Inna Mazokha. Aggression as a Factor of Personality’s Conflict Behaviour.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 99-104. Odessa.

Inna Mazokha, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology, 

Izmail State University of Humanities,

12, Riepina Str., Izmail, Ukraine 



The paper outlines peculiarities of conflict behaviour in individuals characterised by high and low levels of proneness to aggression. The concepts “proneness to conflict” and “aggression” have been revealed. The approaches to substantiating the factors affecting conflict behaviour forms and their development have been analysed; their subjective determinants have been distinguished. It has been proven theoretically that conflict behaviour is formed under the impact of a great number of factors, i.e. it depends on personal qualities. There have been distinguished objective and subjective factors of proneness to conflict; the latter include aggression, susceptibility, dominance, suspicion, some features of temperament, etc. The empirical study presented in the paper involved 50 students from Izmail State Univer-sity of Humanities aged from 18 to 22 years. In order to study the integral index of aggression, “The Inventory of Quality Indicators of Aggression” developed with O. Sannikova as a coauthor and supervisor has been used. According to the level of aggression expression, two groups of the surveyed were distinguished: with highest and lowest values of the integral index of aggression. The analysis of personality’s factor structure in the distinguished groups has made it possible to specify and describe psychological profile of a typical representative of each group. For example, individuals with high level of aggression are prone to conflict, insistent, choleric; they cannot stand competition, do not come under influence of other people, and treat them with prejudice. They assert their rights for independence; do not depend on anybody; act in a brave, energetic and active

manner, which may be demonstrated by proneness to conflict. Individuals with low level of aggression are characterised by tolerance, patience, high self-control, stability – they show no proneness to conflict. Therefore, it has been empirically proven that conflict behaviour is caused by aggression.


conflict behaviour, aggression, factors, qualitative analysis, personality factors by R. Cattell.




 1. Sannikova, O. P., & Mazokha, I. S. (2007). A.s. Test-oprosnik kachestvennykh pokazateley agressivnosti [Inventory of quality indicators of aggression]. Application No.19386 dated 14.11.2006; Registration No.19171 dated 10.01.2007 [in Russian].

2. Beron, R., Richardson, D. (1998). Agressiya [Aggression].St. Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].

3. Ilin, Ye. P. (2009). Psikhologiya obscheniya i mezhlichnostnykh otnosheniy [Psychology of communication and interpersonal relations]. St. Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].

4. Kurbatov, V. I. (2007). Konfliktologiya [Conflict resolution studies].Rostov-on-Don [in Russian].

5. Lozhkin, G. V. (2002) Prakticheskaya psikhologiya konflikta [Practical psychology of conflict]. Kyiv: MAUP [in Russian].

6. Lozhkin, H.V., Poviakel, N. I. (2007). Psykholohiia konfliktu: teoriia i suchasna praktyka [Psychology of сonflicts: theory and current practice]. Kyiv: MAUP [in Ukrainian].

7. Melnikov, V. M., Yampolskiy, L. T. (1985). Vvedenie v eksperimentalnuyu psikhologiyu lichnosti [Introduction to experimental personality psychology]. Moscow: Prosvescheniye [in Russian].

8. Nalchadzhyan, A. A. (2007). Agressivnost cheloveka [Aggressivenessof an individual]. St. Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].

Anatolii Massanov. Creativity as a Condition for Overcoming the Subjective Difficulties of the Individual.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 105-110. Odessa.

Anatolii Massanov, 

Doctor of Psychology, professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine




The article deals with the conditions for overcoming subjective difficulties, particularly psychological barriers in activities and communication of an individual. The main condition for their overcoming is the involvement of an individual into creative activities and their further promotion. The correlation between the level of creativity as a personality trait and its tendency to experience psychological barriers have been experimentally proved. The psychological barriers in activities of a personality are considered as complex mental states. The structure of a psychological barrier covers mental states associated with the passivity of the motive, emotions, unfavorable for its transformation to reality, the lack of rational arguments for its intensification, the impossibility of an effort to achieve its efficiency. The anticipation plays a leading role in the emergence of a psychological barrier. Psychological barriers are manifested in one’s uncertainty in his/her own interests, confusion due to the ignorance of one’s capabilities, doubts about choice, fear of going against the opinions of others, as well as fear of responsibility. The empirical part of the study is aimed at determining the relationship between the degree of creativity and the expression of psychological barriers. The experiment involved 42 students of the pedagogical university. The results of the study have shown an inverse relationship between the degree of creativity and the expression of psychological barriers, which means that the high level of creativity determines the process of the levelling of the psychological barriers in personality’s activities. Thus, the educational activities should be focused on the formation of personality’s creativity potential as well as on the promotion of youth’s capabilities for overcoming psychological barriers in their activities by means of psychological preparation (mental training).


psychological barriers, creative activity, creativity, individual difficulties, personality.





1.Bogoyavlenskaya, D. B. (2009). Psikhologiya tvorcheskikh sposobnostey [Psychology of creativity]. Samara: Fedorov [in Russian].

2.Granovskaya, R. M., Krizhanskaya, Yu. S. (1994). Tvorchestvo i preodolenie stereotipov [Creativity and overcoming stereotypes].Saint Petersburg: OMS [in Russian].

3.Kedrov, B. M. (1987). Tvorchestvo v nauke i tekhnike [Creativityin science and technology]. Moscow: Education [in Russian].

4.Massanov, A. V. (2010).Psykholohichni bariery v profesiinomu samovyznachenni osobystosti [Psychological barriers in professional self-determination of personality]. Odessa: Publisher M. P. Cherkasov [in Ukrainian].

5.Molyako, V. O. (2007). Tvorcha diialnist v uskladnenykh umovakh: nauk.-metod. posibnyk [Creative activities in the complicated conditions: study guide].Kyiv: Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk [in Ukrainian].

Кaterуna Miliutinа. Impact of Informal Activities on Socialization of Adolescents with Visual Impairment.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 111-117. Odessa.

Кaterуna Miliutinа, 

Doctor of Psychology, professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology, 

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

2, Hlushkova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



 The article is aimed at revealing the difference of socialization of children with visual impairment and the level of the influence of club activities on the success of their social adaptation. The research method complex includes the following diagnostic techniques: the constructive drawing of the person by means of geometrical figures (TIGER), a technique of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation by Rogers-Dymond, a technique of level of social frustration by L. Wasserman, Spielberg’s technique –determination of level of anxiousness, a multi-level personal questionnaire “Adaptability” (MLPQ-A). The study involved 71 adolescents: 32 respondents with visual impairment and 38 school students without any physical disorders.13 adolescents with visual impairment were engaged to informal activities (the work of a psychological club) and formed the experimental group. The indicator of satisfaction with one’s health and working capacity in children with visual impairments has been revealed for the following characteristics: adaptability, self-perception, acceptance, emotional conformity, communication potential and behaviour regulation. The results obtained with the constructive drawing method confirmed the statistical data and made it possible to characterize adolescents with visual impairments to a great extent. The level manifestation of moral normativity indicator is common for both groups of the surveyed; it shows the right perception of one’s place and role in a group. This characteristics correlates authentically with the satisfaction with life in children with visual impairment. Thus, it can be assumed that in a comfort communication zone, among the adolescents with the same characteristic, participants of the experimental group feel more comfortable. The adolescents from the control group are characterized as self-sufficient, emotionally stable, they tend to be strict towards themselves and others. In the experimental group, the type “initiator” or socalled dreamer, is a predominant one. The drawings of adolescents from the experimental group seem to be undone, which reflects the specificity of reactive states. However, it is just a hypothesis, one needs to carry out the detailed research not just in the sphere of psychology, but also psychiatry to prove it. Adolescents with visual impairment draw in a unique way: their pictures are placed in the upper left part of the sheet, and their pictures are small or medium as a rule. Thus, this feature shows the tendency for psychological escape from reality in the world of fantasy. The participation in informal education contributes to the development of the ability for adaptation, better self-perception, emotional conformity and communication potential in adolescents with visual impairment.


self-assessment, self-concept, adaptation, informal education, psychological club.




 1. Drandrov, G. L., Syukiev, D. N. (2015).Osobennosti razvitiyaya-kontseptsii u podrostkovs narushennyim zreniem [Peculiarities of the development of self-concept of adolescents with visual disorders]. Sovremennyie problem nauki i obrazovaniya –Modern problems of science and education. Retrieved from: [in Russian].

2. Kryukova, E. V. (2011). Formirovanie pozitivnoy Yakontseptsii u podrostkov s narusheniyami zreniya [Formation of positive self-concept in adolescents with visual disorders]. Psikhologicheskie i pedagogicheskie nauki: Vserossiyskiy zhurnal nauchnykh publikatsiy – Psychological and pedagogical sciences: All-Russian journal of scientific publications [in Russian].

3. Lipkova, O. I. (2001). Obschie i spetsificheskie osobennosti razvitiya lichnosti podrostkov s narusheniem zreniya [General and specific peculiarities of the development of the personality of adolescents with visual disorders]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].

4. Litvak, A. G. (1998). Psikhologiya slepykh i slabovidyaschikh [Psychology of blind and cecutient]. Saint Petersburg: RGPU im. Gertsena [in Russian].

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8. Nikulina, I. N. (2006). Razvitie samootsenki shkolnikov s narusheniyami zreniya [Development of self-assessment of school students with visual disorders]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].

9. Romanova, O. L. (1982). Eksperimentalno-psikhologicheskoe issledovanie osobennostey lichnosti bolnykh stradayuschikh fizicheskimi nedostatkami [Experimental psychological research of the peculiarities of the personality of people with physical disorders]. Zhurnal nevrologii i psihiatrii im. S. S. Korsakova – Journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S. Korsakov.(Vol. 2). [in Russian].

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11. Simonenko, S. N., Grek, E. N., Kostyunina, E. V., Lezhenko, I. V. (2014). Rekreatsionnaya psikhologiya detstva: dostizheniya i perspektivy [Recreational psychology of childhood: achievements and prospects]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 12,7-13 [in Russian].

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Vira Pomyluiko. Way to Maturity through Life Crises of Adulthood.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 117-123. Odessa.

Vira Pomyluiko, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), doctoral student, 

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,

9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine




The article deals with the theoretical review of personality’ age crises in adulthood, allocation of positive and negative characteristics of the main adulthood crises. The following crisis types have been distinguished: crisis of becoming an adult (20-23 years); youth crisis (27-33); middle-age crisis (39-45); maturity crisis (55-65 years). The first type of crisis “self-realization” is the first normative crisis of a human being, which has the following positive characteristics: self-pride, skills of self-control, desire for independence, optimism; and the following negative symptoms: impatience, hypocrisy, envy, greed, etc. It is possible to overcome this crisis by personally-centered approach to an individual, by receiving another degree at the background of professional crisis, by search for good friends and life partner. The youth crisis is considered as reassessment of life attitudes, values, self-search. Positive symptoms: the necessity of achieving new goals, striving for stability, political activity, etc. Negative characteristics: social isolation, desire for loneliness, depression, selfishness. One can overcome this crisis by means of searching for new opportunities to reach the potential. Adulthood is characterized by the middle-age crisis–recognition. Positive features: critical reassessment of one’s life and its sense, satisfaction with life. Negative features: the absence of project of life, worsening of health, realization of ageing. The development of creative abilities, reconsideration of life values and goals can help to over-come this crisis. The last crisis (maturity crisis) is associated with the retirement, the assessment of “vita peracta”. Positive symptoms: high social achievements, sharing the experience with youth. Negative characteristics: change of a social status, death of close friends and relatives. One should accept his/her life journey as it is, taking part in social activities, etc. to overcome it. Thus, the reconsidering of life goals and life orientations occupies the central position in the description of the adulthood period crises, which is regarded as the common characteristics for all types of crises.


age crises, branches of the development, adulthood, experiencing, types of life crises, frustration.





1.Varban, Ye. O. (2010). Zhyttieva kryza: poniattia, kontseptsii ta proiavy [Life crisis: concepts and manifestations]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Kamianets Podilskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiienka, Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy – Collection of scientific works of Ivan Ohiienko Kamianets Podilskyi national university, G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine, 10, 120-133 [in Ukrainian].

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6.Morhun, V. F. (2010). Preventyvno-profilaktychnyi psykholohichnyi suprovid profesiinoi oriientatsii na osnovi bahatovymirnoi teorii osobystosti [Preventive psychological support of professional orientation on the basis of multi-dimensional theory of personality]. Psykholohichni perspektyvy–Psychological prospects, 16,205-216 [in Ukrainian].

7.Polishchuk, V. M. (2012). Kryza vkhodzhennia u doroslist yak perekhidnyi period vid yunatskoho viku do vstupu u doroslist [Crisis of entering the adulthood as a transition period from youth to adulthood]. Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota –Practical psychology and social work, 9,1-6 [in Ukrainian].

8.Soldatova, E. L. (2007). Struktura i dinamika normativnogo krizisa perekhoda k vzroslosti: monografiya [Structure and dynamics of crisis traisition to adulthood: monograh]. Chelyabinsk: Izd-vo YuUrGU [in Russian].

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10.Tytarenko, T. (2007). Zhyttievi kryzy: tekhnolohii konsultuvannia. Persha chastyna [Life crises: technologies of consulting. The first part]. Kyiv: Hlavnyk [in Ukrainian].

11.Tychyna, I. M. (2000). Tvorchist yak zasib podolannia zhyttievoi kryzy u doroslomu vitsi [Creativity as a means for overcoming life crisis in adulthood]. Dukhovnist ukrainstva: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Ukrainian spirituality: collection of scientific works, 2,33-36. Bilodid, Yu. (Ed.). Zhytomyr: Redaktsiino-vydavnychyi viddil IPST [in Ukrainian].

12.Erikson, E. Kh. (2002). Vosem vozrastov cheloveka [Eight age periods of a human being]. Detstvo i Obshchestvo –Childhood and society. 2nded. rev. Ale-kseeva, A. A. (transl.). Saint Petersburg: «Rech» [in Russian].

Kateryna Rusanova. Mindset Manifestation Peculiarities in the Representatives of Different Choreography Styles.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 124-129. Odessa.

 Kateryna Rusanova, 

post-graduate student,

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 Dancing is one of the types of artistic and creative activities, through which the inner world of a person can be expressed. Each style of choreography requires specific skills and talent. The article is aimed at identifying the mindset of individuals engaged in choreography activities according to different styles, by means of the method “Type of thinking” by G. V. Resorcinol. The study involved 107 dancers, improvisers, educators, directors, and actors who have succeeded in their profession. The obtained results have shown that the level of subject and active thinking of dancers majoring in any choreographic style is medium. Abstract and symbolic mindset is highly developed in improvisers and is poorly developed in choreographers-directors. Verbal and logical thinking has a high level of the development in improvisers and choreographers, and the lowest – in dancers-performers. Eye -mindedness is highly developed in all dancers, which is associated with creativity, artistic mindset and imagination. The development of eye-mindedness is the most important thing in any choreography style, especially for choreographers and improvisers. Verbal and logical thinking is the most important for teachers-tutors and improvisers. Subject and active thinking should be highly developed in all dancers, regardless of their occupation. However, abstract and symbolic thinking is not important for dancers regardless of their professional area, and the subject and active one as a primary mindset for dancer-performers, on the contrary, must be highly developed. Children and adolescents who deal with or are going to deal with choreography should develop and improve their eye-mindedness, subject and active, verbal and logical thinking, creativity, imagination, physical coordination, etc.


creativity, thinking styles, choreography, dancers, improvisers.




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