
(2017) Science and education, 5, 1. Odessa.


Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine










Inna Bohdanova. Personal Readiness as a Factor of The Development of Future Professionals in Socionomic Sphere.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 5-9. Odessa.


Inna Bohdanova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, head of the
Department of Social Pedagogy,Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of the development of personal readiness of future specialists in socionomic sphere. The essence of personal readiness is associated with volitional activity as setting one’s mind on mobilization of volitional efforts, protective and administrative reserves of an organism, energy as self-determination aiming to achieve a positive result. The development of this quality is possible due to controlling the state of integral self-regulation as a hierarchical entity that provides person’s efficiency through the interrelation of professional and mobilization readiness. Based on the research results, three basic levels of integrated self-regulation have been distinguished: passive, mean and optimum, and also three accompanying levels – adaptive, productive and constructive. The results of the carried out diagnostics show that the majority of future specialists in socionomic sphere have passive and mean levels. The research also involves searching for ways to develop personal readiness of future specialists in order to fulfill their potential opportunities in increasing the degree of their achievements. Conceptual provisions which can be used for developing personality’s individual development trajectories have been suggested. The key position of the conception is “personal readiness is a conscious state of integral self-regulation”. Other provisions of the conception are formulated as follows: our thoughts control the state of integral self-regulation; belief in one’s potential capabilities provides a state of integral self-regulation; the need to realize the optimal state of integral self-regulation is congenital; intentions set the control vector of the state of integral self-regulation; writing one’s own scenario for managing the state of integral selfregulation – energy-efficient; affirmations and visualization are tools for managing the state of integral self-regulation.


personal mobilization, state of integral self-regulation, specialists in the socionomic sphere.




1. Bohdanova, I. M. (2013). Osobystisna zmobilizovanist maibutnioho vchytelia yak predmet psykholohopedahohichnykh doslidzhen : navch. pos. [Teacher’s personal readiness for action as a subject of psychopedagogical research studies: textbook]. Odesa: vudavez Bukaev Vadum Viktorovuch [in Ukrainian].
2. Bogdanova, I. M. (2016). State of the integral selfregulation of prospective specialists as a subject of cognition. Modern tendencies in the Pedagogical Science of Ukraine and Israel: the way to integration, 7, 27-32. Ariel [in English].
3. Anthony, R. (2012). Khvatit dumat! Deistvui [No more thinking! Act!]. Trans. by I. V. Grodel. 3 rd ed. rev. Minsk: Poppuri [in Russian].

Mark Weintraub. Mathematical Modelling of Future Work Safety Officers’ Training.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 10-13. Odessa.


Mark Weintraub,
Doctor of Pedagogy, senior research fellow, professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Training,
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University,
30, Sukhomlynskoho Str., Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



The paper deals with the need for creating methodological bases for the non-traditional professional development and training of students majoring in engineering pedagogical specialties in the field of labour protection. In this regard, a method of mathematical modelling for the improvement of learning material acquisition by students has been studied. The following methods were reviewed: allocation of the technical object into components, using Venn diagrams, formulae of output message of any technical object, encouraging for creativity, development of professional and personal qualities, using innovative engineering and pedagogical technologies connected with inventive acts. In the article, special attention is paid to competences, which can be formed in pedagogical university students due to the implementation of interrelated methods and tools of mathematical modelling in engineering and pedagogical activity into professional training. The high (creative) level of future work safety officers’ professional competence is characterised by the ability to solve nonstandard tasks with out-of-the-box solutions which is provided by mastering the above mentioned methods of mathematical modelling. Mathematical modelling stimulates the development of processional motivation, as the goal of studying is the ability to combine search, inventory and creative methods. The use of these methods, tools and means by teachers contributes to the efficient implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process of a higher educational institution. Their application will help to develop the following qualities in students: motivation and purposefulness, skills of using integrated knowledge, critical thinking, drive for creativity, self-development and selfcognition, skills of modelling professional actions, etc.


engineering and educational activities, labor, method, mathematical modelling, students, professional training.




1. Aistrakhanov, D. D. (2014). Matematychni modeli profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnoho fakhivtsia [Mathematical models of future specialist’s professional competence]. Visnyk Vinnytskoho politekhnichnoho instytutu – Bulletin of Vinnitsia Polytechnic Institute, 3, 136-140 [in Ukrainian].
2. Bakhrushyn, V. Ye. (2001). Matematychne modeliuvannia: navchalne vydannia [Mathematical modelling: textbook]. Zaporizhzhia : Humanitarnyi universytet «ZIDMU». Retrieved from: http://cdn.scipeople.com/materials/7613/MatModel. pd. [in Ukrainian].
3. Vaintraub, M. A. (2015). Metody matematychnoho modeliuvannia v optymizatsii proektuvannia zmistu profesiinoi osvity i navchannia [Methods of mathematical modelling in optimization of professional education projecting]. Novi tekhnolohii navchannia – New teaching techniques, 84, 176-179 [in Ukrainian].
4. Vaintraub, M. A. (2009). Intehrovane rozvyvalne navchannia u profesiinii shkoli: monohrafiia [Integrated developing education at school: monograph]. Kyiv: T. Klochko [in Ukrainian].
5. Nychkalo, N. H. (2000). Profesiina osvita: slovnyk: navch. posib. dlia uchniv i ped. pratsivn. prof.- tekhn. navch. zakl. [Professional education: dictionary: textbook]. Kyiv: Vyshcha shk. [in Ukrainian].

Alla Bohush. Modern Approach to the Issue of Higher Education Modernization.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 14-18. Odessa.


Alla Bohush,
Doctor of Education, profession, academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper aims to suggest and describe the main principles of higher education modernization in terms of contemporary educational space. Thus, the following principles have been distinguished: the principle of humanistic nature of education; the principle of nature compliance and nature expediency, but in its new vision; the principle of facilitation of a high level of spirituality of students’ activity; the principle of future specialists’ self-organizing creativity which presupposes education construction according to the synergetic approach; the principle of aware subjectivity and consciousness, according to which, both a teacher and a student are recognized as active subjects of education; the principle of subjective control; the principle of personal goal-setting which involves the implementation of elective or special courses, presence of individual curricula, distance learning, etc.; the principle of meta-subject grounds of the educational process in higher education; the principle of situativity of education, situational and pedagogical support focused on creative students in terms of teaching them in an individual way. A university teacher’s task is to prevent the penetration of anti-humanistic means into the teaching / learning process of higher education with the help of humanistic principles, to demonstrate their failure (those of anti-humanistic ones) in achieving positive outcomes in their future professional activity, to convince would-be professionals of taking themselves as the highest value which will help them to re-orient themselves from the position of a passive reproducing personality into a self-organizing, creative one, into a personality who is able to fill his/her professional activity and life creativity with sense.


high school, principles, modernization, student, higher school teacher.




1. Bondarevska, Ye. V. (1995). Vvedeniie v pedagogicheskuyu kulturu [Introduction into pedagogical culture]. Rostov na Donu [in Russian].
2. Bondarevska, Ye. V. & Kulnevich, S. V. (1999). Pedagogika lichnosti v gumanisticheskikh teoriyakh i sistemakh vospitanija [Pedagogics of personality in humanistic theories and systems of education]. Rostov na Donu [in Russian].
3. Goncharenko, S. I. (1997). Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi slovnyk [Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary]. Kyiv: Lybid [in Ukrainian].
4. Kodzhaspyrova, H. M. & Kodzhaspyrov, A. Yu. (2001). Pedagogicheskiy slovar [Pedagogical dictionary]. Moscow [in Russian].
5. Kulnevich, S. V. (2001). Pedagogika lichnosti ot kontseptsiy do tekhnologiy [Pedagogics of personality from conceptions to technologies]. Rostov na Donu [in Russian].
6. Lavrentieva, T. V. (1998). Pedagogika lichnosti [Pedagogics of personality]. Rostov na Donu [in Russian].
7. Rozanov, V. V. (1990). Sumerki prosveshcheniya [Twilight of Enlightenment]. Moscow: “Pedagogika” [in Russian].
8. Khutorskoy, A. V. (2001). Sovremennaya didaktika [Modern didactics]. Saint Petersburg: “Piter” [in Russian].

Oleh Dolzhenkov, Nataliia Chernenko. Managers’ Personal Readiness for Risk-Management.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 18-23. Odessa.


Oleh Dolzhenkov,
Doctor of Political Sciences, associate professor, Head of the
Department of Educational Institutions Management and Civil Service,
Nataliia Chernenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, acting professor at the
Department of Educational Institutions Management and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



In modern competitive environment, manager’s ability to predict and avoid negative effects and achieve a goal of long-term programmes of the development of an establishment, an organisation or an educational institution is a significant component of his/her competence, which is considered in the world scientific literature as a term “riskmanagement”. The paper aims to present the results of the assessment of managers’ personal readiness for riskmanagement. Every kind of readiness, including readiness for risk-management in professional activities, is characterised by the mobilisation of resources for a certain type of activity. Readiness for risk management is regarded as personal characteristics determining the strategy of behaviour in terms of uncertainty, which is based on the analysis of the situation and one’s own abilities, and is manifested in behaviour, acts, and thoughts. The following indicators of managers’ personal readiness for risk-management have been distinguished: awareness of the necessity and significance of risk-management, motivation for risk-management, proneness to risks, positive attitude, tolerance to uncertainty, assertiveness, mind flexibility. These indicators have been assessed by means of the following techniques: test-questionnaire “Risk-Management at Educational Institutions as Imperatives”, “Motivation to Success” by T. Ehlers, PSK test by J. Schubert, “Personal Change Readiness Survey” by N. Bazhanova, G. Bardier, “Tolerance to Uncertainty” by G. Soldatova, “Assertiveness Test” by A. Karelin, “Cognitive Flexibility” by A. Lachince. The survey involved two groups of the respondents: EG (qualified managers) and CG (future managers/students). Research outcomes show that the greatest number of the respondents according to the indicator “assertiveness” have the sufficient level of its development, according to the indicator “proneness to risk” – satisfactory level, and according to the indicator “cognitive flexibility” – low level in both groups. The results determine the necessity of purposeful preparing both managers and students for risk-management in their professional activities, as well as the necessity of improving scientific and methodical, informational and material support of their training.


readiness, personal readiness, manager, risk, risk-management.




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