Gabriela Šarníková. Development of Critical Thinking of Primary School Pupils Through Literary Texts.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 112-121. Odessa.


Gabriela Šarníková,
PhD, associate professor,
Department of Christian Education,
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
Palacký University,
22, Univerzitní Str., Olomouc, Czech Republic



This study attempts to characterize the development of critical thinking according to Philosophy for Children (‘P4C’) approach and related literature during the educational process through the method of discussion – based on literary texts. The qualitative research carried out as a part of extra-curricular activities of primary-school pupils in Slovak school was aimed at conducting philosophical discussions with children. The first purpose of the research was to find out the pupils’ opinions about the texts used during the discussions. The second purpose was to find out whether the Slovak primary-school textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education contain texts suitable for philosophical discussions with children. In order to achieve the set objectives, two methodical approaches from the area of qualitative research were used. In the first case the interpretative phenomenological analysis (‘IPA’) with focus on the analysis of data from discussions with children was applied. In the second case, the textbooks were subjected to a textual content analysis. According to the research outcomes, the respondents positively reacted to the reading of various texts as well as the related discussions. It is worth noting that the criminal stories got the most positive reactions. This fact could build a basis for further consideration and examination. When it comes to the analysis of textbooks, apart from one exception there have not been discovered any philosophical texts for children in the primary-school textbooks. Though there have been found enough texts to develop philosophical thinking of pupils, for philosophical exercises, as well as for philosophical discussions, especially in the reading books.


thinking skills, Philosophy for Children, extra-curricular activities, children’s literature, textbook.




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Natalia Senchyna. Peculiarities of The Development of Humanities Teachers’ Pedagogical Reflection.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 122-126. Odessa.


Natalia Senchyna,
educator, Scientific Methodical Center for
Foreign Language Teachers’ Post-Graduate Studies,
Odessa Regional Advanced Training Institute for Teachers,
8, Nakhimova lane, Odessa, Ukraine,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article deals with the approaches to the determination of the essence of reflection in general, as well as the peculiarities of pedagogical reflection in particular. The prerequisite of humanities teacher’s professional development is his/her ability for reflection which involves self-cognition, self-analysis and activity self-assessment, as well as understanding the way he/she is perceived by others as a personality. The post-graduate pedagogical education is of particular importance in the development teachers’ reflection. Pedagogical reflection is considered as a teacher’s ability for self-observation, self-cognition, self-assessment, as well as the ability to compare one’s own opinion and other people ones about oneself, to assess one’s own achievements critically, to determine ways of professional and personal development. As a result of the carried out survey of humanities teachers taking post-graduate course it has been proved that they are faced with the problem of using pedagogical reflection in their work, though they are quite aware of its importance. According to the obtained data there is a necessity of developing pedagogical reflection skills in the teachers who have little experience of working at educational institutions. Their characteristic feature is that they are afraid of making mistakes because of the ones made in the past. The use of business games, role-playing, exercises and games focused on the analysis of different educational situations will contribute to the development of teachers’ reflexive skills. The further research studies are planned to involve the design of the methods to develop the humanities teachers’ pedagogical reflection in terms of post-graduate education.


 reflection, pedagogical reflection, humanities, humanities teachers, post-graduate education.




1. Biziaeva, A. A. (1993). Refleksivnye protsessy v soznanii i deiatelnosti uchitelia [Reflexive processes in teacher’s consciousness and activities]. Candidate’s thesis. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].
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Yuriy Melnyk. Study of Trends of Students’ Demand For The Formation of Competences By Higher Educational Institutions.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 127-133. Odessa.


Yuriy Melnyk,
PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
3, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Contemporary training of high-skilled specialists and providing their mobility at the European labour market requires studying and taking into account trends of the demand for the formation of students’ competences by higher educational institutions. The paper aims to present European experience in classifying competences as well as results of studying trends of university students’ demand for the formation of their competences at higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The following research methods were applied: information gathering (regular private written questionnaire), systematisation, ranked evaluation, results analysis and interpretation. Methodology and instruments for studying competences in higher education have been proposed in the research. In order to make the sample representative and obtain required information, the study was conducted among students and cadets taking into account individual, group and collective choice. The study was conducted during 4 academic years (2013-2017) at National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine; 430 people (including 14 student groups and 12 cadet groups) participated in the study. The results obtained indicate that the most popular demand among university students is the formation of the following competences in them: determination and perseverance in the tasks given and responsibilities taken; ability to make reasoned decisions; ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; ability to work in a team; ability to adapt to and act in new situation; ability to plan and manage time; ability to evaluate and maintain the quality of work produced; ability to identify, pose and resolve problems; knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of the profession; capacity to learn and stay up-to-date with learning. The determined demand trends for the formation of competences among university students of Ukraine was compared to the data obtained in studies conducted as part of the Tuning Project.


students’ demand, competence, classification of competences, instrumental competences, interpersonal competences, systemic competences, Tuning project.




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Roman Popov. Self-Actualization and Self-Fulfillment in The Context of Students’ Autonomy Development Within The Educational Process.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 133-138. Odessa.


Roman Popov,
PhD (Public Administration), associate professor,
Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article highlights important qualities that contribute to the effective development of autonomy of students in higher educational institutions. During the development of students’ autonomy in the educational process the opportunities for the formation of their creativity, independence and ability to make decisions concerning the solution of certain theoretical and practical pedagogical problems greatly increase. Self-actualization is not a static condition, it is an active process in which person’s capacities are used to their fullest. Creativity, ingenuousness, courage and hard work are the major characteristics of people, who are capable of self-actualization. The self-actualization is of special importance in professional activities, and for that it is not only necessary to possess the mentioned qualities but also to have the necessary professional tools and knowledge which will provide the performance and efficiency of work as well as capacities for professional growth.


self-actualization, self-realization, self-efficacy, the development of autonomy of students, selfregulation.




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Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Elmira Salahatdinova. The Potential of Humorous Texts For The Formation of Sociocultural Competence of Foreign Students Studying at Non-Linguistic Universities.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 139-146. Odessa.


Svitlana Dvorianchykova,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design,
2, Nemirovich-Danchenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Elmira Salahatdinova,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Preparatory Department for International Students,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
36, Vasylkivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Foreign languages acquisition with the help of which it becomes possible for foreign students to study and to make their stay in the host country comfortable involves the formation and development of not only linguistic, speech and occupational components of communicative competence in general, but also the sociocultural one, which contains a synthesis of skills and abilities necessary for using cross-cultural, linguistic and cultural, as well as sociolinguistic knowledge. The research relevance is determined by linguodidactic potential of humorous texts for a comprehensive development of foreign students’ competences and by the insufficient number of professional research works devoted to this issue. The paper aims to present theoretical and methodological foundations of using humorous texts for the acquisition of sociocultural knowledge and skills by foreign students of non-linguistic universities, which contribute to their efficient development and academic achievements; to check the effectiveness of implementing such resources into the educational process at the lessons of the Russian and Ukrainian languages. The following research methods were used: the scientific literature review in the fields of philosophy, aesthetics, linguistics, cultural studies, methodology in language teaching in order to define the essence of “the comic” as a multi-aspect phenomenon; analysis and description of linguistic factors and semantic models with the help of which the humoristic effect is achieved; the overview of textbooks of Ukrainian and Russian as foreign languages that contain humorous text material with socio-cultural component; conducting surveys of students with subsequent quantitative and qualitative data analysis, analysis of written and oral responses; the monitoring of students’ academic performance. Foreign students demonstrate the ability to understand the basic structure and potential of the comic, which is achieved by means of the language they are learning (Ukrainian or Russian).The following linguistic techniques are usually used in educational texts offered for studying Ukrainian and Russian as foreign languages: unexpected phrases that violate the principle of compatibility of lexical meanings, homonyms, occasionalisms, conversational or colloquial words and expressions, technical terms, modern or historical anthroponyms and toponyms. The semantic space of such texts helps to develop communicative, social and cultural competences that in their turn enhance the overall academic success of foreign citizens who receive higher non-linguistic education at Ukrainian universities. It has been proved that these methods improve foreign students’ communication skills and their academic performance in general, as well as increase their motivation to study and learn more about the country whose language they are studying.


foreign language communicative competence, comic category, international communication, cognitive activity, Russian as a foreign language, sociocultural adaptation, sociocultural competence, foreign students, Ukrainian as a foreign language.




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