Olena Kovshar. New Formations of Senior Preschool Children as The Basis For Forming Their Social Position of School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 51-55. Odessa.


Olena Kovshar,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
head of the Department of Preschool Education,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharyna Avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



The main task of contemporary preschool education is creating conditions for the development of children’s capabilities, improvement of their uniqueness and preparation for further education. The aim of the paper is to analyse the development of senior preschool children’s new formations and their role in the development of children’s readiness for schooling. The most important new formations of this age are the following: hierarchy of motives, development of social motives of behaviour and activity, which will determine learner’s inner attitude; development of “internal ethical instantiations”, the level of conscious mental processes development along with such volitional qualities as independence, initiative and responsibility, which prepare five-year-old children for the new social position. As part of the empirical study, the levels of five-year-old children’s readiness for schooling (the creative, productive and elementary ones) based on the acquired new formations have been identified. According to the results obtained, the methodology intended for the formation of the new social position of a schoolchild in senior preschool children, which involved various forms of work with children, their parents and teachers (preschool and primary school teachers), was implemented and tested. Repeated evaluation of the above-mentioned criteria demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed experimental methodology: the creative level of the formation of the new social position of a schoolchild was observed among 30.5% of the EG participants and 5.5% of CG participants; the productive level – 62.5% in the EG and 37.5% in the CG; the elementary level was demonstrated by 7% of EG participants and 57% of the CG participants.


hierarchy of motives, internal attitude of a schoolchild, internal ethical instantiations, consciousness of mental process, independence, initiative, readiness for schooling, social position of a schoolchild, new social attitude of a schoolchild.




1. Bielienka, H. V. (2015). Osobystist vypusknyka dytsadka: bazovi yakosti [Personality of a preschool institution graduate: basic qualities]. Doshkilne vykhovannia – Preschool education, 7, 11-14 [in Ukrainian].
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4. Venger, L. A. (1972). Ob urovne razvitiia detei, postupaiushchikh v shkolu [The level of development of children starting school]. Doshkilne vykhovannia – Preschool education, 8, 33-38 [in Russian].
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7. Kotyrlo, V. (1979). Razvitie volevogo povedeniia u doshkolnikov [Development of volitional behaviour in preschool children]. Kyiv: «Radianska shkola» [in Russian].
8. Leontev, A. N. (1983). K teorii razvitiia psikhiki rebenka [The theory of preschool child’s psyche development]. Izbrannye psikhologicheskie proizvedeniia – Selected works on psychology. (Vol. 1). Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
9. Pirozhenko, T. (2012). Chomu «halmuie» doshkilna zrilist? [Why does preschool maturity retard?]. Vykhovatel-metodyst doshkilnoho zakladu – Educator of a preschool institution, 7, 9-12 [in Ukrainian].
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Inna Gryshova, Viktor Zamlynskyi, Tetiana Shestakovska. Implementing Cluster Forms Into National Education Development Strategy.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 56-61. Odessa.


Inna Gryshova,
Doctor of Economics, associate professor,
Senior researcher of the Institute of Legislation,
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Nestorivskyi lane, 4, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Viktor Zamlynskyi,
Doctor of Economics, associate professor,
Department of Accounting and Taxation,
Odessa Trade and Economic Institute
of Kyiv national Trade and Economic University,
7, 25 Chapaivskoi Divisii Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Tetiana Shestakovska,
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
senior lecturer, Department of Theory of Economics,
Chernihiv National University of Technology,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
1, Striletska Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to reveal the peculiarities of educational clusters formation, to determine the theoretical foundations of this process and rationale for the use of the cluster approach in the management of strategic development of the national educational system under modern market conditions. Educational cluster is a set of organizations in various industrial branches, the organizational and legal forms of government and social structures that define and provide the implementation of educational programs of a certain level or focus, and the conditions for strategic innovative development of the system of education in today’s market conditions, involving the specific forms of innovation activities that have approved themselves in the process of implementation of large-scale experiments, pilot projects on specific areas of modernization. The education cluster can be a tool of state policy of Ukraine in the field of gaining a leading position in the global markets of education. The formation and development of effective education clusters will contribute to the acceleration of the transfer (exchange) of information and networking; faster response to the changes in the environment; facilitation of the access to new technologies; the sharing of knowledge and assets; acceleration and improvement of the efficiency of staff training through concentration, physical contacts of world class specialists, correction of the curricula, organization of joint programs of training; the reducing of the transaction costs in various areas; the increasing of the investments by achieving sustainable competitive advantages.


educational cluster, the management of education, partnership, innovations, the efficiency of cluster, a strategic development of education.




1. Chernyshova, Ye. R. (2012). Osvitni klastery yak shliakh pidvyshhennia konkurentozdatnosti navchalnykh zakladiv systemy pisliadyplomnoi pedahohichnoi osvity [Educational clusters as a way to increase the competitiveness of postgraduate educational institutions]. Kyiv: Pedagogichna dumka [in Ukrainian].
2. Korchagina, N. A. (2012). Obrazovatelnye klastery kak osnova povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti uchebnyh zavedeniy [Educational clusters as a basis of increasing educational institutions’ competitiveness]. Caspian magazine: management and high technology, 3 (7), 78-84 [in Russian].
3. Smirnov, A. V. (2010). Obrazovatelnye klastery i innovatsionnoe obuchenie v vuze [Educational clusters and innovative teaching in higher educational institution]. Kazan: RITS «Schola» [in Russian].
4. Shestakovska, T. L. (2013). Obrazovatelnye klastery kak organizatsionno-ekonomicheskaya forma realizatsii strategii razvitiya obshhego srednego obrazovaniya [Educational clusters as the organizational form of economic development strategy of general secondary education]. Izvestiya Gomelskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni F. Skoriny – Proceedings of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 2, 116-112 [in Russian].
5. Gryshova, I. Yu., & Shabatura, T. S., & Naumov, O. B. (2016). The capitalization of the brand as a tool for maximizing business value. Naukoviy vіsnik Polіssya – Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 3(6), 168-175 [in Ukrainian].
6. Gryshova, I., & Mityay O., & Stoyanova-Koval S. (2016). The estimation of enterprise trade name competitiveness. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 2(6), 85-91 [in Ukrainian].
7. Gryshova, I. Yu., & Strielkowski, W. (2016). Ukrainian labour migration in the Czech Republic. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 3 (8), 224-231 [in Ukrainian].
8. Shestakovska, T. L., & Savchenko V.F. (2016). Osoblyvosti formuvannia sotsialno orientovanykh klasteriv v Ukraini [Features of formation of socially oriented clusters in Ukraine]. Naukovyi visnyk Polissia – Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 1, 46-55 [in Ukrainian].
9. Naymova, L. N., & Mityay, O. V., & Galitsky, A. N. (2016). Development of the innovative enterprises of the agrarian production in the current economic system of Ukraine. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 3 (7), 124-129 [in Ukrainian].

Liudmyla Chystiakova. The Project Method at Design And Technology Lessons in Terms of Reforming The New Ukrainian School.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 61-66. Odessa.


Liudmyla Chystiakova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Technological Education, Labour Protection and Health,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenko Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



According to a new program for general secondary education institutions approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Design and Technology Lessons are considered as a leading tool of the development of students’ ability for self-studying, mastering the tools of modern technologies, building the cognitive process and carrying out their plans practically. Labour training provides the formation, purposeful manifestation and development of students’ skills and cultivates their project and technological competency as a component of key and subject competencies. The aim of the paper is to provide explanation of the efficiency of the project method and the necessity of its implementation during academic and labour training at Design and Technology lessons. The survey results of Design and Technology teachers from different regions of Kirovohrad region have shown that most of them do not have profound knowledge of using the project method in their teaching practice. They are not quite aware of the requirements of projects and main tasks of the project-based teaching technology, that is why the study is considered to be relevant for Ukrainian education system. The use of the project method in the art and labour creativity will enhance a holistic development of students’ personalities, their preparation for the subjecttransforming activity. It also helps students to satisfy their own interests, needs; cultivate their independence, develop their communicative skills. The purpose of an academic project is to create such educational conditions under which students will gain the experience in a project activity. The project based technology covers the following issues: didactic, educational, developmental. Some recommendations for teachers working with this technology have been also presented in the paper.


the project method, labour training, the project based technology, a project and technological competency, a creative activity




1. Dyuy, Dzh. (1992). Shkola i obshchestvo [School and society]. Moscow: Rabotnik prosveshcheniya [in Russian].
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3. Kobernyk, O. M., Berbets, V. V., Dubova, N. V. (2010). Trudove navchannya v shkoli: proektnotekhnolohichna diialnist. 5-12 klasy [Design and technology lessons at school: project-technology activities for 5- 12 forms]. Kharkiv: Osnova [in Ukrainian].
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Inna Shymkiv, Anatolii Klymenko, Nataliia Zakordonets. Implementation of Alternative Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching in the Context of Competency-Based Approach.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 67-79. Odessa.


Inna Shymkiv,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of German Philology and the German Language Teaching,
Anatolii Klymenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Practical English and Language Teaching,
Nataliia Zakordonets,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
2, M. Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



Methodology of foreign languages teaching (FLT) has been continually undergoing changes with the attempt to find the most appropriate approach or approaches satisfying a contemporary need for learning. A new stage in the development of foreign language education is associated primarily with the implementation of a qualified approach into the educational process. Its idea is to form an innovative personality who can flexibly adapt to global, socio-political and economic factors. The issue of competency-based learning (CBL) is being investigated by a number of scholars but its certain aspects still remain understudied. The paper aims to highlight the major approaches of alternative methods of teaching foreign languages in the framework of CBL methodology. The following research methods were used in the study: critical analysis of scientific literature, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as the empirical ones, such as observation, testing, generalization of experience of lecturers, pedagogical experiment. Special attention in the paper is paid to understanding the productive trends of teaching foreign languages in the context of student-centered and activity-oriented technologies which are primarily associated with alternative (non-traditional) methods in the context of CBL. CBL of foreign languages gives students an opportunity to explore issues, observe, analyze, think critically, and choose their own methods of learning. The results of the carried out experiment show that the efficacy of competency-based approach in teaching foreign languages depends on teacher’s understanding of the necessity to abandon authoritarian and scholastic methods, and use alternative and innovative ones instead.


alternative methods of teaching, competency-based approach, student-centered learning, activityoriented technologies, assessment, motivation, self-assessment, educational consultation.




1. Bondar, S. P. (2012). Kompetentnisna spriamovanist zmistu i struktury navchalnoho predmeta v umovakh fundamentalizatsii osvity [Competency focus of the content and structure of a school subject in terms of fundamentalization of education]. Naukovyi chasopys NPU im. M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia 17. Teoriia i praktyka navchannia ta vykhovannia – Scientific bulletin of National Dragomanov Pedagogical University. Theory and Practice of Education, 20, 10-23 [in Ukrainian].
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Nataliia Terokhina. Recognition of The Results of Non-Formal Adult Education: American Experience.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 80-85. Odessa.


Nataliia Terokhina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Sumy National Agrarian University,
160, H. Kondratieva Str., Sumy, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of recognition of the results of non-formal adult education in the US. The following forms of recognition are distinguished: certification, validation, identification. Validation means the confirmation by the competent authority of the results of study acquired by a person in formal, non-formal and informal education. Validation of the results of non-formal adult education involves identification, evaluation and recognition of knowledge and skills an adult person acquires during his/her life. Referring to the validation of the results of non-formal adult education in the United States, the following terms are used: RPL (Recognition of prior learning), APL (Accreditation of prior previous learning), PLA (Prior learning assessment) and PLAR (Prior learning assessment recognition). The mechanisms of non-formal adult education validation used in the United States are the credit system ACE and the program CLEP. The basic methods of validation are testing, examination, discussion, interviewing, expert explanations, surveillance, simulations, demonstration of knowledge, training, communicative and social skills, declarative methods, critical reflection, portfolio method. Strategic directions of validation of non-formal adult education prove its important role in the economy and society in general, social integration of people and their professional mobility, implementing the concept of lifelong education, compliance with the basic characteristics of the United States as a country of equal opportunities, democracy, justice and freedom whose experience should be adopted by Ukraine.


non-formal education, adult education, validation, credit system, the USA.




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