Natalia Afanasieva, Iryna Ostopolets, Nataliia Svitlychna. Peculiarities of Self-Attitude of Antiterrorist Operation Participants in Case of Loss of Health.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 110-116. Odessa.


Natalia Afanasieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology of Activity in Certain Environments,
National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Iryna Ostopolets,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Psychology,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
17, Henerala Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Ukraine,
Nataliia Svitlychna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Psychology of Activity in Certain Environments,
National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,



The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research of the impact of participation in the antiterrorist operation in the East of Ukraine on self-assessment, self-esteem and self-esteem of veterans. The urgency of this issue is due to the need to develop a system of psychosocial rehabilitation of veterans, especially those wounded, to address the following issues: readaptation to peaceful life, reintegration into social environment, prevention and psychocorrection of symptoms of post-traumatic stress, etc. According to the results of the empirical study, it has been found that the injured veterans have generally positive attitudes towards themselves, and there are a number of features that distinguish them from other antiterrorist participants. They expect a special attitude towards themselves, depend on the attitude of others, wait for the approval of themselves as individuals. At the same time, their self-esteem is characterized by inadequacy, it is overestimated by the neurotic type. The level of self-respect is moderate with a tendency to low. That is, the achievements increase it and failures, on the contrary, decrease it. A program of psychosocial training aimed at optimizing the self-attitude and self-esteem of ATO participants who lost their health due to injuries has been suggested. The methodological basis of the training is a systematic approach that makes it possible to consider any psychological phenomenon as a system, in the aggregate of interconnections and interdependencies. The results of the training have shown its effectiveness in acquiring the ability to overcome internal barriers, to gain skills of effective communication, forming adequate self-attitude and self-esteem by the ATO participants.


self-esteem, self-attitude, self-respect, participants of antiterrorist operation, loss of health, psychosocial training.




1. Yena, A. I. (2014). Aktualnist i organizacijni zasadi mediko-psihologichnoyi reabilitaciyi uchasnikiv antiteroristichnoyi operaciyi [Relevance and organizational principles of medical and psychological rehabilitation of participants in the antiterrorist operation]. Naukovyi zhurnal MOZ Ukrainy – Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 1 (5), 5–16 [in Ukrainian].
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Olena Bulhakova. Students’ Psychological Readiness For Social Interaction: System and Subjective Approach.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 117-123. Odessa.


Olena Bulhakova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
18, Pedahohichna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of students’ psychological readiness for different conditions of social interaction. 1527 students of the Odessa National Polytechnic University took part in the study. The following research methods were applied: 16PF Questionnaire by R. Cattell, Self-Attitude Inventory, Self-Confidence Inventory by V. Romek, test-questionnaire by A. Mehrabian, Life-Sense Orientations Test, test questionnaire of formal-dynamic indicators of sociability, a questionnaire for measuring the motivation of affiliation by A. Mehrabian, Emotional Maturity Scale, Communicative Tolerance Inventory, Social Adaptability Scale, test of assertiveness components, Differential Diagnostics of Propensity to Barriers of Public Speeches, Social Intelligence Scale. According to the research outcomes, the students’ psychological readiness for social interaction is a systemic phenomenon that has signs of adaptive processes regarding the social environment. This indicates the significance of joining the university environment and, consequently, the phenomena associated with socialization that are determined by the following circumstances: a) an educational system; b) a pedagogical system; c) a psychosocial system; d) an interpersonal system. Thus, psychological readiness of students for social interaction as a systemic phenomenon has signs of educational, pedagogical, psychosocial and interpersonal interaction. As a subjective phenomenon, it reflects the degree of autonomy and effectiveness of students in these interactions.


psychological readiness, social interaction, I-subject, we-subject, social subject.




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Igor Gerush, Mariana Dikal, Tetiana Bilous. Assessment of Anxiety Level of The First-Year Foreign Students at The Medical University.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 124-130. Odessa.


Igor Gerush,
vice-rector on scientific and educational work,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry,
Mariana Dikal,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry,
Tetiana Bilous,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases,
Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine
“Bukovinian State Medical University”,
2, Teatralna square,Chernivtsi, Ukraine



The article deals with the study of anxiety level of the first-year students, whose adaptation process has certain peculiarities caused by social, political and psychophysiological factors. The aim of the research is examining the levels of situational and personal anxiety of the first-year foreign students at the medical university. To achieve the purpose 86 first-year students of the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University” were surveyed by means of a questionnaire. The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) in the modification by Y.L. Khanin was used in the study to assess anxiety. A moderate anxiety level was found in 27.9% cases (24 respondents) and a high anxiety level – in the 62 of the first-year students (72.1%). The first group (І) included 13 female students with a moderate level of situational and personal anxiety (an average age of respondents is 18.0±0.28 years), the second comparison group (ІІ) – 11 male respondents (an average age is 18.4±0.53 years). The female students with a moderate anxiety level were found to suffer from anxiety less than the male ones. The odds ratio of “feeling unlucky” in the representatives of group II as compared to those of group I was 37.5%, the relative risk was 2.4%, and the attributive risk was 57.5%, which is most likely indicative of considerable emotional overstress of the first-year boys. At the same time, in the thoughts concerning own business anxiety feelings were found more often among boys than among girls with odds ratio 83.4%, relative risk 2.8%, attributive risk 64.4%. Sensations of internal constrain, sadness, worries and gloom, were found reliably more often in group II as compared with group I. On the basis of the survey of the firstyear foreign students of the medical university a moderate or high anxiety level was found, which is indicative of an immediate necessity to improve psychological training of applicants and develop methods of psychological correction of the above mentioned pathology during the first years of studying. Anxiety level of male students appeared to be considerably higher than that of the girls, which is indicative of their more considerable emotional overstress manifested by the sensations of internal constrain, sadness, worries and depression during studies.


 personal and situational anxiety, medical university, first-year students.




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Tetiana Shcherban, Iryna Bretsko. Psychological Peculiarities of Emotional Burnout of Adolescents in The Process of Communicating with Adults.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 131-138. Odessa.


Tetiana Shcherban,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Psychology,
Iryna Bretsko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The paper aims to study factors that provoke the emotional burnout syndrome in adolescents in terms of family environment and in educational interaction with teachers. The following research methods were applied: Emotional Burnout Scale (by V. Boyko), Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality (by T. Leary), General Emotional Orientation Inventory (by B. Dodonov), Emotional States Self-Assessment (by A. Wessmann, D. Rick), the 20-item UCLA loneliness scale (by D. Russell, M. Ferguson). 244 adolescents and 150 teachers participated in the study. The unwillingness of teachers to use dialogue communication in the educational process has been observed as a result of the survey. The communicative factors that provoke the emotional burnout syndrome of teenagers are as follows: the presence of significant differences in teachers regarding the needs, goals and interests of students; attitudes in the teachers’ communicative sphere; teachers’ unwillingness to use the dialogue in educational process. In order to investigate family communicative factors that provoke the formation of the emotional burnout syndrome, teenagers from boarding schools and secondary schools were examined. The psychological properties of family communication of adolescents have been investigated and the following communicative factors provoking the formation of an emotional burnout syndrome have been distinguished: role-communicative factors – lack or absence of proper family-role communication, inability to build their own communicative tendency in interaction with teachers; psychosocial: intensive communication in the microgroup of the orphanage, increased team responsibility; unfavorable psychological atmosphere of communication; psychologically difficult contingent for communication; personality-communicative: depression, emotional rigidity, weak motivation of emotional feedback as the absence or excessive manifestation of empathy, personal sphere problems (inadequate low self-esteem, anxiety, etc.).


 emotional burnout, communicative factors, adolescents, communication, teacher, family communicative factors, interpersonal communication.




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Tetiana Larina, Zhanna Sydorenko. Examining Personality Viability Resources Through The Example of Euromaidan Movement During 2013-2014 in Ukraine.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 139-148. Odessa.


Tetiana Larina,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Senior research fellow, Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Laboratory of Social Psychology of Personality,
15, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Zhanna Sydorenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after M. Kotsiubynskyi,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The paper aims to identify resources of the personality viability associated with the events of the Euromaidan taking place in 2013-2014 in Ukraine; as well as to find out the features of coping strategies manifestation depending on the activation of psychosocial resources of the viability of an individual. The following research methods were used: The Ways of Coping Questionnaire by R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adapted by T.L. Kriukova, Mann-Whitney U-test. Besides, a questionnaire on viability resources was designed. The survey was conducted using Facebook in 2017. Those who wanted to take part in the survey filled in an online Google Forms document. Considering the events of Euromaidan as potentially traumatic, the actualization of such psychosocial resources of viability as tolerance to risk, optimistic attitude to the future, readiness to take an active public position; expectation of family support, were revealed in the respondents. Among the leading forms of psychosocial control over risks there were the desire to hold one’s own life positions, the possibility of further implementation of life plans. Some features of the manifestation of coping strategies were identified, depending on the activation of psychosocial resources of viability. For example, the Euromaidan activists tended to use “confrontational coping” aimed at “finding social support’, “positive revaluation” in the process of coping with difficulties. The respondents who monitored the events of Euromaidan in 2013-2014 also used strategies for confrontation and social support seeking, but at the same time they demonstrated an appeal to such copings as “self-control”, “acceptance of responsibility” and a tendency to “escaping/avoidance”.


psychological health, psychosocial resources, viability, traumatic events, risk, coping strategies.




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