Viktoriia Synyshyna. Psychological Aspects of Occupational Self-Determination of Adolescent School Students.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 157-167. Odessa.


Viktoriia Synyshyna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Department of Psychology,
State University “Uzhhorod National University”,
14, Universytetska Str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine



The choice of profession plays a significant role in the process of life decisions making by individuals, thus causing the scientific interest in the issue of occupational self-determination of senior school students. The study of individual’s self-determination is urgent in the context of solving the problems of motivation and needs spheres. The paper aims to reveal psychological aspects of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students. 80 school graduates took part in the experiment. The hypothesis, that there is a correlation between the motives of choosing a profession and types of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students, has been tested by the Student t-test on the significance of the correlation coefficient. Having applied Holland’s, Klimov’s, Golomshtok’s, Ovcharova’s, and Vereshchagina’s diagnostic questionnaires, it has been concluded that investigative (individuals who choose scientific professions, are focused on solving intellectual creative tasks and possess the developed nonverbal and verbal intelligence) and artistic types (with originality of thoughts and extraordinary view of life) are peculiar to the majority of the respondents; the of “individual – individual” type is peculiar to the majority of the respondents, who choose communication-related professions; most of the respondents manifest interest in pedagogy; internal socially significant motives (professions that bring pleasure), the motive of social significance prevail in choosing a future profession. There is a positive correlation between the indicators of realistic personality type and internal individually significant motives; there is a positive correlation between the indicators of social personality type and the motive of social significance of a job; there is a negative correlation between the conventional personality type and the motive of professional proficiency; there is a negative correlation between the social personality type and the motive of own work.


adolescent school students, occupational self-determination, motivation of choice, types of professions, external motivation, internal motivation, interests.




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Mariia Pavliuk, Olena Shopsha, Tetiana Tkachuk. Psychological Well-Being as a Precondition of Future Specialist’s Personal Autonomy Development.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 149-156. Odessa.


Mariia Pavliuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Olena Shopsha,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Psychology,
Tetiana Tkachuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
2, Frometivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that in modern higher education the issue of personal autonomy of students is of special importance as it determines the amount and quality of the knowledge gained and the level of competence. The paper aims to assess the level of psychological well-being, depending on the year of study in an institution of higher education that is a necessary prerequisite for the development of personal autonomy of future specialists. There have been distinguished the main factors and components related to psychological mechanisms that determine the level of future specialist’s personal autonomy, including management of the environment and the nature of relationships. An empirical study was conducted using K. Ryff’s Scale of Psychological Well-being in the adaptation of S. Karskanova. The results of the research have shown that among the factors of psychological well-being only “autonomy” has distinct age dynamics, reducing depending on the duration of study. The number of students with the low level of “autonomy” increases depending on the year of study, the number of those with the average level – ranges, and the number of the respondents with the high level remains statistically unchanged. Among the factors of psychological well-being, “personal growth” and “objectives of life” have the highest rates, and “management of environment” and “autonomy” have the lowest ones. As a result of the research the need for the development of a special course “Psychology of Future Specialist’s Personal Autonomy” has been proved. The course is going to take into account the results of the carried out empirical research, including experience of subjective activity, interpersonal interaction experience of a future specialist as well as the conditions of modern educational environment, which is planned to be covered in the further research study.


psychological well-being, independence, personality, future specialists, autonomy, positive relations with others.




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