Rashid Jabbarov, Mushvig Mustafayev, Kamila Kazimova, Yaman Valiyeva. Factors Affecting Students’ Professional Identity

(2018) Science and education, 1, 40-45. Odessa.


Rashid Jabbarov,
PhD in Psychology, associate professor, Department of Social and Pedagogical Psychology,
Baku State University, 38, Z. Khalilov, Az 1148, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Mushvig Mustafayev,
PhD in Psychology, Department of Social and Pedagogical Psychology,
Baku State University, 38, Z. Khalilov, Az 1148, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Kamila Kazimova,
PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology,
Baku State University, 38, Z. Khalilov, Az 1148, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Yaman Valiyeva,
PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology,
Baku State University, 38, Z. Khalilov, Az 1148, Baku, Azerbaijan



The article outlines the results of the research aimed at identifying professional identity with 200 students of higher educational institutions. The study has shown that the formation of interest in the profession depends on professional identity and imaginations about it regardless of success and failures of students. It is recommended that training of interest and love for the profession selected by students is achieved by the formation of correct imaginations on the content and social significance of the job in this activity field for them and its development methods. Professional identity in students may develop upon condition of specially organized educational activity.


students, professional identity, activity, positive and negative emotions, interest in profession, profession, skills.




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Viktoriia Yahodnikova, Igor Racu, Anatolii Mykolaiets. Teachers’ Social Intelligence Examination.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 46-53. Odessa.


Viktoriia Yahodnikova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Odesa Institute “Interregional Academy of Staff Management”,
19, Chornomorskoho Kozatstva, Odesa, Ukraine,
Igor Racu,
Vice rector for Science and International Relations,
University professor, Ph.D.,
Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University,
1, Ion Creanga Street, Chisinau, Moldova,
Anatolii Mykolaiets,
PhD (Candidate of Public Administration), associate professor,
Department of Public Relations,
Interregional Academy of Staff Management,
2, Frometovska, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of social intelligence as a psychological characteristic of teacher’s personality, which forms the basis of his/her professionally significant qualities. Social intelligence is considered as integral intellectual ability, which ensures the success of social adaptation, the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction, includes the ability to cognize and predict the behavior of the educational process participants, understand and manage their own emotions and emotions of others. The cognitive, empathic and communicative-organizational criteria, which are interrelated and interdependent components of the structure of social intelligence, have been distinguished. The diagnostic toolkit is presented, according to which the results of experimental research on the development of teachers’ social intelligence, are revealed.


social intelligence, teachers, empathy, diagnostics, complex program.




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Olena Chuiko. Personal Growth Dynamics in Students of Socinomic Field.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 54-59. Odessa.


Olena Chuiko,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
60, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to research personal maturity of students majoring in socionomy as a main determinant of their professional competency. This is due to the fact the modern society requires graduates able to adapt to the dynamic changes of the present, to realize the extent of personal responsibility in a situation of human functioning in a crisis period, to respond to the emergence of new client groups, etc. The article reveals the results of the carried out empirical research aimed at revealing the students’ (n=227) personal growth dynamics in the context of early professionalization. It is assumed that personal immaturity can become a barrier in fulfilling professional duties. The following research methods were applied: Purpose-in-Life Test by Crumbaugh & Maholick in the modification of D. Leontiev; SelfAttitude Inventory by S. Panteleyev; 16PF Questionnaire by R. Cattell; S. Maddi’s Viability Test (in the adaptation of D. Leontiev and O. Rasskazov); Communicative Tolerance Test by V. Boiko. As a result of the conducted research, statistically significant correlations have been found between the features and dynamics of value-semantic, communicative, self-regulatory, cognitive substructures. It has been revealed that the maturation of personal structures is heterogeneous. Communicative and self-regulatory structures of the psyche become “professionalized” faster than the other ones. Instead, axiological structures are characterized by certain contradictions. Along with the ability for goal-setting, independency and focus on the future, there is ambition, projection, and detachment from real society needs and demands. The great role in the personal growth of specialists is played by their experience of participation in various profession-related social work: volunteer and community activities, training groups and social events, social projects and performances. The empirically distinguished so called Bachelor’s crisis period is explained by the lack of readiness of a graduate to be included in professional practice according to his/her major, which is due to the fact in the modern society Bachelor’s degree is considered as undergraduate education.


personal maturity, personal structures, early professionalization, Bachelor’s crisis, social practices, selfconcept of a young person.




1. Bondarenko, A. F. (2001). Psihologicheskaya pomosch: teoriya i praktika [Psychological assistance: theory and practice]. Moscow: Nezavisimaya firma «Klass». Moscow [in Russian].
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3. Rogers, C.R., Stevens, B. (1967). Learning to be free. Person to person: The problem of being human. Walnut Creek, CA, [in English].

Viktor Vus, Tetiana Kychkyruk, Elena Lokutova. Social and Personal Development of Preschoolers Through The Lens of Parental Religious Educational Models.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 60-64. Odessa.


Viktor Vus,
PhD, associate professor,
Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Research Fellow, MFC-АРS Maendeleo for Children (NDSAN Network)
Rome, Italy,
е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tetiana Kychkyruk,
PhD, associate professor, Department of Philosophy,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Elena Lokutova,
PhD, associate professor, Department of Extension and Tourism,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The paper aims to analyze religious parental educational models, parental expectations and attitudes toward children’s social and personal development. It sets forth the findings of an empirical research into the specifics of a parental socio-psychological child-rearing model. The sample involved 68 parents of the children at an educational establishment based on the principles of religious-moral pedagogy. The data were collected by means of Parent Questionnaire (Vus, 2014) which consists of questions on personal and demographic data of the respondents, questions that reveal the profile of their parental-pedagogical model in the conditions of religious-moral education. The empirical research covered parental expectations (in the context of religious-moral education) for their children’s social and personal development; attitudes toward children’s development at an educational establishment (the nature of relationship with educators and peers); selection of forms of educational influence and social activity of children; and the individual nature of parents’ attitudes to themselves and society. The paper examines the parental overriding priorities for child’s social and personal development. It identifies the factors determining parental attitudes to their children and criteria for assessment of their social success, social health in religious families. The parental socio-psychological model of child development includes a number of mandatory requirements to the teaching staff, others and children. There is a visible focus on the development of an “internal” form of interpersonal interaction culture. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the dependence of parents’ inner peace, harmony on the degree of their self-actualization in their children. The essential factors that determine the specifics of parental attitude to the child are as follows: accordance to the expectations of adults; emotional perception of interaction with the child; characteristics of creative and cognitive activity.


 social health of personality, educational process, religious upbringing, social and personal development of preschoolers, parental expectations.




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6. Samfira, E.-M., Arslan, H., Vus, V. (2017). Farm-Based education: comparative study of Romania and Ukraine. Proceedings Volume: Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, 761-771. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc.rsacvp2017.70
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8. Vus V.I., Vihrovskaya V.A. (2014). Modern psychological and pedagogical models of the spiritual realm of a child. Nauka i studia, 10(159), 87-90.

Tetiana Kravchyna. Understanding of Foreign Scientific Text as Factor of Professional Development of Future Mechanical Engineers.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 65-70. Odessa.


Tetiana Kravchyna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Khmelnytsky National University
11 Institutska Str., Khmelnitsky, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the study of the necessity for understanding the foreign scientific text in order to develop the intellectual culture of future technical specialists. It is found that the foreign scientific text has peculiarities of a language – namely, the ability of words to name, indicate and describe aspects of reality. Consequently, its main function is informative (message, explanation, clarification, elucidation, substantiation, classification of concepts, systematization of knowledge, reasoned argument); its task – the transfer of information. A foreign scientific text is a means of representing foreign scientific information, the result of scientific research. It necessarily reflects a certain problem, puts forward hypotheses, orients to new knowledge. It is characterized by expediency and rationality of all principles and orientated towards achieving research aims and objectives. It has a rational nature, consists of judgments, inferences, constructed according to the rules of the science and formal logics. The article describes the specifics of understanding and interpreting the foreign scientific text, examines the psychological peculiarities of the interpreter. For the qualitative understanding and interpretation of foreign scientific texts, the following components are necessary: a) vocabulary (native and foreign languages), in particular, use of scientific terminology; b) the general intellectual level (the higher the level of intelligence is, the more effective the process of understanding is); d) abilities (the combination of the learned and new information, its effective application, formation of a holistic view of the interpreted information); e) semantic-lexical proximity of the language of the foreign text to the interpreter's language (Slavic languages, in particular, Russian; and the influence of the cultural and historical peculiarities of the habitat of the interpreter); e) motivation to operate information (need for high professionalism characterizes the reasons for understanding and usage of information). As a result of the conducted empirical research there have been defined the levels of interpretation (scientific, emotional-sensitive, creative) as a component of understanding the foreign scientific text, the precondition of which is the level of intelligence; the dependence of the success of mechanical students’ academic and professional activity (high, medium, low) on the interpretation levels of foreign scientific text through the indicators of anxiety has been observed.


understanding, text, intelligence, speech, language.




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