded. The effectiveness of the suggested methodology has been verified and confirmed in the course of experimental teaching.


 reading competency in professional English, individual cognitive learning style, medical students training.




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Tetiana Dokuchyna. Academic Motivation of Students Majoring in “Special Education”.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 94-100. Odessa.


Tetiana Dokuchyna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusive Education,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University,
61, I. Ohiienko Str., Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of academic motivation of students of higher educational institutions. The effectiveness of professional training of future special educators largely depends on their academic motivation in the corresponding specialty. The purpose of the article is to analyse the results of the study of academic motivation of students majoring in “Special Education” in the process of mastering the profession, and determine the ways of forming profession-related academic motivation. To study the specifics of academic motivation of future special educators the following methods were used: Academic Motivation Inventory (modified by A. Rean, V. Yakunіn), a specially designed author’s questionnaire. According to the results of the first method, the dominant motive is a cognitive one, in particular “becoming a highly skilled specialist” and “acquiring profound knowledge”. Another predominant social academic motive is “obtaining a diploma”. The results of the survey using a specially designed questionnaire have shown that most of students make their choice of the future profession unconsciously, which is reflected in the lack of active attitude to studying. The predominance of cognitive motives has been revealed. In general, students understand the significance of the profession of a special educator. However, the positive attitude to the profession does not contribute to the formation of stable professional motives, beliefs about further work in the specialty, which is due to the reasons for dissatisfaction with the profession. The generalized analysis of the results has shown the need for the formation of profession-related academic motivation, and the ways of its development in students have been presented.


motivation, motive, students majoring in “Special Education”, special educator, profession-related academic motivation.




1. Akatov, L.I. (2003). Sotsialnaia reabilitatsiia detei s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostiami zdorovia. Psikhologicheskie osnovy [Social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Psychological foundations]. Moscow: VLADOS [in Russian].
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Kateryna Vitsukaieva, Marianna Horvat. Socio-Pedagogical Support of Anxious Children From Internally Displaced Families.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 101-106. Odessa.


Kateryna Vitsukaieva,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Social Education, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Marianna Horvat,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of socio-pedagogical support for 6-9-year-old anxious children from internally displaced families living in areas of compact settlement. This category of children is special and needs corresponding support. The aim of the research is to reveal the results of the implementation of the program of socio-pedagogical support for this category of children. The suggested program consists of three units each of which is focused on the work with social teachers, anxious children, and their parents. The experimental verification of the program was carried out involving 12 children with a high anxiety level, and their parents. The respondents were divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group was engaged to take part in the experimental program. After its implementation into the educational process of the experimental group, positive dynamics in the reduction of anxiety level in experimental group children could be observed, as distinct from the control one, which is indicative of the effectiveness of the suggested socio-pedagogical support of anxious children from internally displaced families.


socio-pedagogical support, anxiety, 6-9-year-old children, internally displaced families.




1.Dermanova, I. B. (2002). Diagnostika emotsionalno-nravstvennogo razvitiya [Diagnostic of emotional and moral development]. Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].
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Halyna Bilavych, Hanna Korinna, Lesia Karnaukh. Psycho-Pedagogical Diagnostics of Senior Preschoolers’ Gender Socialization Level.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 107-112. Odessa.


Halyna Bilavych,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Primary School Education,
The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
Hanna Korinna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Child Development,
Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University,
Lesia Karnaukh,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Education of Child Development,
Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University,
28, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of gender socialization of children, which is considered as a process and a result of general and psychosexual development of a personality, the girl’s / boy’s individuality according to the age peculiarities of maturation, carried out in the system of relations with adults and peers of both genders. The paper aims to substantiate and identify the levels of gender socialization of children of senior preschool age. The evaluation was carried out according to the following criteria: cognitive, emotional, and value-behavioral. Each criterion included a group of qualitative indicators that identified the content and level of gender socialization of children. A diagnostic technique was developed for identifying the levels of children’s gender socialization, which made it possible to differentiate the levels of gender socialization of children quantitatively: sufficient, medium, and low. The experiment involved 80 children of both genders. According to the results of the implementation of a number of diagnostic methods and tasks by children, it has been established that most of the respondents have average and low levels of gender socialization. Thus, the results of the experiment on the examination of the levels of gender socialization of senior preschoolers have shown the need for the development and testing of an experimental program, which is going to be covered in the further studies.


children, gender socialization, diagnostic tasks, methodology, criteria, indicators, levels.




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