Igor Racu, Oleksii Lystopad, Iryna Mardarova. The Formation of Future Preschool Teachers’ Competence Required for Using Computer Technology.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 23-26. Odessa.


Igor Racu,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Department of Psychology,
vice-rector for research and international relations,
Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University,
1, I. Creangă Str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 
Oleksii Lystopad,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Iryna Mardarova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Preschool Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper aims to analyse the peculiarities of the formation of future preschool teachers’ competence required for applying computer technology when learning the disciplines “New Information Technology in Preschool Education” and “Computer Technology in Work with Children”. The formation of students’ competence required for using computer technology in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is an integrated process, which involves psychopedagogical, methodological, technical training and the testing of the acquired knowledge and abilities in the process of practical training at a preschool educational institution. The level of the above-mentioned competence formation was assessed before and after studying the courses “New Information Technology in Preschool Education” and “Computer Technology in Work with Children” by future preschool teachers. The results of the study have shown that the level of future preschool teachers’ competence formation has increased significantly after studying these disciplines.


competence, future preschool teachers, computer technology, educational process of preschool institutions.




1.Bohush, A. M., & Bielienka H. V. (2012). Bazovyi komponent doshkilnoi osvity v Ukraini [Basic component of preschool education in Ukraine]. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo [in Ukrainian].
2.Molodtsov, V. A., & Ryzhikova, N. B. (2008). Informatika: testy, zadanyia, luchshie metodiki [Computer science: tests, tasks, best techniques]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks [in Russian].
3.Oliinyk, Yu. I. (2009). Sposoby vykorystannia informatsiinykh kompiuternykh tekhnolohii u pidhotovtsi fakhivtsiv haluzi doshkilnoi osvity [Ways of implementing information and computer technologies in training specialists of preschool education]. Pedahohichni nauky: zb. nauk. prats – Pedagogical sciences: Collection of scientific papers, 51, 403–408. Kherson: Vydavnytstvo KhDU [in Ukrainian].

Nataliia Yuhan. Multimedia Technologies of Teaching “RUSSIAN Language” to Foreign Students at The Initial Stage.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 27-32. Odessa.


Nataliia Yuhan,
Doctor of Philology, associate professor,
Preparatory Department for Training of Foreigners,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
90, Vasylkovska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



In the 21st century, The National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine determines the following priority ways of education modernization: forming high level of every society member’s information culture, implementing innovative teaching methods using computer technologies into the educational process. The question is about deepening education content, improving pedagogical methods of information and knowledge operating, using multimedia technologies at lessons. At the Preparatory Department for Training of Foreigners at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, “Russian language” is taught to foreign students basing on the multimedia course “Time to speak Russian”. The research is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of this multimedia complex into practical classes. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of teaching the Russian language to small groups of foreign students (up to 10 students), in 4 groups (40 students) at the initial stage using multimedia technologies and traditional teaching methods (explanation of new material, consolidation of knowledge, generalization of knowledge, improvement of skills, assessment of knowledge, development of speech). The type of multimedia technologies use at different kinds of the Russian language practical classes has significant differences. With almost the same level of the acquired knowledge, multimedia technologies facilitate the absorption of new vocabulary and grammatical rules, qualitative consolidation of new knowledge, improvement of skills. Also they stimulate cognitive interest, intellectual and creative potential, strengthen foreign students’ motivation to learn the Russian language. In general, multimedia technologies use makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching.


multimedia technologies, foreign students, speech practice, cognitive interest, thinking activation, creativity, teaching efficiency.




1. Azimbaeva, Zh. (2009). Primenenie elektronnykh uchebno-metodicheskikh posobii v protsesse obucheniia russkomu iazyku kak inostrannomu [The use of electronic teaching aids in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language]. Vestnik Karagandinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Bulletin of Karaganda State University, 4, 145-156 [in Russian].
2. Atabekova, A. A. (2008). Novye kompiuternye tekhnologii v prepodavanii russkogo yazyka kak inostrannogo [New computer technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language]. Moscow: RUDN [in Russian].
3. Bogomolov, A. N. (2008). Virtualnaya yazykovaya sreda obucheniya russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu (ligvokulturologicheskiy aspekt) [Virtual language environment for teaching Russian as a foreign language (linguoculturological aspect)]. Moscow: MAKS Press [in Russian].
4. Buzduhan, O. A. (2015). Vykorystannia multymediinykh zasobiv navchannia v konteksti osuchasnennia procesu vykladannia inozemnoi movy [The use of multimedia teaching in the context of the modernization of teaching foreign languages]. Nauka i osvita – Science and Education, 2, 10-15 [in Ukrainian].
5. Vremya govorit po-russki: multimediinyi kurs [Time to speak Russian: multimedia course]. (n. d.). Retrieved from: http//speakrussian.cie.ru/time_new/rus/course.html [in Russian].
6. Rukavishnikova, S. M. (2011) Ispolzovanie informatsionnykh tekhnologiy pri obuchenii fonetike na nachalnom etape [The use of information technologies for teaching phonetics at the initial stage]. Tekhnologii obucheniia RKI (iazykam) i diagnostika rechevogo razvitiya – Technologies for teaching RCTs (languages) and diagnostics of speech development: materials of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference under the auspices of MAPRYAL, Minsk, 2 – February 3, 2011. (pp. 303-304). Minsk: BGEU [in Russian].
7.Triapelnikov, A. V. (2014). Integratsiya informatsionnykh i pedagogicheskikh tekhnologiy v obuchenii RKI (metodologicheskiy aspekt) [Integration of information and pedagogical technologies in the teaching of RCTs (methodological aspect)]. Moscow [in Russian].
8. Chukhlebova, I. A. (2016). Intensifikatsiya obucheniia RKI s ispolzovaniem informatsionnykh i kommunikativnykh tekhnologiy [Integration of information and pedagogical technologies in the teaching of RLI (methodological aspect)]. Vestnik nauchnykh konferentsiy – Bulletin of scientific conferences, 9-2 (13), 116- 118 [in Russian].
9. Iakovlev, S. M. (2016). Ispolzovanie kompiuternykh tekhnologiy pri obuchenii russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu [Use of computer technology in teaching Russian as a foreign language]. Nauka – obrazovaniyu, proizvodstvu, ekonomike – Science for education, production, economics: Proceedings of the 68th Regional scientific and practical conference of teachers, researchers and graduate students, 11-12, 82-83. Vitebsk: VGU Masherova [in Russian].
10.Berdichevsky, A. (2007). Steps. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences [in English].
11. Gillespie, D., & Wade, T. (2010). Russian grammar. Third edition. Wiley-Blackwell [in English].
12. Kharav, S., & Dunn, J. (2009). Russian grammar. A practical. Guide. Routledge [in English].
13. Kharav, S., & Dunn, J. (2010). Russian grammar. A practical. Workbook. Routledge [in English].
14. Wade T., & Gillespie, D. (2012). Russian grammar. Workbook. Second edition. Wiley-Blackwell [in English].

Tetiana Kuchai, Oleksandr Kuchai, Dr. Ireneusz Pyrzyk. Studying the Peculiarities of Education Development in Japan (IN Terms of Primary Education).

(2017) Science and education, 5, 33-39. Odessa.


Tetiana Kuchai,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, professor,
Department of Aviation English,
National Aviation University,
1, Kosmonavta Komarova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine
Oleksandr Kuchai,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences),
director of the Centre of Prevocational Training,
Training and Research Institute of Continuing Education,
National Aviation University,
1, Kosmonavta Komarova Av., Kyiv, Ukraine
Dr. Ireneusz Pyrzyk,
professor, Cuiavian University in Włocławek,
1, Pl. Wolności Włocławek, Poland



The article presents statistical data of the dynamics of Japan’s education development, in particular, the dynamics of the development of Japan’s educational institutions and the dynamics of the amount of Japanese students and schoolchildren are shown. The analysis of the statistical data proves that children in Japan study at national, private and municipal schools. It should be noted that most children study at municipal schools. The paper also demonstrates the dynamics of changes in expenses in the millions of yen for education in Japan. Based on the data obtained it can be noted that the dynamics of the education development over these years has significantly improved. The following recommendations for the implementation of Japanese progressive ideas and the experience of modernizing primary school teacher’s training into the educational process of Ukraine have been suggested: formation of future teachers’ research and development culture (training of a teacher-researcher) on the basis of applying the research-focused approach in the educational process and establishing research departments; improvement of the system of acquiring qualifications and the right to teach at primary school (certification, qualification examination, exam for testing moral qualities, test results are taken into account over seven years; introduction of new subjects into the curricula of universities’ pedagogical departments, etc.


education, educational institutions, students, teachers, dynamics of development, Ukraine, Japan.




1. Kaleniuk, I. & Kuklin, O. V. (2013). Rozvytok vyshchoyi osvity v hlobalizovannomu sviti [The development of higher education in a globalized world]. Innovatsiinyi rozvytok vyshchoyi osvity – Innovative Development of Higher Education: Cherkasy: Vyd. vid. ChNU imeni. B. Khmelnytskyi [in Ukrainian].
2. Ozerska, O. Yu. (2006). Profesiina pidhotovka vchyteliv u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh Yaponii [Professional teacher training at Japanese educational institutions]. Candidate’s thesis [in Ukrainian].
3. Levovytskyi, T., Ohneviuk, V. O. & Sysoieva, S. O. (2013). Uchyteli ta yikh pidhotovka na mezhi XX ta XXI stolit – evoliutsiia chy revolutsiia? – Teachers and teacher training on the border of XX and XXI centuries – evolution or revolution? Osvitolohiia: khrestomatiia: navch.posib. dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv – Education studies: Reader: textbook for higher educational institutions students (pp. 90–94). Kyiv: VP “Edelweis” [in Ukrainian].
4. Lewowicki, T. [2007]. Problemy ksetstaleniia і pratsy nauducheli [Problems of teacher education and work]. Warsaw: Radom [in Polish].
5. Statystychni dani Ministerstva osvity Yaponii [Statistical data of the Ministry of Education of Japan]. www.mext.go.jp. Retrieved from: hhtp//www.mext.go.jp/English/statistics [in Japanese].
6. The Ministry of Education of Japan. Retrieved from: http://www.mext.go.jp [in Japanese].
7. Kyoin no nenrei kosei [Percentage of different age teachers in Japan]. Retrieved from: http://www.mext.go.jp/component/english/__ icsFiles/afieldfile/2013/08/09/1302880_05.df [in Japanese].

Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Vladislav Kodzhebash. Bioethical Aspects of Anthropogenetics in Noosphere Education Concept.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 40-46. Odessa.


Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
Vladislav Kodzhebash
PhD (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)
Department of Biology and Health Basics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The global challenge of the modern civilization is the realization of a new idea that involves learning to communicate with nature in the same language, i.e. to think and act in accordance with the General World Laws. Bioethical aspects of anthropogenetics and mental health problems both of an individual and humanity in general have reached a new social and geopolitical level, so far as different communications in today’s information space are unlimited, and their influence can be unpredictable. The transition from the biosphere to the noosphere on Earth has taken place since the middle of the twentieth century but the formation of the noosphere is undergoing significant difficulties because the moral values of those who create regulatory mechanisms and the correspondence of all forms of mental activity of a human being as a chief manager of the new system do not always fit with it. The noosphere education concept includes philosophy, scientific basis, methodology, technology, methods and principles of a new health-saving pedagogical approach. The leading challenge of today is to create such an educational system that can initiate self-organization of the individual, who will be psychologically resistant to all addiction types, receptive and capable of internal and external changes dictated by the evolution, having a universal method of cognition and transformation of the inner and outer world in systematic, constructive and intellectual, aesthetic and environmentally friendly manner. Today the worldview crisis defined historically and implemented through the education system determines a number of problems the modern civilization faces, among which the most dangerous are the following: the rupture of biosphere controlling mechanisms responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of mutation pressure on the gene pool and mankind strength; the rapid development antibiological forms of human activity; the impracticability of general humanism postulate; the social mechanisms of human self-destruction; the emergence and launch of qualitatively new capabilities of dovetailing the real world in the virtual one; the preparation and emergence of the intellect of new forms. Bioethical and socio-cultural principles of noosphere education can be namely first regulatory mechanisms that will provide favorable vectors of human development during the transition period to the noosphere. The implementation of the noosphere education concept by teachers and scientists will help harmonize values, spiritual and practical relationships between people and the environment, and thus will allow the mankind to achieve the next stage of spiritual evolution of the planet, namely the Noosphere.


civilizational crisis, bioethics, anthropogenetics, noospheric education.




1. Astafev, B. A. (2007). Edinstvo mira – mirovozzrenie budushchego chelovechestva [The unity of the world is outlook of the humanity’s future]. Noosfernoe obrazovaniie v Ukraine – Noosphere education in Ukraine (pp. 7-12). Kharkov [in Russian].
2. Vernadskyy, V. I. (2012). Biosfera i noosfera [Biosphere and noosphere]. Moscow: Аyris-press [in Russian].
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4. Degtyarenko, T. V. & Kodzhebash, V. T. (2016). Antropogenetika dlya psikhologov: uchebnik [Anthropogenetics for psychologists: tutorial]. Odessa: Bondarenko M. A. [in Russian].
5. Kordyum, V. A. (2003). Bioetika: ee proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee [Bioethics: its past, present and future]. Integrativnaya antropologiya – Integrative anthropology, 1, 25-35 [in Russian].
6. Maslova, N. V. (2007). Uvertyura noosfernoho obrazovanyya [Overture of noosphere education]. Noosfernoe obrazovanie v Ukraine – Noosphere education in Ukraine (pp. 13-18). Kharkov [in Russian].
7. Maslova, N. V. & Kurmyshev, G. V. (2007). Kontseptsiya eksperimentalnogo issledovaniya na temu: «Vospitaniie uchashchykhsya cherez prirodosoobraznoe obrazovanie i ekologicheskuyu bezopasnost» [The experimental study concept on the topic: “Training students through nature congruous education and environmental safety”]. Noosfernoe obrazovanye v Ukrayne – Noosphere education in Ukraine (pp. 19-23). Kharkov [in Russian].
8. Furman, A. V. (2013). Heneza nauky yak hlobalna doslidnytska prohrama: tsyklichno-vchynkova perspektyva [Science genesis as a global research program: cycleprogressive perspective]. Psykholohiya i suspilstvo – Psychology and Society, 4(54), 18-36 [in Ukrainian].
9. Furman, A. V. (2016). Ideia i zmist profesiinoho metodolohuvannia [The idea and content of professional methodologization]. Ternopil: TNEU [in Ukrainian].
10. Furman, A. V. (2010). Pedahohika yak sfera myslediialnosti [Pedagogy as industry thought]. Ternopil: VTS NDI MEVO [in Ukrainian].
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Halyna Vaskivska. Didactic Aspects of Upper Secondary and University Education Fundamentalization.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 46-50. Odessa.


Halyna Vaskivska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, senior researcher, Head of the Department of Didactics,
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-D, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Scientists consider fundamentalization as not only a necessary process for education upgrading but also as an important didactic issue. Methodologically designed educational process provides a harmonious combination of both general and specialized knowledge. It is obvious that such a combination would be the most efficient if the subjectsubject interaction of spiritual and moral, aesthetic and social values prevails. Fundamentalization of education content of upper secondary and university education is aimed at providing positive changes in mastering the basics of academic, professional and social activities. The paper aims to highlight the importance of upper secondary and university education fundamentalization by means of certain empirical data implementation. Basing on the survey results (questioning, interviewing of teachers and students, reviewing scientific literature) it has become clear that education content fundamentalization is a complicated and significant process. First of all, this kind of education content update should be based on the professional skills of a teacher (a lecturer), whose level must be high, so that national education could reach the world ideals. This is the basic condition that promotes qualitative mastering of knowledge in the educational process of secondary and university education. On the other hand, fundamentalization of education content should include clearly structured, logically rational system of developing not only the knowledge and the skills of students but also their personality traits based on comprehensive or special as well as professionally designed subject components.


education content, upper secondary education, university education, fundamentalization, value orientations.




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