Natalia Volodarska. Model of Life Strategies of an Individual with Impaired Health: Optimization Techniques of Practicing in Terms of the Recreational System.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 36-41. Odessa.

Natalia Volodarska,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), leading researcher of the

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine,

2, Pankivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The issue of creating the conditions for an individual with impaired health staying in summer camps and recreational institutions requires taking into account the specificity of its emotional sphere, life strategies and adaptive capacity. That is why there is the necessity of creating psychological centres providing consultations for people with special

needs in terms of recreation. The article is aimed at determining the main psychological bases of life strategies of adolescents with impaired health, as well as the development and approbation of methods of the development of the system of life strategies in terms of recreation. The experiment involved 120 students with impaired health and 122 healthy students aged from 16 to 22. The following components of the main psychological peculiarities of life strategies of adolescents with impaired health have been distinguished: behavioural (low social activity, suspiciousness, conformity, passivity, hidden aggressiveness), emotional (increased anxiety, impressiveness, emotional instability, indecisiveness, shyness); motivational and volitional (avoiding failure, low self-esteem); cognitive (low working capacity level, increased fatigability). The general sense of purpose index of respondents with the impaired health is lower compared to healthy respondents, which is manifested in their self-distrust. The methods of life strategies development of an individual with impaired health are focused on the recovery of time line through the creation of a new story in a dialogue with others, realization of the events in the past and transforming them into biography. The following techniques aimed at the development of life strategies of adolescents with impaired health have been allocated: the method of experiencing the trauma through a dialogue, the exercise “The rope of memories”, the method “My resource and I”, the exercise “Memories on fingertips”. According to the research results, the positive changes have been noted. Thus, the applied techniques increase self-esteem, self-confidence and competence of adolescents with impaired health.


life strategy, development of personality’s life strategies, dialogue-phenomenological model of the development of individual’s life strategies components, mental trauma, crisis situations, recreational system.




1.Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K.A. (1991). Stratehyya zhyzny [Strategy of life].Moscow: Mysl [in Russian].

2. Aktualni problemy navchannya ta vykhovannya lyudeyz osoblyvymy potrebamy: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats [Actual problems of training and education of people with special needs: Collection of scientific papers]. (2002). Kiev [in Ukranian].

3. Volodarska, N.D. (2014). Aktyvizatsii a protsesu samotvorenni a metodamy grupovoi terapii [The intensification of the process of self-techniques by the group therapy]. Problemy humanitarnykh nauk: zb. nauk. prats Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka -Problems of humanitarian Sciences: Coll. Sciences. works Drohobych state pedagogical University Ivan Franko, 33, 17-28. Nadiya Skotna (Eds.). Drohobych: Redaktsiyno- vydavnychyy viddil DDPU imeni Ivana Franka [in Ukrainian].

4. Boryshevskyy, M. Y., Volodarska, N. D., Penkova, O.I. (2011).  Vykhovannya dukhovnosti osobystosti: naukovo- metodychnyy posibnyk [Development of personality spirituality: scientific - methodical manual]. Boryshevskyi, M.Y. (Eds.). Kyiv: Polihrafiya [in Ukrainian].

5. Volodarska, N.D. (2016). Perspektyvy zastosuvanny a metodiv dialohovoi psykhoterapii v umovakh suspilnykh Transformatsiy [Prospects of application of methods of the dialog psychotherapy under the conditions of social transformations]. Naukovyy visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriya “Psykholohichni nauky” –Scientific Bulletin of Kherson state University. “Psychological science”, 2, 24-30. Kherson [in Ukrainian].

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8. Leontyev, D.A. (1999). Psykhologiya smysla: priroda. Stroeniye i dinamika smyslovoy realnosti [Sense psychology: nature. Structure and dynamics of semantic reality]. Moscow: Smysl [in Russian].

9. Serdyuk, L.Z. (2016). Psykholohichni osnovy motyvatsii profesiinoho stanovlennya osobystosti [Psychological basis of motivation of professional formation of the personality]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrainy. Tom 1: Psykholohiya obdarovanosti – Relevant issues of psychology: collection of scientific works of Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine. Psychology of giftedness (Vols. 1), 12,202-210. Kyyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZHDU im. I.Franka [in Ukrainian].

10. Tatenko, V. O. (1995). Subiekt psikhologicheskoi aktivnosti: poisk novoy paradigmy [Subject of psychological activity: search of a new paradigm]. Psykhologicheskiy zhurnal – Psychological journal (Vols. 16), 3, 23-34) [in Russian].

11. Tytarenko, T.M. (2003). Zhyttievyi svit osobystosti: u mezhakh i za mezhamy budennosti [Vital world of the personality: in limits and outside the ordinary]. Kiev: Lybid [in Ukrainian].

Iryna Holovska, Yuliia Hrazhdyian. Psychological Conditions of Success Achievement Motivation Development of Students-Psychologists with the High Level of Internality.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 42-47. Odessa.

Iryna Holovska, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

Yuliia Hrazhdyian, 

Master-degree student, Department of Theory and Methods of 

Practical Psychology, Socio-Humanitarian Faculty, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine




This paper continues the research presented in the previous article “Impact of locus of control on the success achievement motivation of students-psychologists” and is focused on a group of students with the high level of internality and low achievement motivation. It presents an experiment that creates the psychological conditions of achievement motivation development of students with the high level of internality. The research is focused exactly on the low level of success achievement motivation with the high internality level, because the high internality level is associated with the high level of success achievement motivation. Probably, there are some factors causing the manifestation of the low level of success achievement motivation in students-psychologists with brightly expressed personal responsibility. A special technique aimed at increasing the success achievement motivation of students-psychologists with the high internality level, as well as at analyzing the dynamics of this process has been developed. The technique consisted of 10 discussion sessions on the subject “Psychological consulting” and involved 20 surveyed (4 boys and 16 girls). The sessions were divided into three units, according to which the intermediate results showing the dynamics of the development of motivation to achieve success, have been obtained. The preliminary, intermediate and final evaluation of data was carried out with the help of the following methods: a) writing as essay on the topic “My life goals. The ways I can achieve them”, b) four psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at achieving the level of internality and the level of success achievement motivation, c) analysis of motivation with the help of the model of expectations. As a result of the experiment, despite the positive dynamics, the number of students who have achieved the high level of success achievement motivation in all aspects of research is not more than 20%. A rather short duration of the experiment is considered to be one of the reasons for such results. This research should be continued in terms of searching for alternative methods for obtaining positive dynamics of success achievement motivation of students-psychologists and creating favourable psychological conditions of its development.


internality, externality, development of motivation for success achievement, orientation at success, sense, self-confidence.




1. Abulhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1991). Strategiya zhizni [Strategy of life].Moscow: Mysl [in Russian].

2. Bashkaeva, N., Verbitskiy, A. (2016). Psikhologiya motivatsii studentov [Psychology of students’ motivation]. Moscow: Litres [in Russian].

3. Gordeeva, T. O. (2006). Psikhologiya motivatsii dostizheniya [Psychology of motivation of achievement]. Moscow [in Russian].

4. Leontev, A. N. (1975). Deyatelnost. Soznanie. Lichnost [Activity. Consciousness. Personality]. Moscow [in Russian].

5. Makklelland, D. (2007). Motivatsiya cheloveka [Motivation of a person]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].

6. Orlov, Yu. M. (1984). Potrebnostno-motivatsionnyie faktory effektivnosti uchebnoy deyatelnosti studentov VUZ-a [Need and motivation factors of educational activity efficiency of students studying at higher education institution]. Doctor’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].

7. Odegov, Yu. G., Rudenko, G. G., Apenko, S. N., Merko, A. I. (2010). Motivatsiya personala: uchebnoe posobie. Prakticheskie zadaniya (praktikum) [Motivation of personnel: manual. Practical tasks (practical work)]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo «Alfa-Press» [in Russian].

8. Rean, A. A. (Ed.). (2002). Slovar po knige “Psikhologiya cheloveka ot rozhdeniya do smerti” [The dictionary according to the book “Psychology of the person from the birth to death”] Moscow [in Russian].

9. Hekhauzen, H. (2001). Psikhologiya motivatsii dostizheniya [Psychology of motivation of achievement]. Saint Peterburg: Rech [in Russian].

10. Chebykin, O. Ya. (2009). Problemy emotsiinoi rehuliatsii diialnosti [Issues of activities emotional regulation]. Mizhnar. nauk. - prakt. konf. «Stanovlennia emotsiinoi zrilosti osobystosti», -proceedings of the scientific conference “Formation of personality’s emotional maturity”. (pp. 8-9). Odesa [in Ukrainian].

Olena Hrek, Olena Nesterova. Psychological Support of Anxious Junior School Students Living in Single-Parent Families in Terms of Recreation.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 47-51. Odessa.

Olena Hrek, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, 

Olena Nesterova, 

Master-degree student, Faculty of Pscyhology, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine




The article deals with the theoretical review of modern approaches to the studying of the phenomenon of anxiety and anxiousness, its kinds and causes. The empirical experiment was aimed at examining the peculiarities of anxiety manifestation in junior school students living in single-parent families, as well as developing the programme of psychological support for such children at recreational institutions. The methodological base of the study involved the following techniques: “Non-existing animal”, “Cactus”, “Scale of evident anxiety for children”, “Personal scale of anxiety manifestation” (adapted by T. Nemchyn). The research results have shown that such properties as anxiety, verbal and physical aggression, impulsiveness, low self-esteem, fears are mostly peculiar for the surveyed. The developed psychological support involves diagnostic work, correctional and developmental work, consulting, and psychological instructing. The diagnostic work provides diagnostics of school children’s level of anxiety and other indicators using the above mentioned techniques. The correctional and developmental work involves psychological training aimed at decreasing the level of anxiety in junior school students from single-parent families having rest at a recreational institution. The main assignments of the training are the following: decreasing the level of anxiety, overcoming fears, increasing the level of self-esteem, stress revealing, development of communication skills. The consulting involves individual counseling, and psychological instruction involves reports of educators concerning this issue. This programme provides individual attention to every child having rest at a recreation institution.


anxiety, junior school age, single-parent family, psychological support.





1.Danilkov, A. A. (2004). Psikhologicheskiye sredstva regulyatsii situativnoy trevozhnosti v usloviyakh vremennogo detskogo kollektiva [Psychological means of regulation of situational uneasiness in the conditions of temporary children’s collective]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Novosibirsk [in Russian].

2.Ivanchenko, V. A. (2010). Sotsialno-psikhologicheskiye osobennosti detey iz nepolnykh semey [Socio-psychological peculiarities of children from single-parent families]. Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Ser. Filosofiya. Psikhologiya. Pedagogika. –News of Saratov University, Ser. Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Vol. 10, (pp. 69-72). Sarata [in Russian].

3.Lyutova, E. K., Monin, G. B. (2000). Shpargalka dlya vzroslykh: Psikhokorrektsionnaya rabota s giperaktivnymi, agressivnymi, trevozhnymi i autichnymi detmi [Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children]. Moscow: Akademiya [in Russian].

4.Miklyayeva, A. V., Rumyantseva, P. V. (2006). Shkolnaya trevozhnost: diagnostika. profilaktika. Korrektsiya [School anxiety: diagnosis, prevention, correction]. Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].

5.Prikhozhan, A. M. (2000). Trevozhnost u detey i podrostkov: psikhologicheskaya priroda i vozrastnaya dinamika [Anxiety in children and adolescents: psychological nature and age dynamics]. Voronezh: Izdvo NPO «MODEK» [in Russian].

6.Simonenko, S. N., Grek, E. N., Kostyunina, E.V. & Lezhenko, I. V. (2014). Rekreatsionnaya psikhologiya detstva: dostizheniya i perspektivy [Recreation psychology of childhood: achievements and prospects]. Nauka і osvіta –Science and education, 12, 7-12 [in Ukrainian].

7.Spivakovskaya, A. S. (2000). Psikhoterapiya: igra, detstvo, semia [Psychotherapy: game, childhood, family]. Moscow: OOO Aprel Press; ZAO Izd-vo EKS-MO-Press [in Russian].

8.Spilberger, Ch. D. (1983). Kontseptualnyye i metodologicheskiye problemy issledovaniya trevogi [Conceptual and methodological issues in anxiety research]. Zhurnal Stress i trevoga v sporte –Journal of stress and anxiety in sport. (pp. 12-24). Moscow [in Russian].

9.Chebikіn, O. Ya. & Soprun, І. P. (2001). Emotsіyna sfera dіtey. shcho vikhovuyutsya v rіznikh sotsіalnikh umovakh [Emotional sphere of children in different social conditions]. Nauka і osvіta –Science and education, 6, 3-5 [in Ukrainian].

10.Kyrpenko,T.M. (2015). Influence of psychological self-defense mechanisms on personal formation and behavior model of teens. Problems of Modern Psychology : Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, 27, 198-210. Maksymenko,S.D., Onufriieva,L.A.(Ed.). Kamianets-Podilskyi : Aksioma [in English].

Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Maryna Buriak, Natalia Skachkova. Peculiarities of Emotional State of Women with Different Types of Attitude Towards their Children.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 52-58. Odessa.

Tetiana Dehtiarenko,

Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Care,

Maryna Buriak,

post-graduate student, Department of Psychology,

Natalia Skachkova,

practical psychologistof children’s sanatorium ,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The review of the current state of scientific development of the issue of motherhood makes it possible to conclude that its phenomenology is multi-component and its components should be studied in the concept of individually-typological features of a mother’s personality. Motherhood is one of the leading social female roles; social norms and values have a decisive influence on the manifestation of the maternal attitude towards a child. The emotional state of a mother is significantly affected by the psycho-physiological development of a child, which is why the studying of the peculiarities of mental and emotional state of women with different types of their attitude towards their children is paticularly relevant and appropriate. The selection of adequate methods of psychological testing for the empirical study of the maternal attitude type (test “Figures” by V. Brutman, G. Filippova and I. Khamitova) and the peculiarities of mental and emotional state of mothers according to the symptoms of depression (questionnaire by A. Beck), indicators of situational and personal anxiety (scale by Ch. Spielberger & Yu. Khanin) and the level of neuroticism (express-diagnostics of neuroticism by K. Kheck and Kh. Khess), has been performed. The study involved 81 women (mothers). The inter-pretation of the results according to the questionnaire by A. Beck (aiming to reveal the state of depression in women) has shown that 31 mothers (38%) are in the state of deep depression, 42 women (52%) are characterized by minor signs of depression, and 8 women (10%) are characterized by normal state. The analysis of the obtained results has shown the following: the low level of situational and personal anxiety was determined in 17% of mothers and 15%, respectively; the moderate level of situational and personal anxiety was revealed in 52% and 53% of the surveyed, respectively; the high level of situational and personal anxiety was determined in 31% and 32% of mothers, respectively. The resultsobtained by means of the express-diagnostics of neuroticism by K. Kheck and Kh. Khess have revealed the following: the vast majority of mothers have the high level of neuroticism (55 women, which is 68%); 26 women (32%) have the low level of neuroticism.



maternal attitude, emotional state, formed, anxious, ignoring type.



  1. Dehtiarenko,T.V. (2005). Materynske vidnoshennia z uskladnenoiu vahitnistiu: suchasnyi stan i aktualnist problemy [Mother’s attitude in case of complicated pregnancy: current status and the relevance of the problem]. Visnyk psykhiatriita psykhofarmakoterapii: nauk. zhurnal VAK – Bulletin of psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy: academic journal, 1(7),39-43 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Dehtiarenko,T.V. (2013). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti materynskoho stavlennia u zhinok, yaki vykhovuiut ditei z vidkhylenniamy u sykhofizychnomu rozvytku [Psychological features of the attitude of women who bring up children with deviations in psychophysical

development]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 7, 146-150 [in Ukrainian].

  1. Raihorodskyy,D.Ya. (2001). Praktycheskaia psikhodiagnostika. Metodikii testy [Practical psychodiagnostics. Techniques and fathers – inlaw]. Samara: Bakhrakh [in Russian].
  2. Filippova,G.G. (2002). Psykhologiya materinstva [Psychology of motherhood]. Moscow: Yzd-vo Ynstituta Psykhoterapii [in Russian].
  3. Erikson,E. (2000). Detstvo i obshhestvo [Childhood and society]. Moscow: Yzd-vo Letniysad [in Russian].
  4. Dehtiarenko,T.V. (2016). Psykhofiziolohichni aspekty fenomenolohii materynstva [Psychophysiological aspects of phenomenology of motherhood]. Mizhnarodnyi medyko-filosofskyi zhurnal «Intehratyvna antropolohiia» – International medico-philosophical journal «Integrative Anthropology», 1(27),69-73 [in Ukrainian].
  5. Gerkhad,S. (2012). Kak lyubov formiruet mozg rebjonka [The way love forms the child’s brain].Moscow: Eterna [in Russian].

8. Brutman, V.Y. (2002). Dinamika psikholog-icheskogo sostoyaniya zhenshchin vo vremya beremennosti i posle rodov [Dynamics of psychological state of women during pregnancy and after the delivery].Voprosypsihologii–Issues of Psychology, 1,59-68 [in Russian].

Larysa Zhuravlova, Vitaliia Luchkiv. Study of Assertive Behavior Strategies in Recreation.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 59-63. Odessa.

Larysa Zhuravlova, 

Doctor (hab) of Psychology, professor, 

Dean of Socio-Psychological Faculty, 

Head of the Department of Social and Practical Psychology, 

Vitaliia Luchkiv, 

post-graduate student, Department of Social and Practical Psychology, 

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,

40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the features of children’s assertive behavior strategies in the environment of recreational summer camps. The following experimental criteria of the levels of empathy attitudes and corresponding assertive behavior strategies have been determined: positive or negative attitude of an individual to the other person; passive or active reactions to the empathy situation, stability of these reactions; functioning of relevant psychological mechanisms (empathy attitudes, emotional contagion and emotional identification, personal and moral reflection, humanistic attitudes, including willingness to assistance, decentration and anticipation). Different behavioral strategies in interpersonal interactions are based on relevant empathy relations. Anti-empathy and indifferent relations are the part of the indifferently-aggressive behavior strategy. This behavior strategy of schoolchildren is characterized by efficient and stable negative attitude towards others, which is manifested in indifference and aggressiveness. The modality of experiencing interaction by an individual is considered to be dissonant. Egocentric assertive behavior strategy is based on empathy (the other person is considered as a stimulus of his/her own selfish feelings). Subject centric strategy of assertiveness is conditioned by positive attitude towards the other person, which is manifested in sympathy. Prosocial assertive strategy is manifested in passive - efficient (passive empathy attitudes: simulation of helping behavior) or active-efficient (real assistance without any detriment of oneself) behavior. Assertiveness of these persons is developed at the level of personal quality. Altruistic (subject - effective) assertive strategy of behavior is represented by the highest (altruistic) level of the empathy attitudes (assistance to the detriment of oneself). The angular Fisher transformation for the comparison of indicators obtained by means of the carried out experiment and testing has not found significant differences between them. Recreational conditions in a children’s summer camp are facilitative for the researching of the empathy determination of assertiveness and studying of the relevant assertive strategies by means of the natural experiment.


assertiveness, assertive behavior, assertive strategies, empathy, integrated empathy, empathy attitudes, recreational conditions.




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